Sample collection
In the present study a total of 24, day-old broiler chicks were procured from commercial poultry farm located at Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Birds were reared at Livestock Farm Complex, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, RGSC, Banaras Hindu University under standard management conditions. The study on broiler was approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) with issued IAEC No. IAEC/RGSC-BHU/2023-24/180 and carried out in the Department of Veterinary Anatomy, FVAS, RGSC, BHU during January 2023 to October 2024. Birds were divided into three groups of 8 birds each
viz. Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 and were sacrificed for extraction of collagen from shank at 28, 35 and 42 days respectively as most commercial broilers reach slaughter weight between 4-6 weeks of age. The shank from all the sacrificed birds were collected and stored at -18±2°C in high density polyethylene (HDPE) bags till further processing.
Processing of collected shank for collagen extraction
The chicken shanks collected were cleaned, trimmed, peeled and deboned before mincing and grinding (Fig 1).
The entire deboned chicken shank meat sample was kept in a freezer at -18±2°C in high density polyethylene (HDPE) bags till further processing. The ground material was subjected to different dry rendering temperature for removal of fat. The rendered fat
i.e. liquid phase of low density was separated by squeezing with the help of muslin cloth and further separated from the high-density liquid phase with the help of a high-speed centrifuge machine at 5000 rpm for 10 minutes.
Proximate analysis of shank samples
The fat, protein, ash and moisture content of the deboned shank was evaluated by proximate analysis to determine the water and protein levels, effectiveness of fat removal and understand mineral content; crucial for optimizing the collagen extraction process.
Fat content
The shank samples were subjected to extraction of fat using Soxhlet extraction assembly, as per the AOAC official method 948.22.1995. The oil flask and reflux condenser of the Soxhlet extractor was pre-dried and weighed. Sample (5 g) was placed in a thimble and dried at 95-100°C for 6 h in a hot air oven. Petroleum ether (150 mL) was poured into the flask as a fat extraction solvent and the condenser apparatus was set up over an electric heater to gently boil the solvent away. The extraction process was carried out for 16 hours followed by oven drying for evaporation of petroleum ether. The equation for fat estimation was mathematically expressed as:
W1 = Weight of empty oil flask.
W2 = Sum of weight of oil flask and fat.
W3 = Weight of sample taken.
Protein content
A pinch of digestion mixture (K
4: CuSO
4 : 9:1) was added to the sample (1 g) to catalyze the digestion with 40 mL concentrated sulfuric acid in a Kjeldahl’s digestion flask. The flask was heated gently in a tilted position till the frothing stopped followed by rapid boiling until the solution cleared. The solution was then allowed to cool to room temperature. The final volume of the solution was made up to 250 mL with subsequent addition of distilled water. Distillation of the mentioned diluted sample (25 mL) was carried out with the help of 40 mL NaOH solution (40% concentration), employing Kjeldahl distillation assembly. Steam was distilled with 40 mL of 4% boric acid (H
3) containing 8 drops of blended indicator dye (equal parts of 0.5% bromocresol green and 0.1% methyl red) for 5-10 minutes. The amount of trapped ammonia in boric acid was estimated by titrating against sulfuric acid (0.1 N). The percentage of nitrogen concentration was evaluated using the given formula:
V = Amount of acid consumed (N/10 Sulfuric acid) in mL.
The percentage of protein was calculated by converting nitrogen percentage into protein with a conversion factor of 6.25, presuming that all nitrogen in poultry skin was available as protein
Protein (%) = Nitrogen (%)´ 6.25
Ash content
For determination of total ash (AOAC, 1995), the fresh minced sample of 2 g was placed in a pre-weighed crucible and transferred to a muffle furnace at 600°C for 8 hours. The ash collected from sample was weighted with the help of weighing machine. The ash content was calculated by the following formula:
W1 = Sum of weight of the crucible and sample before making into ash.
W2 = Sum of weight of the crucible and ash after making the ash.
W3 = Weight of sample taken.
Moisture content
Mashed sample (10 g) was transferred in a pre-weighed flat bottom aluminium moisture cup, which was transferred to a hot air oven at 100±1°C and kept for 24 hours. The dried sample was weighted with the help of weighing machine. Moisture content was calculated by applying the following formula:
W1 = Weight of the empty cup.
W2 = Sum of weight of cup and sample.
W3 = Weight of cup and dried sample.
Extraction of collagen
The collagen extraction from rendered shank was performed according to standard methods with few modifications, in three major steps
viz., pre-treatment of the partially defatted rendered shank
(Kittiphattanabawon et al., 2005; Munasinghe et al., 2014), collagen extraction from pre-treated shank
(Munasinghe et al., 2014) and precipitation along with dialysis of extracted shank collagen. The major steps involved in the extraction process are mentioned below.
Pre-treatments of dry rendered partially defatted shank
Alkali pre-treatment
Rendered shank was soaked in the 0.1 mol/L NaOH solution for 6 hours in a 1:10 ratio (w/v) at a temperature of 4°C and shaken at a speed of 165 rpm in orbital shaker incubator (REMI RIS-24 Plus TFT) with replacement of NaOH solution at 2 hours intervals followed by washing with double distilled water (DDW) until neutralization.
Chemical de-fatting
The dry rendered mechanically defatted alkali pre-treated shank was further treated with 10% butyl alcohol in 1:10 ratio (w/v) at a temperature of 4°C for 12 hours and speed of 165 rpm in orbital shaker incubator replacing the 10% butyl alcohol solution at every 6 hours interval. At the end of the chemical de-fatting, the shank was washed thrice with DDW.
The chemically defatted and alkaline pre-treated shank was further treated with 0.1 N HCl in 1:6 ratio (w/v) for 24 hours at 165 rpm under 4°C in orbital shaker incubator. This led to the removal of inorganic constituents while promoting shank swelling. At the end of demineralization, shank was washed thrice with DDW.
Collagen extraction
The pre-treated shank was used for extraction of collagen using pepsin in acetic acid. The process of extraction was optimized based on the yield of collagen.
a) Acetic acid treatment/Hydrolysis
In this method, rendered, alkaline pre-treated, chemically defatted and de-mineralized poultry shank was processed in a 1:6 ratio (w/v) of 0.5 mol/L acetic acid solution for 48 hours at 4°C and 165 rpm in orbital shaker incubator.
b) Enzymatic hydrolysis
In this method, rendered, alkaline pre-treated, chemically defatted and de-mineralized shank was hydrolyzed in a 1:6 ration (w/v) of 0.5 mol/L acetic acid solution containing 0.1% pepsin (activity of 1,000.0 U/mg) (w/v) for 24 hours at 4°C and 165 rpm in orbital shaker incubator.
Precipitation and dialysis of extracted collagen
The hydrolyzed, soluble collagen from the shank was filtered by a double layered nylon plastic strainer. The filtered liquid was precipitated with the help of 2.6 mol/L NaCl solution in Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane hydrochloride (0.05 M) at a pH of 7.0. The precipitated collagen was sedimented with the help of a high-speed centrifugation machine (Eppendorf centrifuge 5810R, Germany) at 12,000 rpm for 15 minutes at 4°C. The white precipitated collagen (Fig 2A) was subjected for dialysis against 20 volume of 0.1M acetic acid for 12 hours, followed by DDW for another 24 hours with the change of dialysis solution at every 6 hours.
Dialysis was undertaken using a dialysis membrane (HIMEDIA, Dialysis membrane-50) at 4°C and 175 rpm in orbital shaker incubator. The dialyzed shank collagen was finally lyophilized (-40°C, 100 mbar pressure, 16 hours) in a freeze dryer (MAC, MSW-137) and stored in a sealed container under room temperature (Fig 2B).
Yield of collagen
Yield of shank extracted collagen on wet weight basis was calculated according to the method described by
Toniasso et al., 2022 using the following formul
Yield of shank extracted collagen on dry weight basis was calculated according to the method described by
Hashim et al., 2014 using the following formula:
Morphological characteristics of extracted collagen
Haematoxylin and eosin staining (HandE) and Masson’s trichrome staining along with Scanning electron microscopy were performed for evaluation of general histo-architecture of extracted collagen fibers.
Haematoxylin and eosin staining
For histo-architecture studies, the thin pieces of formalin fixed extracted collagen were washed overnight under running tap water followed by dehydration through ascending grades of alcohol. After dehydration, clearing was performed using acetone and benzene followed by paraffin embedding by automatic tissue processor. Thereafter, 4-5 ìm thick paraffin embedded sections were trimmed by microtome and stained with routine haematoxylin and eosin stain using standard protocol (
Bancroft and Gamble, 2008). Thereafter, the stained sections were examined under the microscope (Olympus CX21iLEDFS1, India) and photomicrography was performed.
Masson trichrome staining
For evaluation of morphology of collagen fibers, 4-5 ìm thick paraffin embedded sections were trimmed by microtome and stained with Masson’s trichrome stain using standard protocol (
Bancroft and Gamble, 2008). Thereafter, the stained sections were examined under the microscope (Olympus CX21iLEDFS1, India) and photomicrography was performed.
Electron microscopy
Scanning electron microscopic studies were carried out in the Department of Physics, Institute of Science and Central Discovery Centre, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi to see the surface details and organization of extracted collagen.