The genetic diversity can be highlighted by the determination of kinship stallions-mares from the years of birth by age structure of groups born in different years (
Maftei, 2011), the overall heterogeneity testing using Fisher’s exact test (F=1.538), which revealed the existence of significant differences between the values of relationship coefficients (Table 1, Fig 1).
Analyzing the graph it is obvious that there are some moments, in the evolution of population, in which genetic structure it was disturbed (marked on the chart with the brace). The red horizontal line marks the average relatedness in the population, establishing the line between the fields of action of two breeding factors: crossbreeding and in breeding.
To highlight important moments in the evolution of population is necessary to determine the difference between genetic relationship stallions-mares of different years of age structure and average affinity of the total population. The differences who are statistically significant underlines the action either crossbreeding or to inbreeding.
Defined, inbreeding is the mating of individuals close related than the average genetic relationship of the population, while the reverse is the crossbreeding
(Todd et al., 2020). In light of this idea, the data presented in Table 2, reveal very clearly that, because of overlapping generations, the population is fragmented into three distinct groups, the improvement factors acting in different proportions: a group with a significant share of crossbreeding, another in which act the inbreeding and a third, all with large weight, in which act the process of reproduction in endogamy without “disturbing” genetic structure.
The times when the difference of relationship stallions -mares and average relatedness in the population has no statistical significance, that moments of inbreeding or crossbreeding weak in intensity, represents population reproduction in endogamy or the return of population after interfamilial crossing, means after application of the matching mating system, specific for horse studs to avoid increasing the homozygous.
Analyzing the results from Table 2, we can observe two situations where significant differences limit points: inbreeding that may occur as a result of deliberate actions for increasing similarity with a remarkable ancestor or because of errors in matching mating, crossing that may arise because immigration or as a consequence of matching mating system characteristic for small populations to avoid in breeding.
The first situation, regarding the inbreeding, is generated by the combination of birth year groups 1987 for stallions (Ousor IX) and 2002 for mares (3 heads) and combination of birth year groups 1987 for stallions (Ousor IX) and 2004 (a mare) for mares. Inbreeding is caused, most likely, by the errors in matching pairs, whereas previous analyzes showed clearly that in Hucul horse population from Lucina stud, was missing the desire to maintain genetic similarity with some outstanding ancestors.
The important share of crossbreeding (Table 2) is generated by compliance of matching pairs system, based on the principle of rotation, the only way to reduce inbreeding in small populations by doubling the effective size. For Hucul horse population from Lucina studfarm, the data presented reveals a gladdening fact, that the principle of interfamily rotating crossing ensuring a population normal evolutionary way, without danger of slippage in genetic drift. The share of crossbreeding definitely cannot be attributed to immigration whereas previous analyzes, we can observe clearly the absence of immigration (foreign genetic material infusion).
Between individual average genetic relationship values of stallions with mares, is found significant differences, highlighted by the global test of homogeneity test (F=4.891***) - Table 3 and Fig 2.