Biochemical results
The present study showed that there were significant differences in SOD, CAT and MDA levels between the positive control, negative control and treatment groups (P: 0.001) (Fig 1, 2 and 3). Decreased antioxidant activities (SOD and CAT) were seen in the positive control group compared to the other groups, however, the MDA level increased in this group (P: 0.001) (Fig 1, 2 and 3).
According to our study, there was no difference between the negative control and treatment groups in terms of GPER-1 levels (p:0.518). When the GPER-1 levels were compared between the groups, there were significant differences between the positive control group and the negative control and treatment groups (p: 0.011) (Fig 4). GSH-PX activity decreased significantly in the positive control group compared to the negative control and treatment groups (p:0,001). In our study, there was no statistical difference between the negative control and treatment groups in terms of GSH-PX activity (p:0.734) (Fig 5).
There were significant differences between the positive control group and the negative control and treatment groups in terms of NO (p: 0.001) and 3-NT levels (p:0.023). No statistical differences were between the negative control and treatment groups in terms of NO levels (p:0.244) and 3-NT levels (p: 0.023) (Fig 6 and 7).
Histopathological results
Myocardial edema, myocytolysis, hemorrhage and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) infiltration were shown in the positive control and negative control groups. A statistically significant difference was found only in PMNL infiltration between the groups (p <0.05). There were significant differences between the treatment group and positive control and negative control groups in terms of hemorrhage (p=0.516), myocardial edema (p=0.025), myocytolysis (p=0.039) and PMNL infiltration (p=0.008). The histopathological grade of the groups is shown in Table 1 and Fig 8A-D.
In this study,
Curcuma longa was evaluated biochemically and histopathologically and was found to be protective against cardiac I/R injuries. GPER-1 is a newly identified estrogen receptor analog. GPER-1 is stimulated in the adenylate cyclase/cAMP pathway (Korthuis and Granger, 1993). In our study, while the GPER-1 level decreased significantly in I/R injury, it increased considerably in the treatment group. The decrease in GPER-1 due to I/R injury may be due to the extension in estrogen level. We think that estrogen levels decrease when GPER-1 is suppressed. Studies that are compatible with our research results are registered in the literature
(Herson et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2019; Li et al., 2022). Therefore, increased GPER-1 level in the treatment group suggests that
Curcuma longa may have estrogenic activity.
With the re-initiation of blood flow in the ischemic tissue, ROS released into the environment by PMNL, which migrates and settles in the tissue, has an increased destructive effect on the tissue. Various studies have revealed that ROS performs an essential role in I/R injury by initiating lipid peroxidation
(Avnioglu et al., 2021). At the same time, ROS increases tissue damage in the body by reacting with biomolecules. In this study, CAT, SOD, GSH-PX enzyme activities and the lipid peroxidation biomarker MDA were studied to determine the degree of oxidant damage. The literature has reported that SOD activity decreases in renal injury induced by intestinal, kidney and liver I/R and aortic
(Gulmen et al., 2011). This study showed that was a significant decrease only in the I/R group in terms of SOD activity. This suggests that I/R injury increases superoxide anion radicals in the cell and inhibits the SOD enzyme. We also observed that SOD enzyme activity increased with
Curcuma longa against I/R injury in the treatment group. We think that
Curcuma longa increases SOD activity by decreasing the level of superoxide anion radicals in the cell.
The CAT enzyme converts hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) formed by SOD into water and oxygen in peroxisomes. CAT is a metalloprotein that is produced naturally in the body and acts in combination with SOD
in vivo. Our study demonstrated that the CAT enzyme activity decreased crucially only in the I/R group. It is thought that H2O2, which is highly produced in the I/R cell, reduces CAT activity. Therefore, the combined effect of SOD and CAT draws attention. CAT activity is thought to increase in the treatment group.
This study showed that MDA levels were seriously higher in the I/R group compared to the sham and treatment groups. It has been shown that MDA levels, an indicator of lipid peroxidation, significantly increased in rats that underwent cardiac I/R and that cardiac I/R resulted in cardiac necrosis in rats due to increased MDA levels
(Demirhan et al., 2018). The results of literature studies showed that pretreatment with curcumin could decrease MDA concentration
(Yuan et al., 2015; Ghoneim et al., 2002; Shen et al., 2007).
We can attribute the decreased GSH-PX enzyme activity found in our study to the decrease in the amount of selenium (Se) element in its content, which may occur due to I/R. It is thought that low Se levels may have affected GSH-PX enzyme activity before macromolecules. Some studies also support this view
(Bozkurt et al., 2012).
NO and 3-NT are the biomarkers of nitrosative stress. We thought that the increase in the NO level might be related to the increase in the formation of iNOS during the reperfusion change in the heart during I/R and therefore, the histopathological injury may be due to peroxynitrite that is formed when NO combines with O
2- formed during reperfusion. Furthermore, in our study, the increase in 3-NT levels in cardiac I/R indicates that peroxynitrite is formed in cardiac I/R injury. However, this study showed that the level of NO and 3-NT decreased significantly in the treatment group. These can be attributed to the complete blockage of ROS (like O
2-) by
Curcuma longa in human neutrophils, thus preventing the release of NO and 3-NT from being used by these radicals.
PMNLs have an essential role in cardiac injury after I/R, the reduction of PMNL protects from this injury
(Gulmen et al., 2011). In our study, PMNL infiltration, edema, hemorrhage and myocytolysis were observed histopathologically in the I/R and sham groups who underwent cardiac I/R, suggesting that ROS is formed with the disruption of intracellular Ca+2 balance and activation of the inflammatory cascade. On the other hand, the absence of injury other than hemorrhage in the histopathological examination of the treatment group indicated that
Curcuma longa is an essential agent in preventing cardiac I/R injury
(Gulmen et al., 2011; Suzuki et al., 1991). The results of this study are consistent with previous studies conducted with different antioxidants
(Junqueira et al., 2012).