Data and management at research station
Data and pedigree information on 6785 Chokla sheep belonging 459 sires and 2102 dams maintained at the Central Sheep and wool Research institute, Arid Region Campus Beechwal, Bikaner were collected over a period of 47 years (1974 to 2020). This institute is geographically located at an altitude of 234.84 meters above mean sea level on 28°3'N Latitude and 37°5'E Longitude.Chokla sheep were reared under semi intensive system of management and all animals grazed during the day (7 to 8 h) on natural pasture with supplementation depending upon the status and age category of the animals and were penned at night. At birth each lamb was identified and date of birth, sex, type of birth and weight were recorded. Lambs were normally weaned at three months of age. Dry fodder supplementation, 300 g of concentrate mixture was also provided during the post-weaning period. The main breeding season generally commenced towards the mid of August and continued for 2-3 oestrus cycles (up to beginning of November). However, a minor season of mating was also executed in the month of March-April to augment the more lambing per year. The prophylactic measures such as vaccination, deworming, dipping and hygienic measures like dusting, spraying, disinfection of sheds, watering channels, feeding troughs and protection of lambs against inclement weather conditions and prophylactic antibiotic treatment of lambs were implemented.
Classifications of data
The data were classified according to period, season and sex of lamb. These data were classified into eleven different periods of 4 years interval each except period P1, P2 and P11to provide unbiased allocation of observations in each period or to avoid the unequal distribution in each period.These periods were P1 (1974-1978), P2 (1979-1983), P3 (1984-1987), P4 (1988-1991), P5 (1992-1995), P6 (1996-1999), P7(2000-2003), P8(2004-2007), P9(2008-2011), P10(2012-2015) and P11 (2016-2020). According to season of lambing data were classified into two season
viz. spring (January to June) and autumn (July to December). Data were classified according to sex into male and female group.
Statistical analyses of data
The data were analysed to examine the effects of period, season, sex and ewe weight at lambing using least-squares analysis of variance with software SPSS VERSION 26.0 (2005). The model was as follows:
Yijklm = m + Si + Aj + Bk + Cl + b (DWijkl- DW) + eijklm
ijklm = Growth performance record of the m
th progeny of i
th sire born in j
th period, k
th season belonging to l
th sex.
ì = Overall mean.
i = Random effect of ith sire.
j = Fixed effect of jth period of birth (j = 1, 2, 3 ...11).
k = fixed effect of kth season of birth (k = 1, 2).
l = Fixed effect of lth sex of lamb (l = 1, 2).
ijkl = Dam’s weight at lambing.
DW = Mean dam’s weight at lambing.
b (DW
ijkl - DW) = The regression of the corresponding trait on dam’s weight at lambing.
ijklm = Residual random error under standard assumption which make the analysis valid,
i.e. NID (0,𝛔
The differences between the least-squares means for subclass under a particular effect were tested by Duncan’s multiple range test (
Kramer, 1957).
(Co)Variance components and corresponding genetic parameters for the studied traits were estimated by average information Restricted Maximum Likelihood (AIREML)using the WOMBAT programme (
Meyer, 2007) by fitting an animal model throughout.
Only significant effects (P<0.05) were included in the models which were subsequently used for the estimation of genetic parameters.
The following animal models by ignoring or including various combinations of maternal genetic and permanent environmental effects were fitted to estimate genetic parameters for each trait:
Y = Xb + Z1a + ε Model 1
Y = Xb + Z1a + Z2m + ε with Cov (a,m) = 0 Model 2
Y = Xb + Z1a + Z2m + ε Cov (a,m) = A𝛔am Model 3
Y = Xb + Z1a + Wc+ ε Model 4
Y = Xb + Z1a + Z2m + Wc + ε with Cov (a,m) = 0 Model 5
Y = Xb + Z1a + Z2m + Wc + ε with Cov (a,m) = A𝛔am Model 6
Y = N×1 vector of record
b = Fixed effects in the model with association matrix X.
a = Vector of direct genetic effect with the association matrix Z
c = Vector of permanent maternal environmental effect with the association matrix W.
m = Vector of maternal genetic effects with the association matrix Z
ε = Vector of residual (temporary environmental) effect.
X, Z
1, Z
2, and W = Incidence matrices that relate these effects = to the records such as for b, a, m and c, respectively.
Cov (a,m) indicates covariance between direct and maternal additive genetic effects.
Generally, the (co)variance structure for studied traits was as follows:
Additive direct and maternal genetic effects were assumed to be normally distributed with mean 0 and variance A𝛔
a2and A𝛔
m2, respectively, where A is the additive numerator relationship matrix and 𝛔
a2 and 𝛔
m2 are direct additive genetic and maternal additive genetic variances, respectively. 𝛔
am is the covariance between additive direct and maternal genetic effect. Permanent environmental effects of the dam and residual effects were assumed to be normally distributed with mean 0 and variances I
c2 and I
e2, respectively, where Id and In are identity matrices with orders equal to the number of dams and individual records, respectively and 𝛔
c2 and 𝛔
e2are maternal permanent environment and residual variances, respectively.
Assumptions for variance (V) and covariance (Cov) matrices involving random effects were:
V(a) = Asa2
V(m) = Asm2
V(c) = Idsc2
V(e) = Inse2
Cov (a,m) = A𝛔am
The total heritability (h
2t), was calculated using the following formula:
2t = (𝛔
2a + 0.5 s
2m + 1.5s
am) / 𝛔
2p; (
Willham, 1972)
2p = 𝛔
2a+ 𝛔
2m+ 𝛔
2c+ 𝛔
Heritability estimates of additive direct (h
2), additive maternal (m
2) and permanent environmental effects (c
2) were calculated as ratios of estimates of additive direct (𝛔
2a), additive maternal (𝛔
2m) and permanent environment maternal (𝛔
2c) variance to total phenotypic variance (𝛔
2p), respectively.
h2 = 𝛔2a/ 𝛔2p
m2 = 𝛔2m/ 𝛔2p
c2 = 𝛔2c/ 𝛔2p
The direct-maternal correlation (ram) was calculated in the following manner:
ram = 𝛔am/√𝛔2a* √𝛔2m
Maternal across year repeatability for ewe performance was calculated for all the traits as follows:
Goodness of fit for the models was examined using likelihood based criteria as:
log L
i = Maximised log likelihood of model i at convergence. p
i = Number of parameters obtained from each model; the model with the lowest AIC was chosen as the best approximating model.
Bivariate animal model analysis was carried out in order to estimate genetic and phenotypic correlations between the traits based on the most appropriate single-animal models.