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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 51 issue 3 (june 2017) : 525-530

Investigation of Rotavirus infection in sheep using serological and molecular techniques

Volkan Yilmaz*, M. Ozkan Timurkan, Nuvit Coskun, Yakup Yildirim
1<p>Department of Virology, Kafkas University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 36300 Kars, Turkey.</p>
Cite article:- Yilmaz* Volkan, Timurkan Ozkan M., Coskun Nuvit, Yildirim Yakup (2016). Investigation of Rotavirus infection in sheep usingserological and molecular techniques . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 51(3): 525-530. doi: 10.18805/ijar.11463.

In this study, serological and molecular research was conducted on the Rotavirus infection in domestic breeds of sheep at 2–3 years of age. The sheep included in the study were raised on small scale family units of less than 20 sheep per unit, in central Kars province and its districts (Susuz, Arpaçay, Kagizman and Selim) in the Northeast Anatolia region of Turkey. The blood and fecal samples were collected randomly from 450 sheep. They were analyzed for the presence of Rotavirus and the antibody against the virus using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The highest seropositive ratio (73.46%) was found in central Kars province. The seroprevalence of Rotavirus in sheep raised in the Kars region was determined to be 55.33%. Rotavirus was not detected in fecal samples with ELISA. Molecular detection of Rotavirus from fecal samples was done by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique using specific generic primers for VP6 protein. Rotavirus could not be detected in RT-PCR. The data that were obtained showed that the infection spreads on small scale family farms. Based on this information, recommendations were made for controlling Rotavirus infection.

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