Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 52 issue 8 (august 2018) : 1227-1231

Role of seasons on the production and reproduction performance of kacang goats (Kambing kacang) in North Middle Timor Regency

Sucik Maylinda, Oktovianus Lodivianus Sarah, Woro Busono
1Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia.
Cite article:- Maylinda Sucik, Sarah Lodivianus Oktovianus, Busono Woro (2017). Role of seasons on the production and reproduction performance of kacang goats (Kambing kacang) in North Middle Timor Regency. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 52(8): 1227-1231. doi: 10.18805/ijar.B-668.
The primary concern of this study is to explore the effects of season change on the production and reproduction performance of Kambing Kacang in North Middle Timor regency. Survey method, including observation and direct measurement of the livestock, and interview method was used for the purpose of collecting primary data. Interview method was applied to 120 farmers who have approximately 96 goat sires. The statistical analysis indicated that birth weight, male birth weight, weaning weight, and male weaning weight were significantly affected by reproductive season. While female birth weight and female weaning weight were not affected. Pre-weaning mortality was high in dry season 8,06% compared with rainy season 3,45%. Litter size during the dry season was 1,55 off springs per reproductive season. The highest percentage of birth in the dry season occurred in October and November. While  the rainy season occurred on January and February.
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