Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Evaluation of Imaging Techniques and Invasive Procedures in Diagnosis of Fatty Liver in Dairy Cows

C.S. Arunaman1,*, B. Nagarajan2, K. Jeyaraja2
1Department of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Theni-625 534, Tamil Nadu, India.
2Department of Clinics, Madras Veterinary College, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai-600 007, Tamil Nadu, India.

Background: Fatty liver is a major metabolic disorder of dairy cows with a high morbidity rate during early lactation. Diagnosis of mild and moderate fatty liver is difficult because affected cows often do not differ clinically from cows with normal liver. The need for the early identification of fatty liver cannot be overemphasized as it appears to be the root cause for occurrence of many post-partum metabolic diseases. A precise diagnosis of the different categories of fatty liver is possible by liver biopsies which entail a minor surgery. Spectral doppler is yet another milestone in identification of fatty infiltration of liver, without causing any trauma to the liver. With this backdrop this research study was carried out to document the ultrasonographic pattern of liver, to evaluate the Spectral Doppler derived indices of portal blood flow in fatty liver syndrome in cattle.

Methods: The study was conducted in clinical cases, presented to Large Animal Medicine Outpatient Unit of Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital over a period of 24 months. Dairy cows, with the history of recent calving, postpartum inappetance and brought for other routine check-ups were included for the study. Suspected cases were subjected to further examination. Concurrent diseases presented with Fatty liver syndrome were recorded. Animals were grouped into four categories based on the above investigations as group I, II, III and IV as control, mild fatty liver, moderate fatty liver and severe fatty liver respectively. 

Result: B-Mode Ultrasonography was superior in grading the fatty liver, compared to spectral doppler. Spectral Doppler derived indices of portal blood flow in fatty liver syndrome revealed significant reduction in venous pulsatility index in severe cases. But grading the fatty liver was not possible with spectral doppler. Among clinical manifestations, Postparturient inappetance (98.3 per cent), reduced milk yield and weight loss were the prominent in fatty liver syndrome. Major concurrent diseases in fatty liver syndrome were ketosis, haemoprotozoan diseases, repeat breeder and mastitis. The present study will be helpful in field level diagnosis of fatty liver in cattle and supplements the knowledge on concurrent diseases that could influence the prognosis of individual animal. The study also opens gateway to do further research in considering alternates to the liver biopsy and histopathological studies.

The occurrence of metabolic and infectious diseases recorded during the life span of a dairy cow is highest during the peripartum period, making it the most critical time for them. Fatty liver is one such major metabolic disorder of dairy cows with a high morbidity rate during early lactation. Fatty liver syndrome develops when the hepatic uptake of lipids exceeds the oxidation and secretion of lipids by the liver. Clinical signs of fatty liver include a decline in health status, well-being, productivity and reproductive performance of cows, which are non-specific signs. It is also associated with increased veterinary costs, longer calving intervals, decreased milk production and decreased average life span of cows. In extreme cases, cows develop hepatic encephalopathy, which is characterized by depressed consciousness, ataxia, somnolence, coma and death. The incidence of fatty liver is strongly associated with the incidence of other metabolic, infectious, digestive and reproductive disorders and share a common precipitating cause viz., ‘a severe negative energy balance’.
Diagnosis of mild and moderate fatty liver is difficult because affected cows often do not differ clinically from cows with normal liver. Blood parameters are found to be poor indicators of the syndrome. A precise diagnosis of the different categories of fatty liver is possible by liver biopsies which entail a minor surgery. While B mode ultrasonography is performed as an advanced procedure to diagnose fatty liver, Spectral doppler is yet another milestone in identification of fatty infiltration of liver, without causing any trauma to the liver. With this backdrop this research study was carried out to document the ultrasonographic pattern of liver and to evaluate the Spectral Doppler derived indices of portal blood flow in diagnosing and staging the fatty liver syndrome.
The study was conducted in clinical cases, presented to Large Animal Medicine Outpatient Unit of Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital, Chennai for a period of two years (September, 2021 to August, 2023). Dairy cows, reported with the history of recent calving, postpartum inappetance and dairy cows brought for other routine check-ups were included for the study. The complete signalment, past and present history and their feeding habits were recorded. Clinical signs for fatty liver such as inappetance, lethargy, reduced milk yield and drastic weight loss were taken in to consideration. Such cows were subjected to detailed clinical examination. The initial screening was done by checking for the presence of ketone bodies in urine, cow side blood glucose level and blood and urine Beta-hydroxybutyric acid levels. Other relevant hematobiochemical profiles were also done. Suspected cases were subjected to system wise examination, special diagnostic procedures and clinicopathological evaluations. Concurrent diseases presented with Fatty liver syndrome were recorded. Animals were grouped into four categories based on the above investigations as group I, II, III and IV as control, mild fatty liver, moderate fatty liver and severe fatty liver respectively. Ultrasonography was performed for screening and grading of fatty liver. Histopathology, buoyancy studies were done with liver biopsy specimen. Spectral Doppler indices and Portal vessel blood flow volume were studied.
Buoyancy test
Approximate fat percentage of liver was arrived based on floating or sinking nature of liver piece in various solutions (Herdt et al., 1983).
The samples were examined for their lipid content under light microscope. Liver fat content was classified histopathologically to 6 different degrees (Grades der Leberverfettung or GdL), ranging from 0 (no fat droplets visible, totally normal hepatocytes) to 5 (panlobular fatty infiltration).
GdL 2 and Below : Mild
GdL 3-4 : Moderate
GdL 5 : Severe
The liver was examined ultrasonographically from caudal to cranial, beginning caudal to the last rib and ending at the fifth intercostal space and from dorsal to ventral in every intercostal space. The echogenicity, attenuation pattern were documented.
Spectral doppler analysis
Transcutaneous Doppler study of portal blood flow was carried out in the pulsed wave (PW) mode from the 10th or 11th intercostal space on the right in the area of the portal vein (Plate 8), immediately before ramification (Starke et al., 2011). Doppler analysis was carried out off-line for assessment of blood flow velocities, peak maximum velocity (Vmax), peak minimum velocity (Vmin) and mean maximum blood flow velocity (Vmean). The diameter of the portal vein was measured, its area calculated (A) and the blood flow volume (BFV) was calculated using the formula,
BFV (L/h) = Vmean (cm/s) × 3.6 × A (cm2)
Venous pulsatility index (VPI) of the portal vein was also calculated (Gallix et al., 1997) by using the formula,
Clinical observations
The most common clinical signs observed in the study were, postparturient inappetance (98.3 per cent), reduced milk yield (95.53 per cent) and weight loss (90 per cent). Those common signs were in concurrence with the observations of Nagarajan (1990). Other signs were dullness, reduced rumen motility, lameness and occasional vague signs of a central nervous system disturbance such as ataxia with an odd stare recorded in the present study were in agreement with Adewuyi et al., (2005). One of the common clinical signs of weight loss was in concurrence with the observations of Nagarajan (1990), which was reported to be due to the mobilization of fat store from body reserve, during early lactation to compensate energy requirement, as stated by Katoh (2002). The nervous sign recorded in the present study was in accordance with Rehage et al., (1999) who reported about the development of hepatic encephalopathy which was characterized by depressed consciousness, ataxia and coma in severe cases of fatty liver syndrome. The possible reason for the hepatic encephalopathy could be due to the increased levels of toxic metabolic products such as ammonia, uric acid and decreased levels of blood glucose, that occurred in fatty liver syndrome (Sevinc et al., 2003).
Concurrent diseases
The concurrent diseases recorded in fatty liver syndrome cases were, Ketosis (32.39 per cent), Anaplasmosis (17.80 per cent), Repeat breeder (16.40 per cent), Mastitis (12.67 per cent), Ruminal impaction (5.40 per cent), Abortion (5.40 per cent), Recumbency (4.10 per cent), Metritis (4.10 per cent), Theileriosis (2.70 per cent), Dystocia (1.40 per cent), Retained fetal membrane (1.40 per cent) and Ruminal acidosis (1.40 per cent).
Combination of ketosis and Mastitis (4.1 per cent), ketosis and Anaplasmosis (4.1 per cent), ketosis and Theileriosis (1.4 per cent), Mastitis and Metritis (1.4 per cent), Abortion and Anaplasmosis (1.4 per cent) and Repeat breeder and Anaplasmosis (4.1 per cent) were also recorded along with clinical cases of fatty liver.
The results of the present study were in accordance with the observations of Esposito et al., (2014), who also recorded the above-mentioned diseases to occur concurrently in fatty liver syndrome, which was attributed to the interplay between the immune, endocrine, metabolic systems and diminished immune competence at calving as proposed by Trevisi et al., (2011).
The occurrence of ketosis to be the major concurrent disease in fatty liver syndrome in the present study was supported by Brindle et al., (1985) who hypothesized that, the high demand for gluconeogenesis which was prominently increased during early lactation for the synthesis of milk lactose resulted in exhaustion of oxaloacetic acid and diversion of acetyl-CoA towards ketogenesis, resulting in ketosis. While Top (1995) proposed ketosis as a driving force for the occurrence of fatty liver syndrome through the evidence that lipolysis was not started before the blood glucose concentrations had decreased.
The incidence of infectious diseases in the present study might be attributed to suppression of immune function and increase in concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines as reported by Ametaj et al., (2002) and decreased capacity of leucocyte to migrate into the infected mammay gland or uterus as the reason for non-responsive mastitis in fatty liver syndrome (Zerbe et al., 2000).
B-mode ultrasonography
Normal study (Control group)
In the present study, liver could be visualized from 12th intercostal space to 7th intercostal space, which was in accordance with the observations of Braun (2009). The ultrasonographic patterns of homogenous echogenecity, clear visualization of intrahepatic vessel margins and diaphragm (Plate 1) were in agreement with the observations of Tharwat et al., (2012) who suggested the homogenous echogenecity to be caused mainly by a series of alternate collagen-water interfaces. The location of various intrahepatic structures and the anatomical proximity of liver margin to various visceral organs, as visualized through different intercostal spaces were also in concurrence with that of Braun (2009) and Starke et al., (2010).

Plate 1: B-mode ultrasonographic patterns of normal liver.

There was a good correlation between B-mode ultrasonographic pattern of liver and the histopathological study of liver biopsy sample.
B-mode ultrasonographic pattern in mild fatty liver
Bright pattern, with visibility of intrahepatic vessel walls and visibility of diaphragm were the striking appearances of the B-mode ultrasonogram which correlates with the observations of Tharwat et al., (2012) and Besheer et al., (2023). The appearance of bright pattern could be attributed to the lower acoustic impedance of fat droplets, in contrast to the hypoechoic nature of normal liver parenchyma (Acorda et al., 1994). An earlier sign of deposition of fat droplets only around the intrahepatic vessels, with normal hepatic parenchyma was also recorded (Plate 2), which ranks the B-mode ultrasonography to be a more precise diagnostic tool.

Plate 2: B-mode ultrasonographic view of mild fatty liver with bright pattern around the veins (3.5 Mhz).

B-mode ultrasonographic pattern in moderate fatty liver
The major pattern of B-mode ultrasonogram recorded in moderate fatty infiltration was heterogenous echogenecity of liver, either with blurred intrahepatic vessel margins or disappearance of minor intrahepatic vessels (Plate 3). The findings in the present study could be correlated to the findings of Acorda et al., (1994); Braun (2009) and Tharwat et al., (2012) who jointly opined that, heterogenicity and vascular blurring were due to coarsened liver parenchyma that occur due to infiltration of diffused micro fat droplets to macro-fatty bodies in liver.

Plate 3: B-mode ultrasonographic view of moderate fatty liver with heterogenous echogenecity and blurred vessel margins (3.5 Mhz).

B-mode ultrasonographic pattern in severe fatty liver
Deep attenuation was the major B-mode ultrasonographic finding in the present study (Plate 4). The findings of the present study were in agreement with the observations of Acorda et al., (1994) and Starke et al., (2010), who opined that deep attenuation to be a distinguished finding in severe fatty liver infiltration. These observations in the present study could be correlated with the panlobular distribution of macrovacuolar changes in hepatocytes, with alteration of the individual cells, as observed in the present study (Plate 5).

Plate 4: B-mode ultrasonographic pattern of severe fatty liver syndrome with deep attenuation and near field vessel blurring (3.5 Mhz).


Plate 5: Grade IV-Numerous micro and macrovacuolar changes (40´).

Liver biopsy
In the present study, out of 75 clinical samples more than 88 per cent of samples from each category showed the floating or sinking properties in distilled water or copper sulfate solutions of 1.025 and 1.055 specific gravities when compared to the gold standard, histopathology and those were in agreement with the findings of Gowri et al., (2013).
The biopsy samples of severe fatty liver cows showed a panlobular distribution of fat droplets indicated by higher percentage of macrovacuoles in the cytoplasm of almost all the hepatocytes altering the shape of hepatocytes and pushing the nucleus towards the periphery, giving an indication of cellular damage (Plate 5). This stage was in correlation with the increased levels of leakage enzymes such as AST. The histopathological findings of the present study were in correlation with the findings of Bobe et al., (2004).
Spectral doppler study of portal vessel
Spectral doppler wave forms
In the present study, irregular and bizarre wave patterns, with irregular amplitudes and reduction in Vmax were recorded in various degrees of fatty infiltration (Plates 6- 9). Dampening of the wave with reduction in amplitude was the only consistent quality against the severity of fatty infiltration in liver. The change in the wave patterns in fatty liver cases in the present study could be attributed to the accumulation of fat in hepatocytes in fatty liver (Orrego et al., 1981), loss of elasticity of portal vessel (Johannsen et al., 1993), due to compression over the vasculature posed by the intra hepatic TAG accumulation (Erdogmus et al., 2008), that led to the dampened wave forms (Starke et al., 2011).

Plate 6: Normal venous pulsatility wave pattern over portal vein.


Plate 7: Spectral doppler wave of portal vessel in mild fatty liver showing irregular amplitudes of venous pulsatility.


Plate 8: Spectral doppler wave of portal vessel in moderate fatty liver cases showing bizarre pattern.


Plate 9: Dampened waves in severe fatty liver cases.

Grading of fatty liver based on the wave patterns was not possible as there was overlapping of the wave patterns between mild and moderate groups of fatty liver syndrome.
Spectral doppler derived indices
In the present study, a significant reduction in venous pulsatility index was recorded in clinical cases of fatty liver syndrome (Table 1) with an insignificant reduction in portal vessel blood flow volume (PBFV) which was in accordance with the findings of Reynolds et al., (2003). The negative correlation recorded in the present study was in concurrence with the findings of Starke et al., (2011).

Table 1: Spectral doppler indices of portal vessel in various groups of fatty liver.

The insignificant reduction in blood flow volume in the present study could be attributed to the increase in compensatory pressure as postulated by Erdogmus et al., (2008).
Sensitivity and specificity of various diagnostic tests
In the present study the sensitivity and specificity of B-mode ultrasonography was found to be closer to histopathology when compared to the sensitivity and specificity of buoyancy and spectral doppler studies (Table 2).

Table 2: Sensitivity and Specificity of various diagnostic tests in diagnosing fatty liver, compared to histopathology.

The comparatively reduced sensitivity and specificity of spectral doppler wave in the present study, in comparison to B-mode ultrasonography was due to the non-specific changes in the wave pattern such as irregular amplitudes being shown in mild and moderate cases, insignificant reduction in the maximum velocity between the various clinical groups and lack specific waveform for a particular group as proposed by Haudum et al., (2011).
Major clinical signs observed in fatty liver syndrome were inappetance (98.3 per cent), reduced milk yield (95.53 per cent) and weight loss (90 per cent) and vague signs included dullness, reduced rumen motility, ataxia and lameness. The major concurrent diseases recorded were Ketosis (32.39 per cent), Hemoprotozoan diseases (20.50 per cent), Repeat breeder (16.40 per cent) and Mastitis (12.67 per cent).
The sensitivity and specificity of B mode ultrasonography was found to be superior and closer to histopathology when compared to sensitivity and specificity of buoyancy and spectral doppler results.
The authors would like to thank Tamil Nadu Veterinary and animal Sciences University.
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.

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