Prediction efficiency of different models
The prediction efficiency of conventional and connectionist models was evaluated based on monthly test-day milk yield records in Murrah buffalo. The error in prediction of FL305DMY was estimated by subtracting the actual value from the predicted value, therefore, a negative error denoted an underestimation of lactation yield by the prediction model, whereas, a positive error denoted an overestimation. The efficiency of different prediction models was also evaluated by absolute error, average error, root mean square error (RMSE) and their respective percentages as shown in Table 2. A perusal of the results revealed that all the models exhibited an RMSE lower than five per cent, however, the magnitudes of errors were minimal for MLR, followed by ANN, CDM, TIM and RM models. The scatter plots showing the prediction efficiency of different models by comparing the actual and predicted values of FL305DMY are presented in Fig 2. Clustering of the points closely around the diagonal line (y = x) in the scatter plots represents the accuracy of the prediction models.
Tailor and Singh (2014) reported 34.34 kg average error in the prediction of lactation yield by TIM model based on systematic sampling scheme in Surti buffaloes.
Atil (1999) reported that regression model was better than ratio model based on the study on 3,780 records of Holstein Friesian cows, which was in agreement with the present study.
Murphy et al., (2014) conducted the study on 140 Holstein Friesian cows and reported that MLR with 10.62% RMSE was found to be a better prediction model than ANN model with 12.03% RMSE.
Hemant and Hooda (2014) predicted the lifetime milk yield based on production and reproduction traits of 158 crossbred cows and reported that MLR (R
2 = 90.93%) was better than ANN (R
2 = 88.96%) model.
Gandhi et al., (2012) showed 99.77% prediction accuracy by MLR and 99.18% by ANN model, hence, suggested that MLR could be preferred over ANN model in Sahiwal cattle because of better prediction accuracy and lesser complexity.
Sanzogni and Kerr (2001) and
Rana et al., (2021b) also showed that MLR model was better than ANN model for the prediction of lactation yield in dairy animals which was in agreement with the findings of the present study. On the contrary,
Sharma et al., (2006) in Karan Fries cows,
Dongre et al., (2012) in Sahiwal cows and
Nosrati et al., (2021) in Holstein cows have documented that ANN model performed better than MLR model in the prediction of lactation yield of the dairy animals.
Prediction of first lactation 305-day milk yield
The results of the present study revealed that MLR model exhibited the highest prediction efficiency amongst all the tested models, therefore, the same was further utilized to achieve the pivotal objective
i.e. to predict the FL305DMY in Murrah buffaloes. The MLR prediction models along with their respective estimated intercept value, regression coefficient, coefficient of determination (R
2), Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and root mean square error (RMSE) values are presented in Table 3. The MLR model for the prediction of FL305DMY utilizing all the 11 MTDY records was found to be the best with 90.1681 RMSE and 95.68% accuracy. However, utilizing all the 11 test-day records would not predict the FL305DMY at an early stage of lactation. To predict the FL305DMY record at an early stage, mid-lactation monthly test-day milk yields up to MTDY-7 were investigated by stepwise backward elimination regression model in SAS enterprise guide 4.3, 2003 software. For early prediction, the most optimal regression model with two variables consisted of MTDY-3 and MTDY-7 showed 81.58% accuracy. The observation indicated that the prediction accuracy with a single variable (MTDY-7) was about 62%, remarkably, the introduction of an additional variable to the model resulted in a significant increase of around 19% in prediction accuracy. On addition of one more variable to the model (MTDY-3, MTDY-5 and MTDY-7) further showed an increment of 3.84% and resulted in 85.42% R2. Regression model with four variables (MTDY-3, MTDY-4, MTDY-5 and MTDY-7) increased the prediction accuracy to 87.02%. Further addition of monthly test-day records did not show a significant increase in the accuracy of prediction. Therefore, it could be interpreted that the optimal model for early-stage prediction of FL305DMY was the MLR model consisting of four variables (MTDY-3, MTDY-4, MTDY-5 and MTDY-7) with 87.02% R
2 and 154.7171 RMSE.
Singh et al., (2013) based on the study on 453 Surti buffaloes reported that the regression equation with all the test-day records showed 81.60% prediction accuracy, which was lower than the estimates obtained in the present study (R
2 = 95.68%). They also reported that the most optimal equation for early prediction exhibited 76.90% R
2 had three variables (MTDY-3, MTDY-6 and MTDY-7), in contrast, higher estimate was derived in the present study with three variables (R
2 = 85.42%) under MTDY-7.
Murphy et al., (2014) reported that the regression equation consisting of all the monthly test-day records exhibited 91.70% R
2 in Holstein Friesian cows. Similarly, in agreement with the present study,
Joshi et al., (1996) reported 93.07% prediction accuracy in Haryana cows when all the monthly test-day records were incorporated for the prediction of lactation yield.
Elmaghraby (2009) studied on 175 Egyptian buffaloes and reported that the optimal regression equation for the early prediction of lactation yield consisted of five variables (MTDY-1, MTDY-2, MTDY-3, MTDY-4 and MTDY-6) with 78% accuracy.
Dass and Sadana (2003) considered test-day milk yield records up to 8
th month of lactation for early prediction of 305-day milk yield and reported that the optimal prediction equation incorporating four variables (MTDY-2, MTDY-4, MTDY-6 and MTDY-8) showed 89% accuracy in the study of 415 Murrah buffaloes.
Gandhi et al., (2012) reported that the optimal equation for early prediction of lactation yield in Sahiwal cows consisted of five variables (MTDY-2, MTDY-3, MTDY-5, MTDY-7 and MTDY-8) showed 93.77% R
2 and 126.98 kg RMSE.
Saini et al., (2005) based on the study on 267 Rathi cows reported that the increase in prediction accuracy was 12.20% on addition of a second variable to the single variable regression equation. The regression equation incorporating all the test-day records showed 81.31% prediction accuracy. The optimal regression equation for early prediction of lactation yield was with three variables (MTDY-1, MTDY-2, MTDY-7) showed 78.42% R2, which was lower than the estimate obtained in the present study.