Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Comparative Evaluation of Different Aloe vera Forms Over Quail Performance during Summer

Arif Ashraf Kichloo1, Nazam Khan2,*, R.K. Sharma1, Vikas Mahajan2, Kawardeep Kour3, Antra Gupta1
1Division of Animal Nutrition, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Jammu-181 102, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
2Division of Livestock Farm Complex, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Jammu-181 102, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
3Division of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Jammu-181 102, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Background: Aloe vera (AV) bears antioxidant properties and may improve quail performance during summer. But its action depends upon route of supplementation and dosage. This study thus assesses different AV supplementation forms (Powder and gel) on performance of quail during summer.

Methods: Three hundred day old quail chicks were randomly distributed into 5 groups having 4 replicates of 15 birds. Dietary treatments were: C (Basal diet; BD), T1 (BD + 0.4% AV powder as dietary additive), T2 (BD + 0.6% AV powder), T3 (BD + 0.4% AV gel via drinking water) and T4 (Basal diet + 0.6% AV gel via drinking water). Dry-wet bulb temperature was recorded at 7:30 am and 2:30 pm throughout the 6 weeks trial to calculate Temperature humidity index (THI). Growth traits were observed during trial, but carcass traits and blood biochemical parameters were analysed at sixth week of age.

Result: THI results revealed that quail birds were in moderate, severe and very severe heat stress during morning, but they experienced very severe heat stress at day time. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was significantly better (p<0.05) in T4 than control and T1, but intermediate values were observed in T2 and T3. Cholesterol was significantly reduced in T4 than C, although intermediate values were seen in T1, T2 and T3. Carcass characteristics (as % live weight) showed no difference. It was concluded that 0.6% AV gel supplementation improved FCR during summer months.
High ambient temperature negatively impacts poultry performance by altering feed intake, impaired digestion, immune-suppression (Hirakawa et al., 2020), increased respiratory disease incidences (Ranjan et al., 2019) besides affecting meat quality (Song and King, 2015). Continuous selection of birds for fast growth/production also leads to high metabolic load, which further warrants thermal stress and physiological changes (Rajkumar et al., 2015). Summer stress also alters intestinal morphology and its digestive/absorptive capacity which in turn increases permeability of bird’s intestine to luminal antigens and toxins, thus causes magnification of health problems and mortality rate (Wasti et al., 2020).
Quail (Bater) (Coturnix coturnix), a diversified poultry species, reared intensively for table eggs and meat delicacy (ICAR, 2013) possess fast growth characteristics (Khan et al., 2022). Its meat fetches premium price and is hypochol esteraemic than chicken meat (Khalifa et al., 2016). But its full genetic potential cannot be exploited under summer stress.
Amongst numerous strategies of neutralising the effect of high environmental temperature on bird’s performance viz., environmental and management approaches, nutritional supplements can be exploited to alleviate heat stress (Sheikh et al., 2017).   
Aloe vera (AV) is a cheap phyto-additive bearing anti-oxidant properties, which may be subjugated to halt heat stress in poultry. Gel portion of AV leaf contains 98.5 to 99.5% water, but its dry matter is rich in biologically active ingredients which has beneficial properties (Nalge et al., 2017). Earlier researchers also acknowledge the positive effects of its supplementation on overall performance with or without heat stress (Nalge et al., 2017; Singh et al., 2017). But, advantage of its supplementation relies on form of use (powder, gel), dosage, etc. Based on aforementioned information, present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of graded levels of different forms (Powder and gel form) of AV supplementation on quail performance during summer. 
Experimental design
The present study was carried out at Division of Animal Nutrition, FVSc and AH, SKUAST-Jammu (1st April-12th May, 2021). Three hundred day old, unsexed quail chicks of same hatch were arbitrarily distributed into five groups (n=60) containing four replicates of fifteen birds in each group. Maize-soya based basal diet was formulated to meet the nutrient requirements as per ICAR (2013) (Table 1). Control group contains no additive, T1 and T2 groups were supplemented with 0.4 and 0.6% AV powder as dietary additive, whereas, T3 and T4 groups were provided AV gel @ 0.4 and 0.6% through drinking water. These supplements were given consecutively for six weeks (Trial period).

Table 1: Ingredient and chemical composition of basal diet (% DM basis) during starter and finisher phase.

Preparation/Source of Aloe vera (AV) powder and gel
Pure AV powder was bought from AMORVET, UK, India. For gel preparation, AV plants were collected from local nurseries. After proper washing, its outer skin is peeled off and gel is collected. It was then blended in the mixer followed by filtration to extract the liquid product.
Recording of climatic variables
Temperature was recorded by using maximum-minimum thermometer. Whereas Temperature humidity index (THI) was calculated by recording dry-wet bulb temperature daily at 7:30 am and 2:30 pm by using the formula of NRC (1971) (Table 2).
THI = 0.72 (Tdb + Twb) + 40.6
Tdb = Dry bulb temperature (°C).
Twb = Wet bulb temperature (°C).
Parameters studied
Performance of quail during experiment was evaluated for feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, water intake and water feed ratio. Eight birds per group (2 birds per replicate) were slaughtered at the end of experiment to collect samples for blood biochemical analysis and carcass characteristics. Biochemical parameters were estimated by using diagnostic kits. But, Hemoglobin (Hb) was estimated by Sahli’s method and PCV was determined by Micro-hematocrit method (ICSH, 1980).
Statistical analysis
The data pertaining to different parameters were subjected to statistical analysis as per the method described by Snedecor and Cochran (1994). The means in different treatments were subjected to Duncan multiple range test (Duncan, 1955). The correlation was determined between THI and different parameters by using Pearson correlation coefficient.
The maximum and minimum temperature (!) data signifies that birds remained in stress throughout the trial (Table 2).  THI varied from 84.01-86.68 and 86.54-89.35 in morning and afternoon, respectively. Morning THI values depicted that birds were in moderate heat stress during 1st and 3rd week, severe heat stress in 2nd week and very severe heat stress in 4th, 5th and 6th week. Whereas, in afternoon, birds experienced very severe heat stress throughout the trial. Similar scale of THI was used for stress classification of poultry by Habeeb et al., (2018).

Table 2: Environmental parameters recorded during the experimental period.

Feed intake (FI; g) of quail was not influenced on supplementing AV in feed and/or drinking water (DW) at different concentrations (Table 3). Similar observations were reported by Amini and Vali (2016) on supplementing 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6% AV powder in Japanese quails. Likewise, earlier researchers too reported similar observations on supplementing AV in graded levels or single dose in feed or DW in different poultry species (Barman et al., 2019; Islam et al., 2020; Amber et al., 2021). A positive correlation was observed between FI and THI in all groups, indicating no beneficial effect of AV on FI (Table 4).

Table 3: Effect of supplementation of different forms of aloe vera on cumulative feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, water intake and water feed ratio of meat quail.


Table 4: Correlation coefficient of growth parameters with THI in quails.

Body weight gain (BWG) of starter and finisher phase were statistically similar, but for entire trial, it was statistically higher (P<0.05) in T4 than T1 and C with intermediate values for T2 and T3 (Table 3). It may be attributed to antimicrobial, antioxidant, antistress and/or growth promotor properties of AV (Nalge et al., 2017). Besides above-mentioned properties, AV is also rich in nutrients (protein, vitamins, enzymes, etc.) which could have added to the nutritional composition (Surjushe et al., 2008). These results are in line with the findings of earlier researchers that AV supplementation in graded levels or single dose in feed or DW resulted in higher BWG in broilers (Sakadzo and Chibi, 2020; Amber et al., 2021). In contrast, Barman et al., (2019) found no difference in BW of broilers on AV supplementation due to different species and climatic conditions. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of entire trial was significantly better (P<0.05) in T4 (3.76) than C (3.98) and T1 (3.96). Thus, it may be inferred that AV intake through DW is more effective than feed supplementation. The present results corroborate with the findings of Islam et al., (2020); Amber et al., (2021) and Gowri et al., (2022), who too found improved FCR on AV supplementation. FCR and THI showed positive correlation, signifying that with the increase in environmental temperature, there is rise of FCR values (Table 4).
Protein efficiency ratio (PER) values were similar (Table 3) and negative correlation was observed between PER and THI, showing no beneficial effect of AV supplementation on protein utilization (Table 4). Also, water intake (WI) and water feed ratio showed no significant difference (Table 3). A similar result has been shown by Islam et al., (2017) on supplementing AV extract in DW of broilers. A positive correlation was observed between WI and THI in C, T1, T2 and T3, but T4 had non-significant positive correlation with THI (Table 4). It signifies that 0.6% AV supplemented group was not in extreme stress.
The plasma glucose (mg/dl) values and liver function indices (SGOT, SGPT; IU/L) of quails showed no significant difference with the control group, suggesting no deleterious effect of AV supplementation on vital organs of quail birds (Table 5). Similarly, Amini and Vali (2016) reported similar glucose values of Japanese quails on supplementing 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6% AV powder. Concurrent with the present study, Amber et al., (2021) stated that broilers given AV gel had no SGOT and SGPT changes. As far as the lipid profile is concerned, cholesterol (mg/dl) was significantly reduced in T4 than C with intermediate values in rest of the groups. But no significant difference was observed for triglycerides (mg/dl). In line with the present study, Amber et al., (2021) illuminated that poultry supplemented with 1.5% AV gel in drinking water had reduced cholesterol. AV has acemannan, a polysaccharide that can modify blood cholesterol by regulating fat metabolism in the liver (Beppu et al., 2006). AV also enhances the sensitivity of cells to insulin, leading to reduction of free fatty acids released from fat tissue to the blood (Misawa et al., 2012). However, cholesterol values obtained in present study were in normal physiological range (33.33-266.67 mg/dl; Agina et al., 2017).

Table 5: Effect of supplementation of different forms of aloe vera on haemato-biochemical profile of meat quail.

Hb (g/dl) and PCV (%) values were statistically similar and within the range as reported by Agina et al., (2017) for Japanese quails (8.61-20.57 g/dl and 25.00-66.00% for Hb and PCV, respectively). Similarly, Islam et al., (2020) reported no change in Hb and PCV of broiler chicken when AV was administered @ 0.5 and 1% in drinking water.
Different carcass traits (as % live weight) and dressing percentage showed statistically similar values (Table 6). Amini and Vali (2016) and Shokraneh et al., (2016) also reported similar carcass traits on supplementing AV powder and/or gel in poultry.

Table 6: Effect of supplementation of different forms of aloe vera on carcass characteristics of meat quail.

It may be concluded that 0.6% AV gel supplemented quails performed better during summer. 

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