There were three parameters studied to determine the effect of LIS-10506, expression of IL-6 in endometriosis tissue, the levels of serum IL-6 and the area of endometriosis implants.
Levels of serum IL-6
As the statistically significant test reaching Sig. 0.028, therefore, a significant difference is concluded (Table 1). A post-hoc test as seen in Fig 2 was conducted to determine the comparison between each group, it turned out that the difference was only found in group 1 compared to group 4 obtaining statistically significant differences.
Expression of IL-6 in endometriosis tissue
Histopathological examination (Fig 2) was carried out to determine the expression of IL-6 in each sample and then assessed semi-quantitatively according to Remmele method which had been modified
(Remmele et al., 2013). As the result showing Sig. <0.05, thus, significantly differences were concluded between groups (Table 2). Moreover, a post-hoc test was applied in determining the comparability between each group. Group 1 expressed a significantly difference with to group 2 and group 3, while it was not significantly different with group 4. Even though with a difference score of 1.42, group 3 is not significantly different with group 4.
Endometriosis implant area
In determining the extent of endometriosis lesions (Fig 3), the area of hyperemia in the peritoneal wall of mice was measured. Table 3 shows the results of measuring area in each group. The results of the data normality test displayed that group 1 data was not normally distributed.
With the finding of no implant area was found in group 1, thus, the difference is obtained. A significant difference was also identified if group 2 was compared to all other groups. However, group 3 is not significantly different with group 4. In addition, the correlation between each parameter was tested with Pearson bivariate correlation analysis was utilized to test the correlation between parameters expressing a discovered correlation between peritoneal IL-6 expression with both IL-6 levels and endometriosis implant area and, on the contrary, a correlation could not be found between the levels of IL-6 with the implant area (Table 4).
Furthermore, American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) proposed their consideration of endometriosis as a chronic disease requiring lifelong treatment by using as visible as it can get for the medical treatment and evading any aggressive procedures like surgery
(Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 2014). Additionally, the combination of medical treatment with a pharmacological therapy in endometriosis treatment should be enforced containing of both hormonal and non-hormonal agents. It is expected that the hormonal therapy is able to intervene with ovulation during the post-operative period that is crucial for conception. However, their application for treating endometriosis has been still controversial. Meanwhile, the non-hormonal drugs are under the spotlight these days due to their successful protection to ovulation and its prospects in eradicating lesions or alleviating symptoms
(Chen et al., 2019).
Meanwhile, a cell wall component from Gram-positive bacteria which contributes greatly in inflammatory reactions by inducting the pro-inflammatory cytokines and affecting the bacterial growth is called by lipoteichoic acid (LTA)
(Bachanti et al., 2018). Pathogenic bacteria have been the focus of previous structural and functional studies on LTA due to LTA’s feature as a key stimulator in both inflammatory and infectious illnesses
(Sutariya et al., 2020; Geeta et al., 2021). On the contrary, different from pathogenic bacteria isolated LTAs, some probiotic LTAs diminish any excessive inflammatory responses by inducting any tolerance against pathogenic ligands. Furthermore, LTA from
Lactobacillus plantarum K8 (pLTA) reducing the number of lipopolys accharide (LPS)-induced excessive inflammation by inhibiting TNF-α and IL-6
(Percy and Gründling, 2014).
Collado et al., (2007) tested probiotic strains in displacing and inhibiting the pathogen adhesion leading to unfavored strain-specific results with its time and pathogen strain dependency. Generally, LIS-10506 exhibited the best ability against pathogen adhesion
(Surono et al., 2014).
Particularly, the results of this examination displayed that the average levels of IL-6 in the control group without treatment was 14.9 ng/L for its average serum IL-6. Correspondingly, this result is consistent with the previous study that the values of serum IL-6 in mice ranged from 5-20 pg/mL
(Stenina et al., 2012). Thus, it was concluded that the control group without treatment had the levels of serum IL-6 within normal limits. However, the averages of serum IL-6 levels in the other three treatment groups experienced a decrease, but no statistically significant differences were found.
In a previous investigation conducted by
Li et al., (2017), a study of IL-6 levels in serum and peritoneal fluid of patients with endometriosis was carried out. A significant increase was retrieved in peritoneal fluid IL-6 levels of endometriosis patients in group A (stage I-II r-AFS) and group B (stage III-IV r-AFS) compared to the control group. Meanwhile, in the measurement of plasma IL-6 levels, a significant difference was identified in the control group and group B, whereas when compared with group A, no significant difference was discovered.