Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 52 issue 4 (april 2018) : 623-627

Treatment and Rehabilitation of Wild Birds and Mammals

Logman Aslan, Özdemir Adizel, , Tunahan Sancak
1Van Yuzuncu Yýl University, Wild Animals Protection and Rehabilitation Center, Van, Turkey.
Cite article:- Aslan Logman, Adizel Özdemir, Sancak Tunahan (2018). Treatment and Rehabilitation of Wild Birds and Mammals. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 52(4): 623-627. doi: 10.18805/ijar.B-877.
Today, the ecosystem is being rapidly destroyed due to habitat loss, animal hunting, road construction, raising of transmission lines, general pollution, and agricultural activities, in addition to many other factors, all of which directly and indirectly affect wildlife. By necessity, rehabilitation units are available for the care and treatment of wild birds and mammals in need of life support. This paper discusses data collected regarding the treatment and rehabilitation of wild mammals and birds brought to the Center for Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation at Van Yüzüncü Yýl University from 2009-2016. During the course of the present study, total 145 wild animals including 117 birds and 28 mammals. Out of the total treated, 96 wild birds and 21 wild mammals recovered, 12 birds and 4 mammals died without responding to treatments, whereas 9 birds and 3 mammals were euthanized. Additionally, of the 96 birds and 21 mammals that recovered, 15 birds and 6 mammals were determined to be unable to survive in their natural habitats, and were sent to zoo gardens or wildlife conservation and rehabilitation centers. The remaining 96 animals that fully recovered were released back into their natural habitats.
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