All animal management procedures were conducted within the guidelines of locally-approved techniques for animal use and care, the experimental protocol was approved by the Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa Animal Use and Care Committee (Protocol #11062021).
Weather measurement and THI estimation
Climatic variables (ambient temperature and relative humidity) were obtained every hour from on-site weather equipment (2 equipment; Thermohygrometer Avaly, Mod. DTH880, Mofeg S.A., Zapopan, Jalisco) throughout the experimental period. The temperature humidity index was calculated using the following formula:
Animal processing, housing and feeding
Ninety young bulls (approximately 10 mo age; 228.0±7.1 kg initial shrunk weight, approximately 50% Zebu breeding with the remainder represented by continental and British breeds in various proportions) were used to evaluate the treatments effects on characteristics of growth-performance and dietary energetic. The trial was conducted at the Feedlot facilities located in Guasave, Sinaloa, México (25°33' N and 108°25' W). The site is about 50 m above sea level and has a dry climate. On arrival into the feedlot (approximately 3 weeks before initiation of the experiment), cattle were vaccinated for bovine rhinotracheitis and parainfluenza 3 (TSV-27, Pfizer Animal Health, México), clostridials (Fortress 7, Pfizer Animal Health, Mexico) and Pasteurella haemolytica (One Shot, Pfizer Animal Health, México) and treated against parasites (CYDECTIN® NF, Pfizer Animal Health, México; Trodax, Merial, México). Cattle were injected with 500,000 IU vitamin A, 75,000 IU vitamin D
3 and 50 IU vitamin E (Synt-ADE, Zoetis) and were implanted with 40 mg of trenbolone acetate and 8 mg of estradiol 17β (Revalor G, MSD Salud Animal Mexico, Santiago Tianguistenco, México) and individually weighed. Because feed and water were not withdrawn before weighing, weights were reduced (pencil shrink) by 4% to account for digestive tract fill (
NRC, 2000). Cattle were blocked by weight into 2 weight groupings and randomly allocated within weight grouping 2 treatments (9 pens/treatment, 5 bulls/pen). Pens were 5×12 m with 19 m
2 of shade and were equipped with automatic waterers and fence-line feed bunks (2.37 m in length). Experimental phase lasted 84-d. The basal diet composition is given in Table 1. Dietary treatments consisted in the basal diet supplemented as follows: 1) 24 mg of sodium monensin/kg diet DM (MON; Rumensin 90®, Elanco Animal Health, Indianapolis, IN), or 2) 119.12 mg/kg diet DM of a combination of standardized mixture of essential oils (119 mg) plus 0.12 mg of 25-hydroxy-vitamin-D3 (EO+HyD). Sources of EO and HyD were commercial standardized products, CRINA Ruminants® and HY3.D® (DSM Nutritional Products, Basel, Switzerland). Diets were prepared at weekly intervals. Daily feed allowances to each pen were adjusted to allow minimal (< 5%) feed refusals. The amounts of feed offered and feed residual were weighed daily. Cattle were provided fresh feed twice daily at 0800 and 1400 hours in a 40:60 proportion (as fed basis). Feed bunks were visually assessed between 0700 and 0730 hours each morning, feed residuals were collected and weighed for determination of feed intake. Adjustments to daily feed offerings were made at the afternoon feeding.
Laboratory analyses
Feed and residual feed samples were collected daily and stored at 4°C. Samples were composited weekly for dry matter determination (oven drying at 105°C until no further weight loss; method 930.15;
AOAC, 2000).
The estimations of expected DMI and dietary net energy were performed based on measures of initial and final shrunk body weight (SBW). Average daily gain (ADG) was computed by subtracting the initial SBW from the final SBW and dividing the result by the number of days on feed (84 d). The gain efficiency was computed by dividing ADG by the daily DMI. One approach for evaluation of the efficiency of dietary energy utilization in growth-performance trials is the ratio of observed-to-expected DMI and observed-to-expected dietary NE. Based on diet NE concentration and measures of growth performance, there is an expected energy intake. This estimation of expected DMI is performed based on observed ADG, average SBW and NE values of the diet (Table 1): expected DMI, kg/d = (EM/NE
m) + (EG/NE
g), where EM (energy required for maintenance, Mcal/d) = EM = 0.077W
0.75, EG (energy required for gain, Mcal/d) =ADG
1.097 × 0.0557W
0.75 (
NRC, 1984) and NE
m and NE
g (Mcal/kg) are corresponding NE values based on the ingredient composition (
NASEM, 2016) of the experimental diet (Table 1). The observed dietary net energy was calculated using EM and EG values and DMI observed during experiment by means of the quadratic formula:
x = NE
m, Mcal/kg, a = – 0.877DMI,
b = 0.877EM + 0.41DMI + EG,
c = – 0.41EM and NE
g = 0.877NE
m – 0.41 and observed dietary EN
g was estimated from observed dietary NE
m as follows: 0.877NE
m - 0.41
(Zinn et al., 2008).
Statistical analyses
Treatment effects on growth performance and dietary energetics were analysed as a randomized complete block design (MIXED procedure
SAS, 2007), with pen as the experimental unit. The fixed effect consisted of treatment and block as the random component. For comparing DM intake pattern, equality of mean effects and homogeneity between variances (CV1 vs CV2) were tested using Brown and Forsythe’s variation of Levene’s test. In all cases, least squares mean and standard error are reported and contrasts are considered significant when the P value ≤ 0.05 and tendencies are identified when the P value > 0.05 and ≤ 0.10.