Location of study
The present study was carried out at Department of Climate Change and Agricultural Meteorology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab during 2014-18.
Study area
The study area comprise of maize growing regions of trans-gangetic plains which includes Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and northern Rajasthan. Punjab lies between 31.1°N and 75.3°E, whereas Haryana lies between 29.0°N and 76.1°E. The coordinates of Delhi are 28.7°N and 77.1°E. Northern parts of Rajasthan were not taken in present study due to non-significant maize area and yield.
Data collection
Daily weather data for the period of 2020-2025 was derived from marksim weather generator (https://gismap.ciat. cigar.org/MarksimGCM/) for the climatic scenario RCP8.5. Average maize yield data (2001-2015) for calibration and validation was collected from statistical abstracts of Punjab, Haryana and Delhi.
Future crop yield prediction
The crop yield prediction for maize has been predicted upto mid-century (2020-2050) using InfoCrop model for the whole states of Punjab, Haryana and Delhi. The model was first calibrated using maize yield data from 2001-10 and validated using data of 2010-15 before predicting the changes in future climatic perspectives.
Model Description
InfoCrop model is a generic crop model which simulates the effect of weather, soils, agronomic practices like planting, nitrogen, residues and irrigation and major pests on the crop growth, yield
The input requirements of the model are:
· Site information
1. Station name
2. Latitude
3. Longitude
4. Altitude
1. Daily maximum temperature (°C)
2. Daily minimum temperature (°C)
3. Daily precipitation (mm)
4. Daily solar radiation (MJ m
-2 day
1. Thermal days
2. Optimum temperature
3. Maximum temperature
4. Base temperature
5. Relative growth rate of leaf
6. Specific leaf area
7. Radiation use efficiency
Model calibration
The process of adjusting model parameters to the local conditions is known as calibration. It is required for generating genetic coefficients for new cultivars used in modeling study. The model was calibrated using maize cultivar PMH 4 as this variety is suitable for Punjab, Haryana and Delhi.
Model validation
The purpose of the validation is to compare simulated and observed yield for year that was not used for model calibration. The data of year 2011 to 2015 was used for validation. Simulation performance was evaluated by calculating different statistic indices like R2, d-statand ME (model efficiency). Model performance improved as R
2 and d-stat value approaches to unity while model efficiency proceeds to 100.
Modeling efficiency (%)
This is defined as a mathematical measure of how well a model simulation fits the available observations.

Oi and Si represent the observed and simulated values and Oav is the observed average.
It is the measure of goodness of fit of linear regression. It is a statistic used in the context of statistical models whose main purpose is either the prediction of future outcomes or the testing of hypotheses, on the basis of other related information. The value R
2 is a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0.