Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 58 issue 9 (september 2024) : 1599-1604

Impact of Feeding Biofortified Wheat (WB 2) Straw-based Diet on Immunity of Lactating Murrah (Bubalus bubalis) Buffaloes

Davender Singh Kalwani1,*, Arun Kumar Misra1, S.B.N. Rao2
1Livestock Production and Management Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132 001, Haryana, India.
2Animal Nutrition Division, ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore-560 030, Karnataka, India.
Cite article:- Kalwani Singh Davender, Misra Kumar Arun , Rao S.B.N. (2024). Impact of Feeding Biofortified Wheat (WB 2) Straw-based Diet on Immunity of Lactating Murrah (Bubalus bubalis) Buffaloes . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 58(9): 1599-1604. doi: 10.18805/IJAR.B-5244.

Backround: Buffaloes contributes heavily to the livestock sector of India and buffaloes are preferred for milk production in India due to their efficiency and better nutrients in milk. Major part of their diet constitute roughage which is usually wheat straw in north-western region of India. WB 2 is a biofortified wheat variety with high zinc and iron levels in its grain, has been developed by ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research in Karnal, Haryana. This study aimed at comparing the benefits of substituting conventional straw with WB 2 straw.

Methods: The present experiment was conducted on 12 Murrah buffaloes, divided into two groups i.e., Control (T0) and Treatment (T1) based on body weight, parity and previous milk record. Feeding continued for a period of 90 days as per ICAR (2013) feeding
standard. The wheat straw, oats fodder and concentrate mixture was fed in the ratio 50:15:35 (on DM basis) in both the groups. However, in control group, conventional wheat straw was used and in the treatment group, biofortified wheat variety straw was utilized.

Result: Non-significant differences (P>0.05) were observed when both the groups were compared for body weight and dry matter intake on fortnightly basis. Similarly, haematology was carried out on monthly basis and there were non- significant differences (P>0.05) between the two groups. Non-significant difference for plasma IgG1 was also recorded. The study reveals that the feeding of biofortified wheat variety (WB 2) straw had no impact on immunity of lactating Murrah buffaloes compared to conventional straw-based diet.  

The livestock sector accounts for 6.17% of total GVA (at current prices) and 30.87% of the GVA of agriculture and allied sector of India (DAHD, 2022) and plays significant role in improving the socioeconomic status of small and marginal farmers. In 2019-20, the milk group generated 66.77 per cent of the total value of the livestock sector’s output (Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, 2022). India has 109.85 million buffaloes (DAHD, 2019) with overall milk production of 221.06 million tonnes (DAHD, 2022). Buffaloes are preferred over cows in India because they are fed on poor quality feed and forages, have better feed conversion efficiency, higher returns from milk (more than 8% fat) and have better nutrients in milk (higher SNF including sugar, protein, calcium and vitamins) (Balhara et al., 2017).
WB 2, a biofortified wheat variety developed by the ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research in Karnal, Haryana, was released by the Government of India in 2017. It is a pure line wheat cultivar with high zinc and iron levels of 42.0 and 40.0 ppm, respectively (Yadava et al., 2018). It matures in 142 days with a grain yield of 51.6 q/ha on an average and is suitable for cultivation in the North-western Plains Zone of the country (Chatrath et al., 2018). Wheat biofortification resulted in higher zinc levels in wheat straw and increased in vitro dry matter digestibility (NIANP, 2019). Zn is very effective in boosting Zn and Fe concentrations in grains and straw when soil and foliar application is done (Paramesh et al., 2020). Zn application results in a greater improvement in grain and straw accumulation (Liu et al., 2019). Increased Zn availability to cattle through Zn enhanced fodder will meet the Zn requirement, which is critical for the livestock’s immune system (Capstaff and Miller, 2018). Keeping above facts in view, the present study was conducted to study the effect of feeding biofortified wheat (WB 2) straw-based diet on immunity of lactating Murrah (Bubalus bubalis) buffaloes.
The 12 newly calved Murrah buffaloes were selected from the Livestock Research Center, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal and divided into two groups of six animals each based on body weight, producing ability and lactation stage. The experiment was conducted as per the prescribed guidelines and procedures of the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC), which was established in compliance with Form No. 13 of the government-mandated Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA). All the animals were dewormed before the start of the feeding trial and kept in well-ventilated tie-stalls with separate arrangements for feeding. Animals in both groups were given a total mixed ration in the ratio of 50:15:35 (Wheat Straw: Green Fodder: Concentrate) on DM basis in accordance with the ICAR (2013) specification. Animals in the control group were given conventional wheat straw, whereas those in the treatment group were fed biofortified wheat (WB 2) straw. Throughout the trial, daily logs of feed given and leftovers were recorded. At 10:00 a.m., the necessary quantity of wheat straw, concentrate mixture and chaffed green fodder was measured individually and given as TMR after thorough mixing. Buffaloes had free access to potable drinking water. Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein in sterile heparinized vacutainer containers with minimal disruption to the animal. Blood samples were taken on the 0th, 30th, 60th and 90th days of the trial. Soon after collection, samples were transported to the laboratory in refrigerated iceboxes and an aliquot of blood was collected and quickly analysed for blood parameters such as TLC, TEC, DLC and Hb concentration using Blood Cell Counter Vety. Version MS4Se at HPVK, Karnal. The samples were centrifuged for 15 minutes at 3000rpm to extract the plasma. Plasma samples were kept at -20oC for further analysis. KRISHGEN BioSystems’ “Bovine Immunoglobulin g1, IgG1 GENLISATM ELISA” (Cat. No. KLB0385) was used to measure immunoglobin IgG1 in bovine plasma.
Chemical composition of feed stuffs
The chemical composition of various feed resources offered to experimental animals are presented in Table 1. The results show that the chemical composition of various feeds are within the range of reported values. The concentration of Zn and Fe was within the normal range reported by previous workers (Misra et al., 2012 and NIANP, 2019).

Table 1: Chemical composition of feedstuffs used (% on DM basis).

Dry matter intake (on per cent body weight basis) of lactating Murrah buffaloes
The DM intake in the control (T0) group ranged from 2.66±0.12 to 2.91±0.12 percent and in the treatment (T1) group, it ranged from 2.73±0.09 to 2.83±0.11 per cent (Table 2). The difference between control (T0) and treatment (T1) group was found to be non-significant (p>0.05) for dry matter intake (on percent body weight basis).

Table 2: Dry matter intake (on % body weight basis) of lactating Murrah buffaloes.

These results are similar to Giridhar et al., (2021) who reported non-significant difference in DMI when they fed zinc biofortified sorghum stover to lambs. Fagari-Nobijari et al., (2012) also found non-significant difference in DMI on zinc supplementation in bulls. On Contrary, Kumar and Ram (2021) recorded higher DMI intake in the case of Zn biofortified maize fodder.
Body weight (kg) of lactating Murrah buffaloes
The influence of biofortified wheat straw-based ration on body weight of lactating Murrah buffaloes is presented in Table 3. The mean of overall observations was found to be 565.02±10.71 and 563.65±7.80 kg for control (T0) and treatment (T1) group, respectively. The difference between the control (T0) and treatment (T1) was found to be non-significant (p>0.05) at all fortnights. Contrary to this, Giridhar et al., (2021) found significant (p=0.05) difference in growth performance of lambs fed on biofortified sorghum stover. Antari et al., (2021) found that supplementing Ongole cattle with Zn methionine prevented live weight loss during early lactation. In the present study, Zn concentrations in control (T0) and treatment (T1) group had minor differences and this might be the reason for non-significant differences.

Table 3: Body weight (kg) of lactating Murrah buffaloes.

6% FCM production (kg/day/animal per unit DM intake) of lactating murrah buffaloes
Data corresponding to 6% FCM per kg DM intake is presented in Table 4. There was non-significant difference found between the two groups at fortnightly interval. The overall mean varied from 0.44±0.07 to 0.54±0.07 and 0.45±0.04 to 0.55±0.07 kg/day/animal per unit DM intake for the control (T0) and treatment (T1) group, respectively.

Table 4: 6% FCM production (kg/day/animal per unit DM intake) of lactating Murrah buffaloes.

Studies conducted by Cope et al., (2009) and Wang et al., (2013) concluded that zinc supplementation enhanced milk production in cattle however, href="#ianni_2020">Ianni et al., (2020) reported that it had no effect. Singh et al., (2021) observed the same in Murrah buffaloes. Similarly, Hosnedlová et al., (2007) reported surge in yield when fed with Zn enriched fodder. According to Sobhanirad et al., (2010), there was a numerical increase in milk yield in the supplemented group, but the difference in milk yield or fat corrected milk with zinc supplementation was non-significant. Also, supplementation of iron had no impact on yield of milk (Weiss et al., 2010).
Haematological profile of lactating murrah buffaloes
There were non-significant (p>0.05) differences in any of the haematological parameters (Table 5). Non-significant differences in the differential leucocyte counts were also recorded (Table 6). Overall mean values for haemoglobin, packed cell volume, total erythrocyte count and total leucocyte count in the control (T0) group were 11.19±0.24 (%), 34.42±0.75 (%), 6.66±0.15 (millions/ml) and 10133.75±630.12/ ml, respectively. In the treatment (T1) group, overall mean values for haemoglobin, packed cell volume, total erythrocyte count and total leucocyte count were 11.19±0.24 (%), 34.42±0.75 (%), 6.66±0.15 (millions/ml) and 10133.75±630.12/ µl, respectively. Differential leucocyte count shows that in the control (T0) group, overall mean values for neutrophils (%), lymphocytes (%), monocytes (%) and eosinophils (%) are 31.38±0.87, 63.08±0.95, 3.21±0.38 and 2.17±0.18, respectively. Whereas, in the treatment (T1) group, overall mean values for neutrophils (%), lymphocytes (%), monocytes (%) and eosinophils (%) are 30.46±1.00, 63.79±1.24, 3.08±0.42 and 2.00±0.24, respectively. All the values were found within the normal range.

Table 5: Haematological profile of lactating Murrah buffaloes.


Table 6: Differential leucocyte counts of lactating Murrah buffaloes.

According to Weiss (2010), supplemental Fe does not affect haematocrit, haemoglobin, serum Fe, Fe binding capacity saturation and percentage saturation. Cope et al., (2009) reported non-significant effect of zinc supplementation on haematology of dairy cows. Similarly, Ramulu et al., (2015) reported no change in haematological profile of buffalo calves when supplemented with zinc. However, Sobhanirad and Naserian (2012) found increase in TEC, Hb and PCV and no difference in TLC and leukocyte profile. There are no studies available for Zn and Fe biofortified feed being given to dairy animals for comparison.
Plasma IgG1 concentration (mg/mL) of lactating murrah buffaloes
There was non-significant (p>0.05) difference between the two groups in the current study (Table 7). Overall mean concentration for the control (T­0) and treatment group (T1) was 19.04±0.12 and 19.05±0.09 mg/mL, respectively. According to Fagari-Nobijari et al., (2012), plasma protein concentrations increased along with plasma zinc concentration when supplementation of zinc was done in Holstein bulls. Similarily, Chandra et al., (2014) reported higher plasma zinc concentration, plasma total immunoglobins and IgG in peripartum Sahiwal cows when supplemented with zinc. However, in the present study, there were no differences and this might be because of similar concentrations of zinc in the plasma of control (T­0) and treatment (T1) group.

Table 7: Plasma IgG1 concentration (mg/mL) of lactating Murrah buffaloes.

The results of present study infer that biofortified wheat variety (WB 2) straw-based ration is similar to conventional wheat straw-based ration. Feeding of such biofortified straw does not have any impact on immunity of lactating Murrah buffaloes.
Authors duly acknowledge the support provided by the Director ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute for carrying out the above work. Authors would also like to thank ICAR-NIANP for the funding of the project.
DSK carried out the experiment and prepared the manuscript draft. AKM and SBNR designed the experiment and edited the draft.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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