Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 51 issue 3 (june 2017) : 478-488

Comparative evaluation of influence of dietary organic and inorganic selenium supplement on growth performance of indigenous Aseel chickens

Waseem Muhammad Zia*, Anjum Khalique, Saima Naveed, Jibran Hussain, Nadeem Muhammad, Sohail Ahmad
1<p>Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Production &amp; Technology,&nbsp;University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Ravi Campus, Lahore 54000, Pakistan</p>
Cite article:- Zia* Muhammad Waseem, Khalique Anjum, Naveed Saima, Hussain Jibran, Muhammad Nadeem, Ahmad Sohail (2017). Comparative evaluation of influence of dietary organic and inorganic selenium supplement on growth performance of indigenous Aseel chickens . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 51(3): 478-488. doi: 10.18805/ijar.v0iOF.7608.

Two hundred-forty 3-weeks-old Aseel birds from Lakha, Mushki, Peshaweri and Mianwali varieties of indigenous Aseel were chosen (60 birds/variety, 30 males and 30 females) to evaluate the influence of selenium supplements on growth performance. The birds of either sex were divided according to randomized complete block design into A, B and C treatment groups (10 birds/treatment); A and B were experimental, while C was control. Se-enriched yeast (organic selenium) and sodium selenite (inorganic selenium) were supplemented @ 0.3 mg/kg in the basal diets of group A and B, respectively, while, group C was fed without additional selenium. Birds were maintained individually in battery cages from 4-21 weeks. Statistically, the results showed the reduced (P>0.05) feed intake, while enhanced (P£0.05) nutrient utilization for dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat and ash; superior feed conversion ratio; higher live final body weight; lower (P£0.05) mortality and rearing cost in Se-enriched yeast fed birds, chiefly in the males of Lakha variety than those received sodium selenite supplemented or control diet. The study concluded that the organic selenium supplement (Se-enriched yeast) had a major influence in improving the overall growth performance of Aseel.   

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