In order to follow the existence of a common gene background from the polygenic complexes that determine the characters in question, phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlations were determined, whose values and associated errors are presented in Table 2. It can be seen that all the characters measured at ranking 1 were closely correlated with each other. These values of the genotypic correlations prove the existence of a very large number of genes with pleiotropic effect in the genotypes of the characters analyzed at ranking I. Thus, the selection for any of these traits entails the improvement of the others.
At the second ranking, all characters were correlate positively with each other, registering an intense correlation between the wither’s height and the thoracic perimeter and a weak correlation between the wither’s height and the cannon bone perimeter and between the thoracic perimeter and the cannon bone perimeter. This situation proves the existence of a common gene background involved in the genetic determination of the three characters, but in different proportions.
The situation was similar at ranking III. There were intensely positive correlations between the wither’s height and the thoracic perimeter and between the thoracic perimeter and the cannon bone perimeter. There was a weak positive correlation between the wither’s height and the cannon bone perimeter.
Analyzing the presented data, it is found that, regardless the age, the wither’s height character is certainly determined by the same polygenic complex. This statement is based on the values of genetic correlations (0.7624, 0.4089 and 0.8839).
Studying the genotypic correlation of the thoracic perimeter at the three ages of measurement, the results may seem contradictory because the genetic correlation between the values recorded for the same character, at 1.5 years and 3.5 years, should have been positive and close. In such situations, a high genotypic correlation involves an activity of the same set of genes
(Sadek et al., 2006) and a low genotypic correlation, the activity of different sets of genes, the hypothesis of a sequential action of different sets of minor genes can be advanced. The negative correlation between the character values measured at 1.5 years and at 3.5 years, leads us to the idea that until the age of 18 months, the thoracic perimeter is controlled by physiological mechanisms different from those existing after 3.5 years.
Analyzing the presented results regarding the genotypic correlation of the cannon bone perimeter, at all the three classifications, the values obtained denote an activity of different sets of genes at different ages.
The environmental correlations had positive values between all analyzed pairs of characters, presenting different degrees of intensity. The environmental conditions affect the evolution of pairs of characters in the same sense, having a capital importance in the process of horse breeding
(Saastamoinen et al., 1998).
The values of the environmental correlations are, for the most part, lower than the values of the genotypic correlations. The environmental factors exerted a weaker positive action, than that of the genes, in the phenotypic manifestation of the characters. For this reason, the phenotypic correlations between the analyzed pairs of characters are, for the most part, weaker than the genotypic correlations. Also, there are differences of algebraic sign between genotypic and environmental correlations which denotes that the genetic and environmental sources of the variance affect the characters by different physiological mechanisms. Between the first two ages of measurement, regarding wither’s height and thoracic perimeter, is a strong positive genetic correlation (0.8159), highlighting the practical action of the same set of genes.
Regarding the wither’s height at 1.5 years and the cannon bone perimeter, measured at the other two ages, there are weak and intensely negative correlations, which definitely inhibit the application of an indirect selection, as the selection for wither’s height, at 1.5 years implicitly means selection against the cannon bone perimeter at the other two ages.
At first ranking, the cannon bone perimeter correlated intensely positively with the wither’s height and thoracic perimeter, measured at 2
nd and 3
rd ranking (polygenic complexes with pleiotropism in their genetic determination).
Between the wither’s height values, measured at 2
nd ranking, and the other characters appreciated at the 2
nd and 3
rd ranking, it is found the existence of a medium to intense genetic interdependence, except for the pair of wither’s height (2
nd ranking) - the cannon bone perimeter (3
rd ranking), where the value of the genotypic correlation has a negative sign. Also a positive genetic interdependence is observed between the thoracic perimeter (ranking II) and the other characters appreciated in 2
nd and 3
rd ranking. A negative genetic correlation is found between the cannon bone perimeter, measured in the (second grade) and the wither’s height recorded in the third grade (-0.1828), which means that the selection in favor of the first character is a selection against the second.