Isolation of S. aureus from mastitic animals
In the present study, a total of 50 mastitis milk samples from dairy animals were collected in and around Ludhiana. Out of these 50 mastitic milk samples a total of 18
aureus (S1-S18) were isolated and confirmed using biochemical tests.
Congo red agar assay
The ability of the
aureus isolates to produce biofilm was evaluated using the congo red agar assay. Among the 18 isolates, 22.22% of the isolates were strong biofilm producers (produced black colonies), 38.88% of the isolates were moderate biofilm producers (produced weak black colonies) and remaining 38.88% were non biofilm producers (produced red colonies) (Table 1).
Modified congo red agar assay
The ability of the
aureus isolates to produce biofilm was also evaluated using the modified congo red agar assay. Among the 18 isolates tested, 33.33% of the isolates were strong biofilm producers (produced black colonies), 44.44% were moderate biofilm producers (produced weak black colonies) and 22.22% were non-biofilm producers (produced red colonies) (Fig 1, 2 and 3).
Effect of glucose on biofilm
Following staining of the microtitre plate, the OD obtained at 595 nm was plotted using GraphPad Prism8 version 8.0.2 (Fig 4) and paired t-test was utilised to check the relation between effects of different concentrations of glucose on biofilm formation. The analysis revealed no significant difference in the OD values obtained when using different glucose concentrations (2% and 4%), indicating that the concentration of glucose did not influenced the biofilm formation.
The biofilm formed was interpreted by calculating the cut-off OD (ODc). The cut-off optical density (ODc) was determined by calculating three standard deviations above the average optical density (OD) of the negative control. In the present study an ODc value of 0.396 was obtained that indicated moderate to strong biofilm formation in the microtitre plate wells.
Isolation of bacteriophage
From a total of 10 sewage samples collected from the dairy farm, two bacteriophages (Phage 1 and Phage 2) were isolated and later confirmed using secondary streaking. Upon culturing on NZCYM agar plates using the double agar overlay technique, distinct circular plaques (Fig 5) measuring 1-2 mm in diameter with clear zones of lysis were observed. Subsequently, secondary streaking of the plaques revealed distinct zones of clearance along both horizontal and vertical streak lines (Fig 6). These isolated phage, demonstrated lytic action against the targeted
aureus strains and no lytic activity for other tested bacterial species;
Salmonella Typhimurium and
coli. Phage (1) had bigger plaque size and was selected for treatment studies.
aureus strain (S4) exhibited strong biofilm producing ability and was selected for treatment studies.
Biofilm treatment with phage
Biofilm was produced in microtitre plate (in duplicate), one for enumeration of the CFU and PFU and the other for measuring the optical density. The developed biofilm was treated with two different phage concentrations; PFU A (1.5x107) and PFU B (5x107) in triplicate and the activity of phage on biofilm was noted at different time intervals by measuring OD
595, enumerating bacteria (CFU) and phage (PFU). The mean of biofilm biomass OD
595 of experiments at 4h, 8h, 12h and 24h interval was calculated.
After exposure for 24h the total biofilm biomass decreased significantly and there was a substantial reduction in the OD values after exposure with PFU A (0.502±0.0472) and PFU B (0.229 ±0.0024) as compared with the OD of the control (1.510±0.0155). It was also observed that PFU B exhibited a more extensive reduction in the OD value after an exposure of 24h compared to PFU A (Table 2).
It was also observed that both the phage (1) concentrations PFU A and PFU B led to a major fall in the OD value (0.948±0.0339 and 0.693±0.0601 respectively) after an exposure of 8h when compared with 4h treatment (1.243±0.0583 and 1.241±0.0349) respectively. The PFU values also increased after each time interval while a decrease in the CFU after 24h of treatment with PFU A and PFU B was recorded (Table 3).
Qualitative assessment of the biofilm production by congo red agar assay (CRA) was described by
Freeman et al., (1989) as a diffusion of black pigment in the agar with growth of black-pigmented colonies. Among the 70 strains
Milanov et al., (2010) tested they observed 11.42% biofilm-producing isolates with black colonies having a dry crystalline consistency.
In another study CRA was used by
Krukowski et al., (2008) and
Szweda et al., (2012) in which the biofilm producers were observed to be 42% and 57% respectively. In the present study it was observed that 22.22% of
aureus isolates isolated from clinical mastitis cases were strong biofilm producers, which was higher than what was observed by
Milanov et al., (2010) in their study but lower when compared with the studies of
Krukowski et al., (2008) and
Szweda et al., (2012) in which biofilm producers were 42% and 57% respectively. The regional variation among the isolates studied could be one of the factors leading to variation in biofilm producers. However, further studies are required to identify what leads to variation in the biofilm producing abilities of clinical isolates. The ability of the isolates to produce biofilm was further evaluated using modified congo red agar assay which too revealed that 33.33% isolates had strong biofilm producing ability. Further, it was observed that all the isolates which were strong biofilm producers on CRA were also producing strong biofilm on MCRA but not vice versa indicating that MCRA was able to detect those biofilm producing isolates that CRA was not able to detect qualitatively. In a study
Mariana et al., (2009) reported that a lower percentage of agar in MCRA resulted in the growth of permanent black-pigmented colonies which too was similar to the findings of the present study. On the contrary,
Leshem et al., (2022) demonstrated the effectiveness of CRA in identifying biofilm producers in
aureus clinical isolates.
For quantitative analysis of biofilm, crystal violet staining method was used for staining as this stain is a basic protein dye capable of staining negatively charged surface molecules and extracellular matrix composed of polysaccharides. However, it does not provide information on the functioning aspects of the biofilm
(Xu et al., 2016). Similarly, it was observed by
Stepanovic et al., (2000) that correlation between the CRA assays and spectrophotometric tests was 96% and almost every strain that the spectrophotometric assay identified as biofilm-producing was also positive in the CRA assay which too is aligning with the observations in the present study. In this study biofilm formed was interpreted by calculating the cut-off using crystal violet staining and it was possible to determine a cut off value using optical density to identify moderate to strong biofilm producers which is similar to findings of various earlier studies.
Glucose concentrations (2% and 4%) was supplemented in TSB and tested for their role in rendering biofilm formation. Both the concentrations helped and enhanced the biofilm producing ability of the bacteria but it was observed in the current study that no significant difference in the OD values obtained when two different concentrations of glucose supplementation were used, indicating that the concentration of glucose did not influence the biofilm formation. The role of glucose in biofilm-producing ability aligns with the study conducted by
Stepanovic et al., (2000), in which the supplementation of glucose significantly enhanced the adherence capability of the isolates but this effect was noted to be independent of the concentration of glucose used. Also, in a study by
Grinholc et al., (2007) importance of nutrient composition, particularly glucose, in biofilm formation revealed that varying glucose concentrations did not significantly altered biofilm formation which is in tandem with the findings of the present study.
Lade et al., (2019) found that TSB supplemented with glucose effectively enhanced robust biofilm production, enabling consistent quantification of
aureus biofilm formation
in vitro. However, the additional NaCl resulted in considerable variability in biofilm measurement. However, further studies are required to fully understand the role of nutrients in formation of biofilm
in vitro.
From a total of 10 sewage samples collected from dairy farm, two bacteriophages (Phage 1 and Phage 2) were isolated and later confirmed using secondary streaking. Both the
aureus bacteriophages isolated were narrow spectrum and didn’t show heterogeneous lytic ability. Similar observations were recorded by
Song et al., (2021) in which narrow spectrum
aureus specific phage was isolated in their study. In another study performed by
Mahadevan et al., (2009) and
Vahedi et al., (2018), the phage isolated by them were also narrow spectrum and had no effect on other bacteria similar to the findings of the present study.
Further, the lytic ability of the phages was tested to treat biofilm at two varied concentrations of PFU A (1.5x10
7) and PFU B (5x10
7) and it was observed that higher titre of phage reduced the biofilm more effectively. The results were almost similar to the findings of
Alves et al., (2014) where they studied interrelation of biofilm removing capacity of three strong biofilm producing isolates of
aureus by treatment with different multiplicity of infection (MOI) of phage and it was observed that the phage mixtures with a higher MOIs (10 compared with 1) gave a more rapid reduction in biofilm mass.
A reduction in biofilm biomass, rise in PFU and a reduction in CFU was observed in the present study. A reduction in OD after phage treatment was observed by
Song et al., (2021) in which the OD decreased to 0.25 after exposing the staphylococcal biofilm to phage for 24h similar to the findings of the present study where after exposure for 24 h the total biofilm biomass decreased significantly, 0.502 ±0.0472 and 0.229±0.0024 with PFU A and PFU B respectively as compared with the control (1.510±0.0155). These observations provided an insight that the phage isolated in the study was effective in reducing the biofilm of the
The OD values obtained at each time interval were indicative of a considerable biofilm clearing action. Our findings supported the observations recorded in a study by
Vandersteegen et al., (2013) in which no substantial effect of phage treatment was found on the biofilm of
aureus during 2 h to 6 h. However further studies are required to know precisely the timeline which is needed for effective cleansing of biofilm by phage.