Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Report on Mortalities of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Due to Tilapinevirus tilapiae and Co-infecting Bacteria in Winter Season

B. Madhusudhana Rao1,*, K.V. Rajendran1, Sanath H. Kumar2, Megha Kadam Bedekar1, Saurav Kumar1, Gayatri Tripathi1
1Division of Aquatic Environment and Health Management, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai-400 061, Maharashtra, India.
2Division of Harvest and Post-Harvest Management, Fisheries Resource, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai-400 061, Maharashtra, India.

Background: Tilapinevirus tilapiae, commonly known as Tilapia lake virus, is a major viral infection of cultured tilapia, causing severe rates of fatalites and has evolved as a serious hazard to the tilapia in the world. Predisposing factors, notably temperature and the development stage of the host play a decisive role in influencing the extent of pathogenesis and the mortality rate associated with the disease. The seasonality of TiLV outbreaks has been observed in multiple countries, with a higher frequency occurring during the summer months.

Methods: In the current investigation, the occurrence of TiLV disease was examined in fry and fingerlings of tilapia during the winter season (January - February, 2020) in Pune District, Maharashtra, India. The disease was observed in fish reared in open cages (Case I) and in nursery rearing farm (Case II). Infected tilapia displayed generalized gross clinical signs. TiLV was identified and confirmed in both instances using a semi-nested reverse transcriptase PCR by amplifying TiLV genome segment 3 and further confirmed by histopathogical investigation. 

Result: The research demonstrated the vulnerability of early developmemtal stages of O. niloticus to TiLV disease, suggesting the potential occurrence of this infection during the winter season, characterized by lower temperatures. Additionally, microbial investigations exposed the prevalence of Aeromonas spp., predominantly associated with TiLV-positive fish. These results align with previous publications, underscoring the potential role of bacterial infectious agents (Notably aeromonads), in exacerbating TiLV disease during outbreaks.

Tilapines are the next maximum cultured fish variety after cyprinids, being farmed in more than 135 countries (FAO, 2022). The rapid growth of tilapia aquaculture is attributable to its high adaptability to diverse culture conditions, higher disease resistance and faster growh rate, besides their affordability and rich source of protein. In 2020, it was estimated that 6.1 million metric tons of cichilds were produced globally (FAO, 2022). However, the aquaculture industry marked by rapid expansion, is facing significant challenges from diseases (especially bacterial and viral), which are contributing to severe losses (Machimbirike et al., 2019).
Tilapinevirus tilapiae, widely known as TiLV, responsible for Tilapia lake virus disease (TiLVD), is a RNA virus under the genus Tilapinevirus and the family Amnoonviridae (ICTV, 2023). TiLVD has become a significant disease in all the major tilapia farming nations. TiLV is a devastating infection, exhibiting both horizontal and vertical transmission (Aich et al., 2022). Considering the global significance, World Organisation for Animal Health has listed TiLVD as a notifiable disease (WOAH, 2022). Tilapines are often susceptible to TiLV during their whole life cycle, with cumulative mortalities lying between 5-90% (Contreras et al., 2021). Nevertheless, early developmental stages exhibit heightened susceptibility due to their nascent immune defences (Tran et al., 2022). This virus induces diverse organ impairments. Syncytial hepatitis is considered as the principal pathognomonic manifestation of the viral infection, featuring well-defined cellular necrosis in hepatic cells (Dong et al., 2017). TiLV outbreaks occur seasonally in various countries and are noticed more frequently in the summer, in the temperatures between 22-32°C (Piewbang et al., 2022). Interestingly, the current study reveals occurrence of the disease during the winter season.
The significance of co-infecting microbial agents is often underestimated due to a concentrated emphasis of the identified principal aetiological agent of the infection. Nonetheless, it is acknowledged that concurrent infections may exert a crucial influence on the disease outcome and spread of pathogens (Piewbang et al., 2022). According to earlier studies, Aeromonas spp. and Streptococcus spp. are consistently identified as predominant coexisting bacteria with TiLV in cultivated tilapia (Nicholson et al., 2017; Rao et al., 2021; Abdullah et al., 2022). In this study, we investigated the occurrence of a TiLV infection in two distinct life stages of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) that occurred in winter season.
Collection of samples
Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) specimens were procured from two distinct sources situated in the Pune district of Maharashtra, India (Fig 1). Live specimens from case I (fingerlings; n = 6) and case II (fish fry; n = 600) were collected and transported to the Aquatic animal Health Management (AAHM) laboratory of ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai and the entire research was conducted between 2020 and 2021. The farm-level observations and details of fish specimens are given in Table 1. In case I, after aseptic dissection, the fish tissues, such as gill, liver and kidney, were pooled (2 samples in 1 pool) for bacteriological studies. Similarly, pooled liver samples were used for TiLV screening and histopathological studies. For case II, fish fry (n = 12) were cut open using Leica CLS 150 X dissection microscope (Germany). Tissues, including gill, liver and kidney, were aseptically sampled and combined (3 samples per pool) for bacteriological studies, while liver samples were collected for TiLV screening. Concurrently, water temperatures, clinical pathognomonic conditions and post-mortem observations were systematically documented in both cases.

Fig 1: Map depicting the two locations of sampling points (Case I and II) in the present study.

Table 1: Details of fish samples collected and the farm-level observations made.

PCR confirmation of TiLV using reverse transcriptase PCR
Total RNA was isolated from liver tissues using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, USA) following the manufacturer’s procedure. Subsequently, 2 µg of total RNA was converted into cDNA using the Revert Aid Reverse Transcriptase First Strand cDNA Synthesis kit (Fermentas, USA) following the manufacturer’s procedure. The resulting cDNA was preserved at -20°C until subsequent utilization. For the detection of TiLV, a 100 ng cDNA was subjected to amplification through semi-nested reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) against TiLV genome segment 3 (Dong et al., 2017), besides plasmid DNA targeting TiLV segment 3 (415 bp) was used as a positive control. Table 2 gives particulars of primers used for PCR amplification.
Fixation of liver tissues were done using 10% buffered formalin for 24 h. Later, the tissues were washed overnight with running water and transferred to serial ascending grades of ethanol. The tissues were subsequently subjected to processing employing a conventional histopathology procedure. The samples were transferred to a xylene, followed by embedding in the paraffin block, sectioning using a rotary microtome (5 μM) and adequately spread on clean slides. After proper drying, tissue sections were deparaffinised in xylene (1 h) and rehydrated through a descending alcohol series (20 min each) followed by staining with haematoxylin and eosin (H and E), mounting in DPX (Luna, 1968). After drying, stained slides were observed under the light microscope coupled Axiocam 105 colour camera (Carl Zeiss, Germany) for taking photomicrographs.
Bacteriological analysis
Bacterial isolation was conducted in accordance with the previously outlined procedure (Rao et al., 2021). Briefly, a part of the pooled tissue is homogenated in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth and tryptone yeast extract salt (TYES) broth (Himedia, India), later the resulted mixture was serially diluted (10-fold) in the BHI and TYES agar plates, correspondingly. The plates underwent incubation at 30°C for a period of 24-48 hours. Subsequently, 5-10 colonies, representing distinct colony characteristics, were selected and subjected to further purification. The purified colonies were then preserved on BHI and TYES agar slants at 4°C. The bacterial strains were further examined for conventional biochemical tests viz., Gram staining, oxidase, esculin hydrolysis, gas from arabinose and glucose, ornithine decarboxylase tests and resistance to O/129 compound (Abbott et al., 2003).
For molecular identification, the bacterial DNA was extractedby means of DNA zol method and the concentration of DNA was measured using Nano Drop (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). Subseqently, 100 ng of the DNA was PCR amplified using universal 16SrRNA primers 27F (5'-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3') and 1492R (5'-GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3' (Lane et al., 1991). The resulted products were refined by means of PCR purification kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) and sequenced (Agrigenome Pvt. Ltd., India). The obtained nucleotide sequences from this investigation were verified are placed in the GenBank with the following accession numbers; ON375295-97, ON375357-64, ON375394-402, ON383329-36, ON383471-78, ON383519-27, ON383822, ON383824.
Confirmation of TiLV
A macroscopic examination of the diseased fish exhibited multifaceted and generalized clinical signs. These encompassed aberrant swimming behavior, anorexia, body darkening, exophthalmia, haemorrhagic skin lesions and uneven loss of scale to severe skin peel off, predominantly at the caudal peduncle portion, fin and tail rot and abdominal swelling (Fig 2 and 4). Internally, enlarged and congested liver, intestinal fluid accumulation, distended gall bladder (Fig 2-4). The affected fish stock exhibited severe morbidity with mass mortalities. Microscopic observations of both external and internal organs did not indicate any evidence of parasite infestation. A compilation of farm-level observations, inclusive of water temperature and clinical manifestations and symptoms, is presented in Table 1.

Fig 2: Naturally infected Nile tilapia from Case I, illustrating macroscopic changes.

Fig 3: TiLV-infected Nile tilapia from Case I, illustrating internal manifestations.

Fig 4: Naturally infected Nile tilapia from Case II, illustrating macroscopic changes.

Positive results were obtained using RT-PCR amplification of cDNA made from liver tissue’s RNA using primers specific to TiLV’s genome segment 3 (Table 2). Samples obtained from Case I confirmed TiLV infection at both steps of nested PCR, displaying products of 415 bp and 250 bp, correspondingly (Fig 5). Conversely, from Case II specimens, TiLV infection was confirmed in the second step of the PCR, after noticing 250 bp amplicon (Fig 5 and 6). TiLV-infected fish displayed severe pathological changes such as focal to extensive areas of necrosis, typical multinucleate syncytial cell formation, extensive eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, degeneration of hepatocytes with loss of nuclei, loss of cellular architecture and erythrocytic infiltration (Fig 7). 

Table 2: Details of the primer sets used for the screening TiLV in the present study.

Fig 5: Detection of TiLV in liver tissues (Case I).

Fig 6: Detection of TiLV in liver tissues (Case I).

Fig 7: Histological section of TiLV-positive liver tissues stained with haematoxylin and eosin (Hand E).

In the TiLV screening process, Case I samples exhibited affirmative amplification in the first step of PCR, affirming the intensity of infection (Fig 5). The PCR outcome aligns with the distinctive severe clinical manifestations observed in the fingerlings, resulting in a mass mortality rate exceeding 85%. Consistent with previous instances, various signs and symptoms related to TiLV were nonspecific. However, the presence of ocular opacity, identified as an overt clinical sign (Fig 2e) linked to widespread TiLV-induced mortalities, aligns with the findings of Eyngor et al., (2014). Conversely, despite the prominent clinical signs and a mass mortality rate exceeding 70% observed in Case II, the specimens exhibit virus prevalence in the 2nd step of nested PCR, indicating a low level of infection (Fig 6).
In this research, we examined two independent disease episodes in cage-reared fingerlings (Case I) and nursery-reared fry (Case II) tilapia and are confirmed to be positive to TiLV disease. The clini­cal signs, histological changes observed (winter season) were agreeing with the earlier publiced naturally infected tilapia cases (Behera et al., 2018; Rao et al., 2021; Abdullah et al., 2022).
Identification of TiLV-associated bacterial isolates
Microbiological examination of representative specimens led to the retrival of 48 bacterial isolates. Among them, 21 isolates were obtained from Case I and 27 isolates were derived from Case II. The predominant bacterial taxa from Case-I samples, were identified to be Aeromonas species, of which, Aeromonas veronii and A. jandaei possess major share (24% each; 5/21 each), followed by A.hydrophila (19%; 4/21). Among all the bacterial isolates recovered from Case-I, Aeromonas spp. (15/21) alone (A. veronii, A. hydrophila, A. jandaei and A. dhakensis) constitutes of 72% (Table 3). A similar bacteriological composition was observed in TiLV-infected samples from Case II. Among the 27 bacterial isolates, A. veronii and Plesiomonas shigelloides were the prevailing taxa, each constituting 30% (8/27 isolates) followed by, A. hydrophila accounted for 18.5% (5/27), of all the isolates recovered from Case-II, Aeromonas spp. (14/27) alone (A. veronii, A. hydrophila and A. dhakensis) constitutes of 52% (Table 3). The complete list of tissue-wise co-infecting bacteria from the Case I and Case II specimens are detailed in Table 3.

Table 3: Description on bacteria isolated from TiLV infected tilapia from Case I and II.

The simultaneous infection of a fish by multiple pathogens is termed as co-infection. Typically, studies conducted during disease outbreaks primarily focus on the primary etiological agent, which may lead to missing out the secondary pathogens that contributes equally to the disease (Kotob et al., 2017). In view of the above, after PCR confirmation of the virus infection, the samples were processed further to understand the possible association of bacteria as secondary pathogens. A. veronii and A. hydrophila were consistently isolated from both cases of TiLV-positive tilapia.
As per the earlier studies, Aeromonads are the common co-infecting bacteria with Tilapinevirus tilapiae (Nicholson et al., 2017; Amal et al., 2018; Rao et al., 2021; Suresh et al., 2023). Similarly, in this investigation, Aeromonads were detected in all screened fish tissues (Table 3). Aeromonads are prevalent in inland waters and are recognized as a significant challenge in tilapia farming. Aeromonas spp. constituted 72% of all the isolates from case I samples and 52% in case II samples. It must be noted that the case I samples were severely infected with TiLV and a high incidence of Aeromonas spp. in these samples suggest their vulnerability to colonization by bacterial pathogens following viral infection.
The findings of this study further recommend the combined impact of bacterial and viral infections in rapid development and progression of disease leading to high mortality rates (Nicholson et al., 2020). Instances of natural coinfection involving TiLV and A. veronii in Malaysia and India has led to elevated mortality rates in both cultured and wild tilapines (Amal et al., 2018; Suresh et al., 2023). Furthermore, in vivo studies carried out by Nicholson et al., (2020) showed that Tilapinevirus tilapiae - A. hydrophila co-infection has a synergistic effect that resulted in higher mortalities (93%) in comparison to individual pathogen challenges. According to Lu et al., (2021), the concentration of A. hydrophila might be the key environmental sign in fish ponds of TiLV-positive fish during concurrent infection leading to mass mortalities. Compared to Nile tilapia experimentally infected with TiLV alone; co-infected fish were observed to have more severe gross lesions (Nicholson et al., 2020). In this investigation, the pronounced clinical manifestations may arise from the synergistic impact of both viral and Aeromonas spp. infections, contributing to an escalation of the disease severity (Basri et al., 2020).
Role of pre-disposing factors
Disease caused by TiLV leading to large-scale mortalities is generally encountered during summer, due to which TiLV has been speculated to be associated with the Summer Mortality Syndrome (SMS) in tilapines (Surachetpong et al., 2020). According to previous studies from various countries, outbreaks of TiLV infection were reported from higher water temperatures, ranging between 22-32°C. In Israel, at 22-32°C (Eyngor et al., 2014), in Ecuador at 25 -27°C (Ferguson et al., 2014), in Egypt at >25°C (Fathi et al., 2017), in Colombia at 27.5-32°C (Contreras et al., 2021), in Thailand at 28-32°C (Piewbang et al., 2022), in Malaysia at 28.6- 30.4°C (Abdullah et al., 2022) and in Vietnam at 26-28°C (Tran et al., 2022). Nevertheless, a water with 25°C are generally linked with disease transmission in communities (Fathi et al., 2017) and elevated temperatures are conducive to TiLV outbreaks (Surachetpong et al., 2020). Surprisingly, in the present study, mortalities are recorded during the winter season, characterized by a reasonably lower water temperature range of 20-22°C. Stress plays a vital role in the spread of diseases and in this regard the decreasing water temperatures have dropped cellular and humoral immune system and may have predisposed fish to viral infection (Wang et al., 2020). Additionally, due to the lower tolerance of tilapia to low water temperatures (Tang et al., 2021), there is a potential for a heightened occurrence of diseases such as TiLV, coupled with co-infections. In addition to the above, Bergmann et al., (2021) in an experimental study, recorded 100% mortality in tilapia infected with TiLV at 12°C, however, no mortality was occurred at 17°C. Studies involving natural outbreaks and artifical infection studies with Tilapinevirus tilapiae suggest that the early stages of tilapia, starting from eggs to fingerling stage are more susceptible to infections (Dong et al., 2020; Surachetpong et al., 2020). Typically, fish weighing between 1-50 g encounter significant mortality rates attributed to high viral loads and pathological manifestations (Roy et al., 2021).
Low water temperatures and other predisposing conditions, such as low initial weight (during transporation to culture tanks), enhance the prevalence and infectivity of TiLVD in cultured tilapia (Kabuusu et al., 2018). Ferguson et al., (2014) observed clinical signs of TiLVD with fatalities within 4-7 days after transferring to culture ponds. Likewise, in this study, clinical signs and mortalities manifested in fish fry within 5 days of transitioning to the nursery rearing system. Rearing tilapia fry and fingerlings in winter poses a risk of TiLV-associated mortalities. It’s crucial to highlight that seemingly healthy tilapia can carry latent TiLV infections, which may emerge during suboptimal conditions, resulting in mass mortalities (Senapin et al., 2018).
A latent infection (TiLV) in early fish life stages, coupled with low temperature and bacterial co-infection, likely contributed to severe clinical symptoms and mass die-off in the current outbreak. Aeromonas spp. is concerning co-infecting pathogen in farmed Nile tilapia, capable of causing significant fatalities in initial life stages. The interaction of viral and bacterial pathogens might have accelerated the disease leading to significant mortalities. This indicates the need for PCR-based screening of early larval stages for TiLV before stocking into the grow out system. Consequently, the study elucidates certain risk factors associated with TiLV disease outbreaks, offering essential insights for the formulation of effective management strategies for Tilapia lake virus disease (TiLVD). Our results reveal TiLV’s impact on Nile tilapia across various life stages, even in low-temperature seasons, often co-occurring with aeromonad bacterial pathogens. Experimental infection studies at different low-temperature conditions (15-22°C) are essential for comprehending TiLV infection dynamics with respect to water temperatures.
The authors express gratitude to the Director of ICAR-CIFE Mumbai for providing the essential facilities for conducting this study. 
First author received scholarship from ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai for his Ph.D programme. We gladly accept funding from the National Agricultural Science Fund, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (F. No. NASF/ABA-8006/2019-20).
The authors assert the absence of any conflicts of interest. 

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