The findings of the present study revealed that species had a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on all the traits. In crossbred cattle bulls, semen volume, colour, MA (mass activity), and PTM% (post thaw motility%) were higher than Murrah buffalo bulls (Table 3). While consistency, TSC (total sperm count), IM% (initial motility%), AFSC (age at first semen collection), and AFSF (age at first semen freezing) were higher in Murrah buffalo bulls (Table 3). In comparison to our study, in Murrah buffalo and crossbred cattle bulls, higher estimations of semen volume (5.5.176 ml and 5.8.176 ml, respectively) and same estimates of IM% were reported by
Khatun et al., (2013). On the other hand, in Murrah buffalo bulls a lower estimates of semen volume (2.52 ±0.009 ml) and TSC (880.10±22.71 million/ml) and higher estimates of IM% (78.02 ± 0.84%) and PTM (50.59±0.45%) were reported by
Rajashri (2019). Our findings on the mean AFSC and AFSF in Murrah buffalo and crossbred cattle bulls were lesser (Table 3) than what was reported for Murrah and crossbred cattle bulls
by Khatun
et_al(2013). The mean AFSC and AFSF were lower in cattle bulls since these are crossbred, hence attain maturity earlier than Murrah buffalo bulls.
Effect of season and interaction between species and season on semen quality traits
It was observed that in bovine breeding bulls, the season of semen collection had a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on overall semen volume, consistency, MA, TSC, IM and PTM; a significant effect (P<0.05) on AFSC; and a non-significant effect on colour and AFSF. In bovine breeding bulls, the least square means for semen quality traits are shown in Table 4. To determine the semen quality traits in Murrah buffalo and crossbred cattle bulls during various seasons, the interaction between species and season was assessed in the analysis. It was observed that in bovine breeding bulls, species and season interaction had a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on the semen volume, consistency, MA, TSC, IM%, and PTM%; a significant effect on AFSC and a non-significant effect on colour and AFSF.
In Murrah buffalo bulls, the least square means for semen volume were found to be highest during the summer, rainy and prewinter seasons, followed by the spring and winter seasons (Table 5).
Ravimurgan et al., (2003) observed the highest semen ejaculate volume in Murrah buffalo bulls during the rainy season. In crossbred cattle bulls, semen volume was found to be highest during the spring and winter seasons, followed by the summer, prewinter, and rainy seasons (Table 5). Small increases in scrotal temperature in
Bos taurus AI bulls can have a significant impact on spermatogenesis
(Januskauskas et al., 1995).
In Murrah buffalo and crossbred cattle bulls, the least square means for semen colour during the different seasons are shown in Table 5. In Murrah buffalo bulls during the prewinter and rainy seasons, the consistency of semen was found to be highest, followed by the summer, spring, and winter seasons (Table 5). In crossbred cattle bulls, the consistency of semen was higher during spring, prewinter, winter, and summer and lowest during the rainy season (Table 5).
In our study, the least square means for the MA of semen in Murrah buffalo bulls were highest during prewinter, followed by rainy, spring, summer and winter season (Table 5). In crossbred cattle bulls, the least square means for sperm MA were found to be highest during spring, followed by winter, summer, prewinter and rainy seasons (Table 5). In Murrah buffalo bulls, significantly higher total TSC/ml were observed during the spring, summer and rainy seasons as compared to the prewinter and winter seasons (Table 5). In Crossbred cattle bulls, TSC/ml during the spring and summer seasons were significantly higher as compared to the rainy, prewinter, and winter seasons (Table 5).
In Murrah buffalo and crossbred cattle bulls, the least square means for IM% during different seasons are shown in Table 5. In Murrah buffalo bulls, IM% was highest during the prewinter season, and in crossbred cattle bulls, it was highest during the spring season. The least square means for PTM in Murrah buffalo and crossbred cattle bulls during different seasons are shown in Table 5 and it was observed that in both Murrah buffalo and crossbred cattle bulls, PTM% was found to be comparatively lower during the summer and rainy seasons when climatic conditions are hot. The least square means for AFSC and AFSF during different seasons are shown in Table 5, which indicates that the season had no effect on AFSC and AFSF in both Murrah buffalo and crossbred cattle bulls. Without affecting the semen’s quality or freezeability, early bull training could reduce the average age of the first semen collection
(Sethi et al., 1989).
A highly significant effect (P<0.01) of the period of semen collection on all traits was found to be observed. It has been revealed that, as compared to the first 3 periods, the per ejaculate semen volume during the last 2 periods was comparatively high (Table 6).
Laing et al., (1988) suggested that a bull with higher fertility produced more semen than a bull with lower fertility. The period had shown a decreasing pattern in overall semen colour abnormalities except for a slight increase in the third period, which indicates the decreasing trend of semen abnormalities and increasing normal semen colour over periods.
In bovine breeding bulls, consistency and mass activity of semen during different 5 periods of semen collection follow the increasing trend from period 1 to period 5, from 2.397±0.007 to 2.575±0.008 and 1.981±0.016 to 3.117±0.021, respectively (Table 6). For overall TSC during 5 periods of semen collection, the least square means ranged from 966.208±17.020 to 1,271.630±59.956 million/ml, respectively (Table 6). The highest TSC was observed during the first and third periods.
Rajashri (2019) reported that a higher semen concentration was recorded in the low-fertility Murrah buffalo bull group (897.44 million/ml) as compared to the high-fertility Murrah buffalo bull group (864.06 million/ml).
For IM% in bovine breeding bulls, least square means during different periods ranged from 58.934±0.001 to 76.148±0.001% (Table 6). During the last 3 periods, IM% was found to be higher as compared to the first 2 periods, which shows an increasing trend over the periods (Table 6).
href="#khatun_2013">Khatun et al., (2013) also reported an increasing trend in the IM% over periods. During different periods, the least square means for PTM% ranged from 38.561±0.001 to 50.186±0.001%. During the fifth period (50.186±0.001%), significantly highest PTM% was observed as compared to other periods (Table 6), but they didn’t show any particular trend.
The least square means for AFSC during different periods ranged from 661.896±2.016 to 777.599±2.425 days, and for AFSF, they ranged from 728.391±2.510 to 892.874±2.600 days (Table 6). Both follow almost the same trend over time.
Khatun et al. (2013) observed that the least square means of AFSC and AFSF showed a decreasing trend over the periods.
Bertram et al., (2003) reported that scrotal size is closely related to daily sperm production and small scrotal size indicates less sperm production. From around 8 to 10 months of age to 18 to 24 months of age, young bulls go through a testicular development spurt when they should be on a rising plane of nutrition
(Bertram et al., 2003). Nearly all of the traits in the present context have shown improvement over time. The majority of reproductive traits are significantly influenced by environmental conditions. Bulls that donate more neat semen and have higher mass activity are supposed to produce freezable semen
(Sethi et al., 1989).