The role of Biofertilizers in the agricultural ecosystem is very important, resulting in increased soil fertility, mineral and water uptake, root development, vegetative growth and also preventing diseases in field crops. The study found a substantial relationship between different levels of phosphorus and phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria on the growth and yield of soybean. The significant variation in the plant height among the different treatments at 30 DAS, 60 DAS, 90 DAS and at harvest is presented in Table 1. At 30DAS, the highest plant height was recorded as 35.55cm in the treatment T5 (75% P
5 + PSB) which is statistically at par with the treatments T4 and T6 and the lowest plant height was found to be 25.53 cm with the treatment T1 (Absolute control). Where, at 60 DAS, the highest plant height was observed as 62.62 cm under the treatment T5 (75% P
5 + PSB) which is statistically at par with the treatments T4 and T6 and the lowest plant height was found to be 46.44cm in T1. At 90 DAS, the maximum plant height was recorded as 78.64 cm in T5 (75% P
5 + PSB) followed by 78.54cm in T4 (50% P
5 + PSB) and the minimum height was recorded as 62.10 cm in T1 (control) treatments. The treatment T5 was found statistically at par with the treatments T4 and T6. At harvest, the highest plant height was found as 86.37cm with the treatment T5 which is statistically at par with the treatment T4 and T6 whereas the lowest plant height was recorded as 70.88 cm. The notable increase in the plant height is because of the inoculation of PSB along with the fertilizers which will improve the P-solubilization in the soil and make it available to the plant. Phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria are indirectly responsible for the Nutrient use efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorous
(Duarah et al., 2011). Phosphorus is an important component of the cell nucleus which helps in cell division and root development thus leading to enhancement in the plant height. The results of the experiment appeal closely to the findings of
David et al., (2022).
At 30 DAS, leaf area Index was found highest in T5 (75% P
5 + PSB) and was recorded as 1.49 and the lowest was observed in T1 (control) as 0.63. At 60 DAS, the highest LAI was found as 2.67 in the T5 (75% P
5 + PSB) which was statistically at par with the treatments T4 and the lowest as 0.95 in T1 (Absolute control). At 90DAS, the highest and lowest LAI was found as 3.24 and 0.87 in T5 (75%P + PSB) and T1 (Control) respectively and shown in Table 2. Similar findings were documented by
Kumar et al., (2020). The increase in the leaf area index is due to the fact that phosphorous being an important component for the energy transfer and translocation of nutrients in plants is responsible for cell elongation and division.
At 30 DAS, maximum chlorophyll content was recorded as 4.98 mg/gm of fresh weight in T5 (75% P
5 + PSB) followed by 4.73 mg/gm of fresh weight in T4 (50% P
5 + PSB) and lowest was observed as 2.98 mg/gm of fresh weight in T1 (absolute control). At60 DAS, the highest chlorophyll content was reported as 7.26 mg/gm of fresh weight in T5 (75% P
5+ PSB) and the lowest was recorded as 4.97 mg/gm of fresh weight in T1 (absolute control). At 90 DAS, the highest chlorophyll content was examined as 9.19 mg/gm of fresh weight in T5 (75% P
5 + PSB) and the lowest was recorded as 7.07 mg/gm of fresh weight in T1 (absolute control) and shown in Table 3. The increase in the chlorophyll content is attributed to the availability of phosphorous with inoculation of PSB. Phosphorous is an important component of chlorophyll and improve the photosynthetic activity which ultimately leads to the production of ATP molecules. These results are in correspondence with the findings of
ShomeS et al., (2022) and
Jakhar et al., (2018) which demonstrate that the application of phosphorous along with PSB would improve the chlorophyll content and thus photosynthesis.
The highest and lowest number of branches per plant was reported in T5 (75% P
5 + PSB) and T1 (Control) as 5.77 and 3.13 respectively at 60DAS. At 90DAS, the maximum of branches was recorded as 6.89 in T5 (75% P
5 + PSB) followed by 6.39 in T4 (50% P2O5 + PSB) and the minimum number of branches was recorded as 4.04 in T1 (Control) and presented in Table 4. The increase in the number of branches is attributed to the availability of nutrients in the root zone which improved the uptake of nutrients in the available form that enhances the metabolic process in the plant results on the increased number of branches and other growth attributes. Close results were recorded by
Pawar et al., (2018) and
Pawar P.U et al., (2018).
At 90DAS, the highest fresh weight was obtained as 75.08gm/plant in the treatment where 75% P
5 of recommended phosphorous and PSB (T5) was applied and the lowest in the control treatment T1 as 57.64 gm/plant and shown in Table 5. The increase in fresh weight is attributed to the release of plant growth-promoting substances due to inoculation PSB along with the fertilizers at 90DAS. the highest dry weight was examined in the treatment T5 as 33.10gm/plant where 75% P
5 of recommended phosphorous and PSB was applied and the lowest was observed as 20.90 gm/plant in the T1 treatment where both fertilizers and biofertilizers were not applied and shown in Table 5 and depicted graphically. Increase in the dry weight of plant was observed with from growth stage to harvest stage. It is attributed to the better source to sink efficiency. PSB improves the photosynthetic efficiency which enhances the photosynthates that ultimately result in increased growth and dry matter accumulation.
Goswami et al., (2019) and
Hossain et al., (2020) also screened close results related to the present findings.
The number of pods per plant was found highest in Treatment T5 (75% P
5 + PSB) and lowest in T1 (Control) with 142.93 pods/plant and 106.18 pods/plant respectively as shown in Table 5. The results obtained is comparable with the investigations of
Lingaraju et al., (2016), The increased number pods with the application of PSB and phosphorous fertilizers is attributed to the increased flowering and fruiting because of the availability of phosphorus and other nutrients in the available forms.
Desai et al., (2019) and
Pawar et al., (2018) also reported close results to these findings.
Total seed yield was found highest at 2.03 t/hac in T5 (75% P
5 + PSB) followed by 1.76 t/hac in T4 (50%P + PSB) and lowest at 1.05 t/hac in T5(75% P
5 + PSB) and T1 (Control) and represented in Table 5. The increased yield may have resulted from the enhanced growth and yield attributes of plants by the inoculation of PSB and different levels of phosphorous. Similar results were screened by
Shome et al., (2022) and
Kumar and Sharma (2018). A significant increase in the seed yield with different treatment combinations is attributed to the conversion of insoluble phosphorous into soluble phosphorous with the help of organic acids produced by the PSB. Improved biological nitrogen fixation and enhanced uptake of nutrients which further get translocated to the plant’s parts. Thus, increased growth and yield attributes as seen in the case number of pods, plant height, LAI, chlorophyll, dry weight, etc lead to a significant increase in seed yield.