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Agricultural Science Digest, volume 40 issue 4 (december 2020) : 335-342

Weed Flora of Vineyards in Diyarbakır Province, Turkey

Esmanur Pekcan Kaçar, Cumali Özaslan
1Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Dicle University, 21280, Diyarbakır, Turkey.
Cite article:- Kaçar Pekcan Esmanur, Özaslan Cumali (2020). Weed Flora of Vineyards in Diyarbakır Province, Turkey. Agricultural Science Digest. 40(4): 335-342. doi: 10.18805/ag.D-259.
Background: Viticulture occupies an important place in agricultural production of Diyarbakır province, Turkey. However, weeds significantly impair the productivity of vineyards in the province. The knowledge of weed flora of a particular region is crucial to develop region-specific weed management strategies. 
Methods: This study was carried out to determine the weed species, their densities and frequency of occurrence in 78 vineyards of 13 districts in Diyarbakır province. Exploratory surveys were conducted to record the occurrence, density and coverage area of weed species. A 1×1 m quadrate was used, which was randomly placed in vineyards and weed species falling within the quadrate were noted.
Result: A total 165 weed species and 128 taxa belonging to 35 botanical families (1 parasitic, 16 monocotyledons and 18 dicotyledons) were identified from the surveyed area. The weed species’ density over the whole province was 91 weeds m-2. Avena sterilis L. was the most widespread weed with the highest density (9.93 plants m-2) in the surveyed area followed by Fumaria asepale Boiss. (7.18), Galium tricornutum (4.85), Ranunculus arvensis (3.82), Silene aegyptiaca (3.70), Bromus sterilis (3.64) Lamium purpureum (3.58), Hordeum spontaneum (3.35), Anthemis sp. (3.07), Crepis alpina (2.94), Thlaspi perfoliatum (2.91), Alopecurus myosuroides (2.81), Bongardia chrysogonum (2.80), Scandix pecten-veneris (2.24), Cynodon dactylon (1.71), Hypecoum procumbens (1.69), Lolium perenne (1.41), Sorghum halepense (1.33), Sinapis arvensis (1.24), Buglossoides arvense (1.22), Daucus carota (1.21), Trifolium nigrescens (1.21), Vicia hybrida (1.05), Senecio vernalis (1.04) and Ornithogalum narbonense (1.02). The most prevalent weed were L. purpureum (66.68%), Papaver sp. (66.49%), S. vernalis (65.82%), Anthemis sp. (65.10%), A. sterilis (63.07%), R. arvensis (60.44%), Convolvulus arvensis (56.76%), Carduus pycnocephalus (55.79%), G. tricornutum (55.43%), Fumaria asepale (55.05%), Crepis alpina (54.08%), Thlaspi perfoliatum (51.95%) and S. arvensis (51.04%). 
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