The estimated acreage response function for chickpea keeping all the explanatory variables in the model is given in the equation 1 (a):
2 = 0.9025.
F (11,3) = 2.53(NS).
The estimated acreage response function using the backward elimination method is given in equation 1 (b):
Eqn 1 (b) Estimated Acreage response function of chickpea
t = -1026.189** (325.938) - 0.486* A
t-1 (0.188) + 0.439** I
t (0.043)
2 = 0.7966.
F (2, 12) = 23.29 (1 per cent level of significance).
*5 per cent level of significance.
**1 per cent level of significance.
None of the coefficients in the original model using all explanatory variables was significant. The F value was also non-significant. The factors like rainfall and irrigated area in current year, irrigated area during lagged year, variability in prices were found to have coefficients with the expected sign. One year lagged area of selected pulse, one year lagged yield of selected pulse, one year lagged price of selected pulse, one year lagged yield of the competing crop, one year lagged price of competing crop, lagged rainfall and variability in yield were not on the expected line.
The estimated acreage response function using backward elimination method given in equation 1(b) revealed that the explanatory variables like lagged area under pulse crop and irrigated area during current year were statistically significant and explained 79.66 per cent variation, demonstrating their substantial influence on the decisions regarding area under chickpea. The lagged area under pulse crop may indicate the influence of crop rotation practices. While Current-year irrigated area’s significance suggests that water availability has a substantial impact on chickpea cultivation. Adequate irrigation can boost chickpea production, making it an attractive choice for farmers. The estimated multiple acreage model was also statistically significant as evidenced from the F value. The negative sign of coefficient for At-1 indicates that the acreage under chickpea has been declining over the years. However, the positive sign for It was on the expected lines. Birla (2014) worked on acreage response of chickpea and found that price factors were important in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan whereas non-price factors were important in Maharashtra.
The elasticity coefficient of chickpea with respect to significant variables in the acreage response function equation 1(b) is given in Table 2. The elasticity coefficients of significant variables for acreage response function of chickpea revealed that acreage under chickpea was positively elastic to current year irrigated area and negatively elastic to one year lagged area. Apparently, it was not on the expected line to have negative elasticity for acreage under a particular crop to lagged area.
Acreage response function of pigeonpea
The estimated acreage response function for pigeonpea keeping all the explanatory variables in the model is given in the equation 2 (a):
Eqn. 2 (a) Estimated Acreage response function of pigeonpea
t = 15.235 (12.450) - 0.269 A
t-1 (0.479) - 0.007 Y
t-1 (0.007)
- 0.001 P
t-1 (0.002)
+ 0.0001 Y
ct-1 (0.004) + 0.001 Pct-1 (0.002) + 0.241 Rt (0.120) + 0.001 Rt-1 (0.126) - 0.007 It (0.004) + 0.006* It-1 (0.003) + 0.004 Spt-1 (0.007) + 0.028* Syt-1 (0.009)
2 = 0.9423.
F (11,3) = 4.452 (NS).
The estimated acreage response function using the backward elimination method is given in equation 2 (b):
Eqn. 2 (b) Estimated Acreage response function of pigeonpea
t = 11.218** (3.557) - 0.005* Y
t-1 (0.002) + 0.195** R
t (0.043) - 0.005** I
t (0.001) + 0.004** I
t-1 (0.001)
+ 0.021**Sy
2 = 0.9097.
F (5, 9) = 18.15 (1 per cent level of significance)
The estimated acreage response function of pigeonpea keeping all the 11 explanatory variables revealed that the coefficient of one year lagged irrigated area (I
t-1) and variation in yield (Sy
t-1) were significant. The F value was non- significant. The variables like rainfall in current year, rainfall in lagged year, one year lagged irrigated area were on the expected lines. However, the sign of coefficient of variables like lagged area, lagged yield, lagged prices, lagged yield and lagged prices of competing crop and irrigated area in current year, variation in prices and variation in yield were not on expected lines. The negative sign of coefficients of A
t-1 is conformity with the negative growth of area under pigeonpea.
Savadatti (2007) revealed that in rainfed areas farm harvest prices and good weather conditions positively influenced the area allocation decision of the farmers.
Tuteja (2006) found that in allocating land to arhar, moong and urad, farmers considered lagged acreage and magnitude of pre-sowing rainfall as the most important factors.
The estimated acreage response function using backward elimination method given in equation 2(b) revealed that the explanatory variables like lagged yield, rainfall and irrigated area in current year, lagged irrigated area and variations in yield were statistically significant and explained 90.97 per cent variation in area under pigeonpea. This is because these factors have direct impact on crop performance and farmer decision-making, with each variable contributing to optimizing production and mitigating risks associated with weather and resource availability. The estimated multiple acreage model was also statistically significant as evidenced from the F value. The negative sign for I
t may be due to the fact that as the irrigation potential increases, the choice of the farmers may be for crop other than pigeonpea.
The elasticity coefficient of pigeon pea with respect to significant variables in the acreage response function equation 2(b) is given in Table 3. The elasticity coefficients of significant variables for acreage response function of pigeonpea revealed that acreage under pigeonpea was positively elastic to rainfall in current year, lagged irrigated area and variation in yield.
Apparently, it was not on the expected line to have negative elasticity for acreage under a particular crop to irrigated area and one year lagged yield.
Acreage response function of moong bean
The acreage response function for moong bean was estimated keeping only 9 explanatory variables in the model as the data on prices of moong bean for the period (2000-01 to 2005-06) were not available. Therefore, the variables P
t-1 and Sp
t-1 were excluded from the model. The estimated acreage response function for moong bean keeping all the 9 explanatory variables in the model is given in the equation 3 (a):
Eqn. 3 (a) Estimated Acreage response function of moong bean
At = 139.760(526.460) - 0.161 At-1 (0.382) + 0.005 Yt-1 (0.570) + 0.048 Yct-1 (0.185) + 0.277 Pct-1(0.238) + 14.157 R
t (5.971) + 13.039 R
t-1 (11.438) - 0.024 I
t (0.151) - 0.174 I
t-1(0.202) - 0.681 Sy
t-1 (0.699)
2 = 0.8313.
F (9, 5) = 2.74 (NS).
The estimated acreage response function using the backward elimination method is given in equation 3 (b):
Eqn. 3 (b) Estimated Acreage response function of moong bean
t = 42.329 (178.141) + 0.129** P
ct-1 (0.041) + 9.391** R
t (2.946)
2 = 0.6593.
F (5, 9) = 11.612 (1 per cent level of significance).
None of the coefficients in the original model using all explanatory variables is significant. The F value was also non-significant. The factors like one year lagged yield, rainfall in current year, rainfall in lagged year and variability in yield were found to have coefficients with the expected sign. The coefficients of one year lagged area of selected pulse, one year lagged yield and price of the competing crop, irrigated area in current year and lagged irrigated area were not on the expected line.
The estimated acreage response function using backward elimination method given in equation 3(b) revealed that the explanatory variables like price of competing crop and rainfall in current year were statistically significant and explained 65.93 per cent variation in area under moong bean. These variables interact to influence the economic viability and environmental suitability of moong bean cultivation, ultimately affecting farmers’ decisions regarding its cultivation area. The estimated multiple acreage model was also statistically significant as evidenced from the F value. The positive influence of price of competing crop for acreage under moong bean was may be due to the reason that the price of competing crop (Bajra) is fairly not good in the state.
Tuteja (2006) found that that acreage allocation in
rabi pulses,
i.e. gram and massar got influenced by lagged acreage followed by relative price in most of the analyzed cases whereas in
kharif pulses
i.e. in allocating land to arhar, moong and urad, farmers considered lagged acreage and magnitude of pre-sowing rainfall as the most important factors.
The elasticity coefficient of moong bean with respect to significant variables in the acreage response function equation 3(b) is given in Table 4. The elasticity coefficients of significant variables for acreage response function of moong bean revealed that acreage under moong bean was positively elastic to price of competing crop and rainfall in current year. Apparently it was not on the expected line to have positive elasticity for acreage under particular crop to lagged prices of competing crop. It may be due to the fact that acreage under moong bean and prices of Bajra have been growing in the state in an inter-related manner during the study period.
Acreage response function of urd bean
The acreage response function for urd bean was estimated keeping only 9 explanatory variables in the model as the data on farm harvest prices of urd bean for the period (2000-01 to 2005-06) were not available. Therefore, the variables P
t-1 and Sp
t-1 were excluded from the model. The estimated acreage response function for urd bean keeping all the 9 explanatory variables in the model is given in the equation 4 (a)
Eqn 4 (a) Estimated Acreage response function of urd bean
t = 184.802 (244.741) + 0.539 A
t-1(0.479) + 0.399 Y
t-1 (0.287) - 0.175 Y
ct-1(0.218) + 0.113 P
ct-1 (0.183) - 2.446 R
t (4.214) + 3.042 R
t-1 (3.489) - 0.036 I
t (0.090) - 0.072 I
t-1 (0.073)- 0.251 Sy
t-1 (0.404)
2 = 0.5384.
F (9, 5) = 0.65 (NS).
None of the coefficients in the original model using all the explanatory variables were significant. The F value was also non-significant. The signs of coefficients of price of competing crop, rainfall and irrigated area in current year, lagged irrigated area were not on expected lines. It may be due to the fact that acreage under urd bean is not systematically governed by these factors. And the factors like one year lagged area and yield of pulse crop, yield of competing crop, lagged rainfall and variation in yield found to have coefficients with expected signs. The positive sign of coefficient for A
t-1 indicates that the acreage under urd bean has been increasing over the years.
The method using backward elimination method did not reveal any relationship for urd bean. This may be due to the reason that all variables that we have taken were not governed the acreage under urd bean.
Thus the acreage under different pulse crop is determined by different factors. The acreage under chickpea was found to be positively elastic to current year irrigated area and negatively elastic to one year lagged area under pulse crop, the acreage under pigeonpea was found to be positively elastic to the rainfall pattern, lagged irrigated area and variability in yield. As far as moong bean is concerned acreage was found to be positively elastic to one year lagged price of competing crop (Bajra) and rainfall in current year. The price policy, rainfall pattern, technological factors and irrigated area etc. affect the acreage under different pulses in the state.