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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 58 issue 12 (december 2024) : 2057-2063

Comparative Study of Thermoregulatory and Thermogenic Characteristics of Three Sympatric Rodent Species: The Impact of High-temperature Acclimation

Yan Geng1, Wan-Long Zhu1,*
1School of Life Sciences, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650 500, China.
Cite article:- Geng Yan, Zhu Wan-Long (2024). Comparative Study of Thermoregulatory and Thermogenic Characteristics of Three Sympatric Rodent Species: The Impact of High-temperature Acclimation . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 58(12): 2057-2063. doi: 10.18805/IJAR.BF-1840.

Background: Ambient temperature is one of the important factors affecting the survival of small mammals in the wild and different animals have different ways of regulating when face the same environmental temperature and different temperatures will also make the same species adjust the energy budget. Therefore, it is helpful to further understand the survival and adaptation patterns of different animals to study the different adjustment modes of animals in the same region in the face of high temperature environment.

Methods: In the present study, three rodents, Apodemus chevrieri, Eothenomys miletus and E. olitor, were exposed to a high temperature (Ta) of 30°C for 28 days. And then body mass, body temperature (Tb), resting metabolic rate (RMR) and thermal conductance (C) were measured at Ta from 5°C to 35°C.

Result: The results showed that Tb of all three mammals increased significantly with the increase of Ta. And thermal neutral zones (TNZ) among three animals were all 25°C-30°C. Moreover, RMR increased with the increase of Ta above the upper critical temperature Within the range of 30°C to 35°C. C values in three mammals maintained stable within the Ta of 5°C-25°C, which increased with the increase of Ta above 25°C. All of the results suggested that three sympatric rodent species raised their Tb, narrowed their TNZ and changed C values to adapt to the high temperature. Moreover, change amplitudes of thermoregulation characteristics in E. olitor were small, indicating that E. olitor may have the strong adaptability under high temperature acclimation.

Mammals can enhance their adaptability to natural environmental variations by adaptively regulating physiological characteristics, thereby increasing their survival ability in the field (Jia et al., 2024). Environmental factors such as temperature, food resources and photoperiod can infiuence the energy balance of mammals in the wild. Among them, temperature is extremely important for their survival and adaptation. Different environmental temperatures force small mammals to choose different thermoregulation modes (Zhang et al., 2012). Thermoregulation is a significant research topic in physiological ecology. Numerous studies have shown that the body temperature of animals is related to the change in the external environment temperature and the heat exchange between the body surface and the surrounding environment takes place in the form of radiation, convection, conduction, or evaporation (Li et al., 2010). Therefore, whether small mammals can maintain a stable body temperature affect their survival adaptations (Zhu et al., 2008).
Thermal neutral zone (TNZ) refers to the temperature range within which metabolic rate does not vary with environmental temperature changes and the metabolic rate is lowest in this temperature range (Kaikaew et al., 2017). It is advantageous for animals¢ growth and development (Mitchell et al., 2018). Because within the TNZ, animals do not need to expend additional energy to maintain stable body temperature, thereby reducing energy consumption, foraging time and lowering the risk of predation (Mitchell et al., 2018). Basic metabolic rate (BMR) is the lowest energy expenditure used by animals to maintain basic physiological functions, which is the metabolic rate in TNZ (Kaikaew et al., 2017; Zhu et al., 2022). Thermal conductance (C) value is closely related to environmental temperature, which is one of the factors that affect animal energy consumption (Naya et al., 2013). Previous researches on energy metabolism in small rodents mainly focus on the effects of cold temperatures. For example, body temperature in Lasiopodomys brandtii decreased significantly in the first two hours after cold exposure, while it remained relatively stable under cold acclimation for 28 days (Hou et al., 1999). Thermogenic capacity and self maintenance energy consumption of Meriones unguiculatus increased under low temperature, leading to an increase in energy intake (Li et al., 2004). As global environmental temperatures continue to rise (Qin, 2014; Zhou and Tang, 2023), it is significant to study how small mammals regulate their physiological characteristics to adapt to high-temperature environments (Guo et al., 2020; Khakisahneh et al., 2020).
Hengduan Mountain is a typical north-south mountain peak in China, with unique geological features and rich biodiversity (Jia et al., 2024). Yunnan Red-backed Vole (Eothenomys miletus and E. olitor) were native species of this regions, belonging to the Cricetidae. Eothenomys species lives in camp caves and mainly feeds on plants in the families of Poaceae, Asteraceae and Leguminosae (Yan and Zhu, 2023; Zhu and Wang, 2015; Zhu et al., 2014a). Apodemus chevrieri (Chevrier's Field Mouse), a typical Palearctic realm species, belongs to the Murinae. Apodemus species prefers to eat seeds (Zhu et al., 2014b). Our previous results showed that there were species differences in thermoregulation and thermogenic characteristics among the three rodents. Body temperature and BMR of the two Eothenomys species were found to be lower than those of in A. chevrieri, while the TNZ exhibited narrow ranges in all three animals (Zhu et al., 2008; Zhu et al., 2013). However, there have been no reports on the thermoregulation of three sympatric rodent species under high-temperature acclimation. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the physiological temperature regulation mechanisms employed by A. chevrieri, E. miletus and E. olitor in order to adapt to high temperature conditions, as well as determine which rodent species exhibits a stronger capacity for thermal adaptation.
Animal collection
All three species of animals were captured in Yunlong County (98°52'-99°46’E, 25°28'-26°23'N, 2335 m, the annual precipitation is 849.4 mm and the average annual temperature is 16°C) in 2023 within some sampling areas of (20 m×20 m), using rat cages to capture the animals (Yang and Zhu., 2023). After disinfecting and killing fleas, they were brought back to the animal room of Yunnan Normal University and single cage feeding, temperature 25±1°C, photoperio12L:12D. Food (standard mice chow pellets, produced by Kunming Medical University, Kunming, China) and water were provided ad libitum. Rodents used in the present experiment were not pregnant, lactating, or young individuals. This experiment was conducted at Yunnan Normal University, starting in 2023 and lasting for three months. A. chevrieri (n = 15, ♀ : ♂ = 10:5, average body mass is 30.38 g), E. miletus (n = 14, ♀ : ♂ = 9:5, average body mass is 39.00 g) and E. olitor (n = 12, ♀ : ♂ = 6:6, average body mass is 34.74 g) were adapted in the animal room for one month and then acclimated for 28 days under the conditions of 30°C and 12L: 12D. After high temperature acclimation, body mass, body temperature (Tb) and resting metabolic rate (RMR) of the three animals were measured and the thermal conductance was calculated (McNab, 2009). After the experiment, all animals were returned to normal ambient temperature (25°C) for feeding. All animal procedures were within the rules of Animals Care and Use Committee of School of Life Sciences, Yunnan Normal University. This study was approved by the committee (13-0901-011).
Determination of Tb, RMR and C
Randomly select 7-8 animals of each species on 08:00 am, body mass, Tb and RMR were measured in ambient temperature (Ta) of 5°C, 10°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 27.5°C, 30°C, 32.5°C and 35°C, respectively. Body mass was measured using an analytical balance (AB204-S, Switcherland, accuracy of 0.01 g). Tb was measured using a digital thermometer (XGN-1000T, Beijing Yezhiheng Technology Co. Ltd., accuracy of 0.1°C). RMR was measured by an 8 channel FMS portable respiratory (Sable Systems International, Inc., USA). And the animals were fasted for 2-4 hours before the measurement, place the animal in a metabolic chamber (1.5 L), air flow was 200 mL/min, the experimental temperature was controlled at 25±0.5°C using an artificial climate box (SPX-300 type, Shanghai Boxun Medical Equipment Factory, China), animals adapt to a resting state in the metabolic chamber for 30 minutes, open the Expe Data software to measure metabolic rate for 4 rounds, with each round lasting 15 minutes. Data was recorded every 5 minutes for a total of 60 minutes. After the experiment, export the experimental data and select the lowest oxygen consumption as its RMR, then using Expe Data analysis software for data conversion and analysis. C value was calculated according to the McNab formula:
                  (McNab, 2009).
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, United States). Before all statistical analyses, data were examined for normality and homogeneity of variance using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levene tests, respectively. Differences in physiological indicators between the different sexes of three animals were not significant, so all data were combined and counted. RMR and C were all analyzed using one-way ANOVA. And the relationship between Tb, RMR, C and Ta was analyzed simple linear regression analysis. Results were presented as means ± SEM and P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Body temperature
Tb of three animals increased with the increase of Ta and showed significantly positive correlations with Ta. The linear regression equation for A. chevrieri was Tb = 33.830+0.110 Ta (F = 185.075, P<0.01, Fig 1A) and for E. miletus was Tb = 32.236 + 0.164 Ta (F = 361.916, P<0.01, Fig 1B); and for E. olitor was Tb = 33.625+0.094 Ta (F=90.939, P<0.01, Fig 1C). Within the TNZ, Tb of A. chevrieri, E. miletus and E. olitor were 36.90± 0.10°C, 36.49 ± 0.17°C and 36.44 ± 0.13°C, respectively (Fig 1).

Fig 1: Changes of body temperature in Apodemus chevrieri (A), Eothenomys miletus (B), Eothenomys olitor (C).

Thermogenic effect of Ta is considered to be the most influential and direct factor in inducing significant physiological changes in animal behavior and energy balance, particularly in animals exposed to cold or high temperatures (Scholander et al., 1950). Maintenance of mammalian body temperature depends on the metabolic rate levels and thermal conductance (McNab, 2009). Under high temperature acclimation, Tupaia belangeri adapts to its environment by increasing Tb  (Feng et al., 2022). When mice were acutely exposed to an environment of 42°C, their Tb raised sharply (Miova et al., 2008). It our previously study, Tb in E. miletus, A. chevrieri and E. olitor decreased under cold exposure or in winter (Zhu et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2008; Zhu and Wang, 2015). In this study, high temperature acclimation increased Tb of the three animals, which may be an adaptation strategy for high temperature, increasing Tb was beneficial for narrowing the difference with Ta while increasing heat dissipation and reducing metabolic rate (Yang et al., 2008; Vejmìlka et al., 2021). Moreover, all three species increased their Tb under high temperature conditions, reflecting convergent adaptation (Table 1). Comparing the amplitude of Tb changes of three animals based on the slope of the linear regression equation, E. olitor was less affected by high temperature, which may be related to the thicker fur, which increased its heat insulation effect (Yang et al., 2021). Although E. olitor and E. miletus belong to the same genus, however, the range of Tb change of E. olitor was lower than that of E. miletus, which may be related to the habitat environmental temperature of its field distribution, the ambient temperature of the habitat in E. miletus was higher than that of E. olitor. Tb in A. chevrieri was higher than that of the two species of Eothenomys, which may be related to its higher RMR (Wang et al., 2006; Yang et al., 2021).

Table 1: Comparison of physiological indexes of Eothenomys miletus, Eothenomys olitor and Apodemus chevrieri between normal temperature and high temperature acclimation.

Resting metabolic rate and thermal neutral zone
RMR of A. chevrieri showed significant differences in different Ta (F =27.850, P<0.01). According to the definition of TNZ, there was no significant difference in RMR between temperatures of 25°C and 30°C during high temperature acclimation, indicating that TNZ for this species is estimated to be within the range of 25-30°C. The regression equation for lower critical temperature was RMR =7.930-0.231 Ta and the regression equation for the upper critical temperature was RMR = -4.604+0.255 Ta (Fig 2A). RMR of E. miletus was significantly affected by Ta (F = 65.770, P<0.01). Differences in RMR between 25°C and 30°C were not significant, so the TNZ of E. miletus was 25-30°C. The regression equation for the lower critical temperature was RMR = 7.238 - 0.214 Ta and the regression equation for the upper critical temperature was RMR = -3.549+0.191 Ta (Fig 2B). RMR of E. olitor showed similar trends to A. chevrieri and E. miletus (F = 80.214, P<0.01). TNZ in E. olitor was 25-30°C. The regression equation for lower critical temperature and upper critical temperature were RMR = 7.045 - 0.199 Ta and RMR = -1.755+0.140 Ta, respectively (Fig 2C).

Fig 2: Changes of RMR in Apodemus chevrieri (A), Eothenomys miletus (B), Eothenomys olitor (C).

RMR represents the minimal energy expenditure necessary for an animal’s survival (Janelle and Ayres, 2020). It plays an important regulatory role in animals facing different environments (Feierabend et al., 2015). Temperature is an important environmental factor affecting RMR (Chen et al., 2020). RMR in C. barabensis acclimated at high temperature was significantly lower than that acclimated at low temperature (Xu et al., 2014). High temperature reduced RMR and non-shivering thermogenesis in M. unguiculatus (Guo et al., 2020). In present study, RMR of all three animals decreased with increasing Ta within the temperature range of 5 to 25°C, which increased above 30°C. RMR of the three animals in our study were lower than that of in normal temperature, when facing high temperature environments, the three species in this study chose the similar adaptation strategy (Table 1) (Zhu et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2008; Zhu and Wang, 2015). Through comparison, it was found that three species all decreased RMR under high temperature, indicating that high temperature can reduce heat production to regulate body temperature.
TNZ is a crucial concept in the study of energy strategies in physiological ecology, primarily referring to a range of environmental temperature fluctuations within which mammals can maintain their lowest metabolic rate (Bligh and Johnson, 1973). Although there are many factors that affect TNZ, Ta is one of the most important factors that cannot be ignored (Yang et al., 2021). For same species, TNZ can change with Ta, it showed that there had a decrease in the lower critical point and an increase in TNZ width under cold temperature, while increasing the lower critical point and decreasing the width of TNZ under high temperature (Zhu et al., 2016). For example, Dipus sagitta had a narrower TNZ in summer and it had a wider TNZ in winter (Bao et al., 2000). For different species, TNZ is closely related to altitude or temperature (Zhu et al., 2022). Based on our previous researches, it found that high temperature acclimation narrowed the TNZ and the lower critical temperature point increased in three rodents (Yang et al., 2021; Zhu et al., 2008; Zhu and Wang, 2012). Narrowing TNZ might be beneficial for reducing energy consumption and is an adaptation method for high temperature acclimation (Table 1) (Zhang et al., 2007).
Thermal conductance
C values in three animals showed significant differences under different Ta (E. miletus: F=117.764, P<0.01; A. chevrieri: F=35.533, P<0.01; E. olitor: F=346.111, P<0.01; Fig 3A, B, C). All of them remained C values stable within the range of 5 to 25°C, which increased with increasing temperature within the range of 25 to 35°C, the linear regression equations were C =-3.171+0.123Ta (E. miletus: F=155.516, P<0.01); C =-3.116+0.121Ta (A. chevrieri: F=148.715, P<0.01); C =-0398+0.120Ta (E. olitor: F=146.419, P<0.01), respectively.

Fig 3: Changes of C in Apodemus chevrieri (A), Eothenomys miletus (B), Eothenomys olitor (C).

Thermal conductance affects the energy balance and is one of the important factors affecting animal’s energy consumption in small mammals (Naya et al., 2013; Meyer et al., 2010). The limited size of small mammals makes it difficult for them to change the thickness of their fur to adapt to different environmental temperatures; it is therefore particularly important to change the C value (Yang et al., 2021). In our study, it was found that the C values of three animals remained stable below the TNZ, while it increased with the increase of Ta above 25°C, showing that three animals need to enhance their heat dissipation ability under high temperature (XuanYuan et al., 2023). Moreover, according to the slope of the correlation linear regression, the change ranges of C from large to small is E. miletus, A. chevrieri and E. olitor, suggesting that the C value may be related to the cave depth. The cave depth of A. chevrieri was deeper and the temperature in the cave is lower. Therefore, the C value of A. chevrieri was small, which is beneficial for reducing energy loss (Luo et al., 2000). Because the living environment temperature of E. olitor is lower than that of E. miletus and A. chevrieri and its fur was thick and its heat insulation effect was strong. Therefore, C value of E. olitor was lower than that of E. miletus and A. chevrieri (Luo et al., 2000; Li et al., 2012).
Our data confirmed high temperature acclimation increased Tb, reduced RMR and changed C value of E. olitorA. chevrieri and E. miletus. By comparing the thermogenic characteristics of three animals, it can be inferred that the variation ranges of the thermogenic indexes from large to small were E. miletusA. chevrieri and E. olitor, which may be related to its classification status or habitat temperature. Based on the lower sensitivity of E. olitor under high temperature acclimation, which was suggested that E. olitor might be a more adaptable species under high temperature.
This work was supported by the National Natural Scientific Foundation of China (32160254), Yunnan Fundamental Research Projects (202401AS070039), Yunnan Ten Thousand Talents Plan Young and Elite Talents Project (YNWR-QNRC-2019-047).
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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