In the present study, significant (P<0.05) differences were observed in latency periods among the treatments. The shortest and longest average latency periods were observed in T2 (23.73 hr for OVAFISH and 21.46 hr. for Gonopro FH) and T1 (27.73 hr. for OVAFISH and 25.46 hr. for Gonopro FH) respectively which is depicted in Table 1 and 2. The duration of the latency period depends on the species and environmental parameters; mainly temperature (
Brzuska, 1999).It varies with type of hormone administered and dosage of hormone
(Sahoo et al., 2005) and ovarian maturation stage at the time of the hormone administration
(Matsuyama et al., 1996). Short latency period might be due faster release of gonadotrophs as result of effective dose administration.
Kumar et al., (2021) recorded longer latency period for HCG administered treatments of striped snakehead compared to CPH administered treatments. Similar results were reported in previous studies with
Barbus barbus (Nowosad et al., 2016) and
Leuciscus idus (
Kucharczyk et al., 2020).
There were significant (P<0.05) differences in relative fecundities among the treatments. It was found highest in T2 (8314.33± 6.11 for OVAFISH, 9479.66 ± 16.37 for Gonopro FH) and the lowest (2225.33± 11.62 for OVAFISH, 2732.33± 6.54 for Gonopro FH) in T1 in both the hormone groups (Table 1 and 2). A greater plasma gonadotropin concentration might have stimulated final oocyte maturation and spermiation
(Mylonas et al., 2010) which led to release of good quality gametes in the fish. The medium dose (0.6 ml/kg) gave the optimum result while lower dose(0.4 ml/kg) and higher dose (0.8 ml/kg), was not suitable for complete spawning. The partial ovulation might be due to insufficient release of gonadotropin at low dose
(Sahoo et al., 2008) and being a batch spawner
(Rawat et al., 2020) the fish released less eggs. At a higher dose ovulation might have decreased due to the plugging of the genital aperture and over-ripening might have led to clumping of eggs leading to low relative fecundity. Similar results were observed in
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Legendre et al., 2000) and
Anabas testudineus (
Mandal et al., 2016)
. The relative fecundities were lower than previous study in snakehead bred with HCG and Carp Pituitary Homogenate (CPH) (
Kumar et al., 2021), this might be due to the presence of propylene glycol, absent in HCG and CPH. A similar explanation was given in breeding trials of
Mystus gulio (
Kumar et al., 2021).
In this study, fertilization rates differed significantly (P<0.05) among the treatments. It was the highest (87.09 for OVAFISH, 88.68 for Gonopro FH) in T2 (0.6 ml/Kg) and the lowest (76.87 for OVAFISH, 80.30 for OVAFISH) in T1 (0.4 ml/Kg) in both the hormone groups (Table 1 and 2). The increased fertilization rates might be due to sufficient gonadotropin release for the final maturation of male and female gonads which initiated ovulations of the fully mature ova from the fish ovary. Excessive doses might have led to early milting resulting in poor fertilization in the highest dose and under-dosing caused late inducement in males
(Das et al., 2016). Moreover, the fertilization rates were found to be better than a previous study with
Channa striata (
Kumar et al., 2021) with hormonal implant and bred using HCG and where 1:1 sex ratio was maintained. This enhancement might be due to greater sperm to egg ratio attributed to the use of 1:2(F:M) sex ratio. A similar observation was reported in
Anabas testudineus (Mandal et al., 2016) and
Mystus gulio (
Kumar et al., 2021).
Significant (P<0.05) differences were observed in hatching rates among the treatments. Hatching rates were the highest (79.43 for OVAFISH, 86.06 for Gonopro FH) in T2 (0.6 ml/Kg) and the lowest (71.69 for OVAFISH, 75.79 for Gonopro FH) in T1(0.4 ml/Kg) in both the hormone groups (Table 1 and 2). The increase in hatching rates might be due to fertilization of more fully matured eggs which were released due to higher gonadotropin release. Similar explanation was reported in previous study on
Channa striata (
Kumaret al., 2021). A very high doses of hormone can have harmful effects on egg quality, especially when administered with a single injection
(Gardes et al., 2000) which may have led to decreased hatching rate in the fish administered with the highest dose.
Incubation periodswere within the previouslyreported range
(Rawat et al., 2020). There were significant (P<0.05) differences in incubation periods among the treatments. Incubation period were the shortest (23.43 hr. for OVAFISH, 22.5 hr for Gonopro FH) in T2(0.6 ml/Kg) and the longest (25.33 hr for OVAFISH, 27.33 hr for Gonopro FH) in T1(0.4 ml/Kg) in both the hormone groups (Table 1 and2). Different incubation period may be attributed to species specific (
Ngueku, 2015) and the efficacy of the inducing agents. Biochemical activities are stimulated by heat energy, rising temperature fasten metabolism (
Kumar et al., 2016), therefore, incubation periods can vary with the temperature. Shorter incubation period in the optimal dose (0.6 ml/Kg) might be due to optimal fertilization of fully mature eggs leading to faster development.
Two way significant (P<0.05) interaction was observed only between the relative fecundities (Fig 3) of the two hormones whereas there were no other significant(P>0.05) interactions between other breeding aspects of the two hormones. The variations in effective dosage among different species might be due to the different levels of dopamine activity
(Peter et al., 1986). Relative fecundities, in this study, were higher in Gonopro FH induced fish in comparison to OVAFISH induced fish. This might be due to suitability of the synthetic hormone constituents to the snakeheads under climatic conditions of Assam. The efficacy of different inducing agents was reported by several studies.
Chaturvedi et al., (2015) reported the superior efficacy of Ovatide over Ovaprim and Gonopro-FH for induce spawning of silver carp. In a similar study, Ovaprim was found to be better over Ovatide and carp pituitary extract in terms of hatching rate of
L. rohita (
Gurpreet and Sudhanshu, 2012). In the present study, for both the inducing hormone the optimal dose was found as 0.6 ml/Kg body weight of female to conduct the artificial breeding of
Channa striata in captive condition.