Study was conducted to evaluate the humoral immune response of CSF whole virus vaccine with adjuvant single dose, CSF whole virus vaccine without adjuvant single dose and with booster dose and unvaccinated as control group. The presence of CSF virus in the PK-15 cell culture was confirmed by sandwich ELISA where the cell culture virus showed OD of 1.51 against the negative OD of 0.04.
Li et al (2018) also performed ELISA for detection of and confirmation of CSF virus in serum samples of Tibetan pigs in Nyingchi area of Tibet, China making ELISA an appropriate detection assay. In single step Taqman probe based Real-time RT-PCR (
Hoffmann et al.,2005), CT value exhibited at cycle 13.9. Quantitation of virus titre at 45
th passage level of the whole CSFV vaccine adapted in PK-15 cell line was determined by immunoperoxidase test (IPT). TCID
50 value at 45
th passage level was 10
5.05 TCID
50. The resultant titre of the PK-15 adapted whole CSFV vaccine was adjusted to 10
3.0 TCID
50 and was used for vaccination of pigs (Table 1). The present study was carried out to evaluate the humoral immune response of Classical Swine Fever vaccine using oil adjuvanted CSF whole virus vaccine, CSF whole vaccine without adjuvant single dose, CSF whole vaccine without adjuvant booster dose along with a control unvaccinated group.
The live attenuated PK-15 cell culture adapted whole CSFV vaccine developed in the Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Assam Agriculture University, Khanapara, using lapinized C-strain of CSFV used in this study also revealed presence of the CSF virus particle in vaccine in Sandwhich ELISA and single step Taqman probe based Real-time RT-PCR. Vaccination has been widely used to protect pigs from CSFV infection
(Ji et al., 2014). A number of live attenuated CSF vaccines have been developed by adapting and passaging in tissue culture. The C strain vaccine of CSFV has been regarded as one of the most effective vaccine (
Coronado et al., 2021). The efficacy of vaccine could be improved by incorporating adjuvants in the vaccine formulations
(Zhao et al., 2023; Pulendran et al., 2021).
Post vaccination observation
All pigs of Group I immunized with Montanide oil adjuvant as well as other pigs in Group II and Group III, were found to be safe as no clinical alteration or allergic reaction was observed post vaccination. Although there was slight rise of rectal temperature (38.8-39.4°C) on 3
rd and 4
th day post vaccination in group I which was however within the normal range and animals maintained normal behavior. Rectal temperature in the remaining period until the end of the experiment in all animals in all groups were within the normal range. The Montanide oil adjuvanted vaccine preparation used for vaccination was found safe and compatible to the primary host. Clinical score assigned for evaluation of pre and post days vaccination status as per the method described by Everett and his team resulted in a score of 0 in pre vaccination days as well as at post day’s vaccination in all groups of pigs. Further, there was no sero-conversion observed in control pigs which were kept in contact with vaccinated animals. The C-strain is generally considered to be very safe (
Coronado et al., 2021). In the present study, post vaccination observations in pigs like no clinical alteration or allergic reaction after immunization was supported with the findings of various workers (
Klimka et al., 2015;
Aucouturier et al., 2001) where cell culture-based CSF vaccine mixed with oil adjuvant was safe in immunized pigs. Slight rise in the temperature of the animal was observed but within the normal range and the animal exhibited normal behavior. This initial thermal reaction indicated efficient processing of vaccine antigens by immune associated cells particularly the macrophages and thus induced release of certain cytokines (
Summer field et al., 2015). The C-strain vaccine induces no disease in piglets or in pregnant sows, even when pigs have been immune-suppressed with corticosteroids (
Tesmer et al.,1973). Mild fever with no local reaction at the site of application was also reported
(Qiu et al., 2005).
Antibody response
The presence of E2- specific antibodies in the serum samples of oil adjuvanted whole CSFV vaccine (Group I), CSF whole virus vaccine without booster (Group II), CSF whole virus vaccine with booster (Group III) and unvaccinated pigs (Group IV) were analyzed at different post vaccination period by blocking ELISA assay. In the test protocol following overnight incubation at 18-26°C yielded better OD than that of same day antigen coating procedure.
The development of CSFV E2- specific antibodies in the serum samples of all vaccinated pigs from all the groups was assessed. It showed good level of antibody response detected in IDEXX blocking ELISA assay from day 7 to 180 dpv. In the CSFV vaccinated pigs a high blocking titre was maintained upto six months post vaccination period.
CSF oil adjuvanted whole virus vaccine
Serum samples collected from all the six animal of Group I showed no detectable level of CSFV antibody on the day of vaccination. The antibody titre at different days post vaccination of pigs vaccinated with the CSF whole virus vaccine is shown in Table 2. On the 30
th day post vaccination, the mean of percent inhibition of CSFV antibody was 91.23±1.53. E2-specific antibodies appeared from 7
th day itself after single vaccination with increasing trend till it reached the peak antibody titre at 30
th day post vaccination (90-95% of inhibition titre). The inhibition titre was then found to decline steadily from 90
thdpv (79.52±1.89) although high titre was maintained overall upto 180
thdpv (67.68 ±1.66). The positive result obtained from E2 specific ELISA supports the major role of the glycoprotein E2 antibodies in the development of immunological response and eliciting high titers of neutralizing antibodies to CSFV as suggested by a group of researchers (
Hulst et al.,1997;
König et al.,1995). Single vaccination with oil adjuvants on the other hand showed promising protective immunity level with minimal side effects. Montanide ISA 50 V2 based vaccines have been safe and well tolerated and no lesions or serious inflammatory reactions have been documented in rabbits and mice (
Leenaars et al.,1998), cattle (
Shahzad et al., 2019;
P´erez Heredia et al.,2017;
Ibrahim et al., 2015;
Pawar et al., 2014), sheep (
East et al.,1992) and poultry
(Harrington et al., 2009), safe and well tolerated in pigs (
Suarez-Pedroso et al., 2021). Early appearance of high neutralizing antibody titre in pigs vaccinated with oil adjuvanted vaccine can be a useful application for emergency vaccination in endemic areas. Detection of early antibody titre was also recorded
(Nath et al., 2016) in pigs vaccinated with cell culture vaccine without adding any adjuvant.
CSF whole vaccine without adjuvant single dose
Non-adjuvated cell culture adapted CSF primary vaccine induced detectable level percent inhibition antibody titre from 14
th day post primary vaccination, which achieved peak level on 30
th day (88.73±2.01) with 90-95% of inhibition titre in blocking assay. The mean value of antibody titre sharply declined after 30th day. Single dose vaccination did not induce protective titre at 7 dpv and was found partially protective at 10dpv. Detectable level of antibody titre persisted till 90 days. Single dose primary plain CSF vaccine without booster is less effective in comparison to other vaccine combination groups as it showed significant drop in titre at 180 day. However detectable level of antibody titre persisted till 90 days as the study carried out by some researchers
(Khaund et al., 2011).
CSF whole vaccine without adjuvant booster dose
Pigs receiving booster vaccine remained higher in antibody titre upto 90 days post vaccination with peak inhibition titre achieved on 60
th day (90.4±2.13) and maintained it well till 180 days (60.71±3.09). Non-adjuvanted vaccine gives better immune response with a booster dose in comparison to CSFV vaccines without booster. Single vaccination only gives immunity till 3 months or so after which immunity level declines which when injected with a booster maintains protective immunity till marketable age (
i.e. 6-8 months). Thus booster vaccination plays an important role. Pigs receiving booster vaccine remained higher in antibody titre upto 180 days post vaccination. This proved that booster vaccination plays an important role. Other studies also supported that with single vaccination no protective titre develops in vaccinated pigs till marketable age and need booster vaccination
(Nath et al., 2016).
Statistical analysis showed that there was significant difference(P<0.01) between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups of animal from the day 0 upto 90 days post vaccination, as unvaccinated group showed no rise in titre. Between vaccinated groups I, II and III upto 30 days no significant difference was observed. However at 180 day significant drop in titre was observed in single dose primary plain CSF vaccine without booster (Group II) but CSF oil adjuvanted whole virus vaccine (Group I) and CSF whole vaccine without adjuvant booster dose (Group III) showed no significant difference as such (Table 2).
Whereas Group IV animals which remained unvaccinated showed no increase or decrease in titre and served as the control group (Table 2). In the present study neutralizing antibodies were detected in oil adjuvanted and without adjuvant added CSF whole virus vaccine. A mean OD at 450 above 0.500 was considered negative control and a positive control blocking percent inhibition over 50%. Also CSF virus was detected in blood leucocytes upto 90 days post vaccination in qRT-PCR. This indicated that the vaccine virus was propagating and was able to induce antibody response in the experimental animals (Fig 1).
Neutralization assay has been an improved technique for detecting hog cholera virus (HCV) neutralizing antibodies (
Laude et al.,1980). The NPLA test was used to determine the neutralizing antibody level after vaccinating pigs with recombinant CSF vaccine (rPAV-gp55) (
Hammond et al., 2000). In non-CPE producing virus like CSFV, neutralization assay was laborious and time consuming as it requires long procedures of cell culture techniques along with staining whereas blocking ELISA was found to be less laborious, rapid and advantageous. Blocking ELISA therefore can be an alternative assay technique to evaluate neutralizing antibody. Also it was reported that C-ELISA was comparable to NPLA and a useful tool for large scale screening and eradication programs for CSF and found that blocking ELISA is a reliable test for CSFV-specific antibodies, comparable to NPLA (kappa value 0.9) (
Clavijo et al.,2001).
The propagation of CSF vaccine virus was detected by qRT-PCR in blood leucocytes collected upto 90 dpv. This indicated that the virus post vaccination was propagating. Studies made earlier reported tonsil as the target for vaccine virus replication wherein the vaccine virus persisted for more than 30 days post-vaccination (
Ganges et al.,2008;
Kaden et al.,2004). Another study also stated that vaccination with multivalent MLV vaccines in cattle resulted in high proportions of calves with PCR-positive results for viral respiratory pathogens in clinically relevant samples routinely collected from cattle undergoing respiratory disease (
Cooper et al.,2010;
Godinho et al., 2007).