The details of the SCC cases are furnished (Table 1). In the present study, the tumours occurred in six Non-descript, four Spitz and each two Labrador and Doberman and one Rottweiler. The affected animals’ age varied from 3 years to 13.5 years. The mean age of occurrence was 8.6 years.
Goldschmidt et al., (1998) stated that older dogs were more prone to cutaneous tumours, where in eleven cases were males and four cases were females. The tumours were located in the eyelid, nasal bridge, thorax, ventral abdomen, shoulder region, thigh region, base of the tail, upper jaw, anal region, preputial area, vulva, neck (Fig 1) and fore digit.
Henry et al., (2005) reported that the most common tumour encounterd in digits was squamous cell carcinoma. Grossly, the masses measured 7-8 cm in diameter or irregular, round to oval in shape or cauliflower-like in appearance and reddish to grey in colour. Surface ulcerations and necrosis were observed in three cases.The cut section revealed greyish white and consistency was hard. Cytology revealed moderate to high amount of cells arranged in clusters. The neoplastic cells were polyhedral in shape with pale blue cytoplasm. Neoplastic cells at different stages of differentiation showing anisocytosis and anisokaryosis were observed. Nuclei were spherical and contained coarse chromatin. Single to multiple basophilic nucleoli were observed. Binucleate cells and tadpole cells were observed in the study that concurred with the report of with
(Kumar et al., (2018). In this study, histologically, tumours were divided into three categories,
viz. Grade I, Grade II and Grade III. SCC was well differentiated in six cases in Grade I, moderately in four cases in Grade II and poorly in five cases in Grade III. Well differentiated cases (Grade I) revealed cell nests of varying size containing keratin pearls at the centre. Keratin pearls caused compression and atrophy of the surrounding neoplastic cells. The neoplastic cells were polyhedral in shape and were arranged in multiple layers (Fig 2) that contained vesicular nuclei with one or two basophilic nucleoli. Intercellular bridges were observed. Cell nests revealed hyperchromatic nuclei and vacuolar degeneration. One case showed many mitotic figures. Occasionally, atypical mitosis and neovascularisation were also observed. Moderately differentiated cases (Grade II) showed neoplastic cells, increased pleomorphism, nuclear cytoplasmic ratio, marked mitotic figures (Fig 4) and few keratin pearls (Fig 3). Grade III of poorly differentiated tumours revealed numerous single neoplastic cells with a high number of mitotic figures and scanty cytoplasm.These were in accordance with the report of
Mathew et al., (2020). The most common histological type in the present study was the well differentiated carcinoma, followed by the moderately differentiated carcinoma, which is according to a previous finding in human oral SCC
Margaritescu et al., (2008).
Immunohistochemistry of CD105
Proliferating blood vessels and vascular endothelial cells were distinctly identified through Endoglin (CD105) and brown coloured staining. All cases were positive for CD 105 and moderate staining was recorded in the invasion of skeletal muscles and keratin pearls. CD105 strongly stained both peritumoural and intratumoural blood vessels. The tumour blood vessels were convoluted, lacked a distinct lumen, had extensive gaps between endothelial cells and were taken for intense staining (Fig 5). In well-differentiated SCC vascular network were multiple vascular bed, aberrant morphology, tortuous and clear lumen highlighted by CD 105. Numerous blood vessels (smaller than 15 µm diameter) and a high amount of individual endothelial cells were seen in poorly differentiated tumours. It stromal regions near carcinomatous proliferations below the dermis and between the lobules (Fig 6) had the highest MVD. Moderately differentiated SCC had intratumoural and peritumoural areas blood vessels that were less complex with few vascular loops and high lumen width. In all the cases, peritumoural areas had more blood vessels and numerous endothelial cells. These findings were compatible with previous investigations
Tadbir et al., (2014) and
Margaritescu et al., (2008).
The mean MVD of SCC is furnished - (Table 2). Several researchers have identified MVD by examining pan-endothelial markers, such as VEGF-A, CD34 and CD31; however, these markers have low sensitivity and specificity and the results are there for inconclusive. On the other hand, CD 105 demonstrates its high specificity through interactions with proliferating (angiogenic) endothelial cells in MVD. Endoglin (CD 105), one of the most specific endothelial markers, aids in assessing tumour progression because it plays a significant role in neoangiogenesis
Margaritescu et al., (2008). MVD using CD 105 is considered as a useful prognostic indicator in the treatment of several human cancers. These findings are in agreement with the study of
Kuriakose et al., (1992). In this research, all cases of SCC were evaluated immunohistochemically and histopathologically. All cases were positively expressed by CD 105 antibodies and high intensity was observed in poorly differentiated cases. These findings show that CD 105 might be vital for developing tumours and it is more abundant in tumour tissues. The marker was more expressed in invasive tumours than in benign ones. This finding supports the previous findings that endoglin reacts only with tumour-derived angiogenic endothelial cells
Tadbir et al., (2014). MVD in all histological grades of SCC was the highest at peritumoural region, followed by intratumoural region. There was a significant different between PTMVD and ITMVD. The results were significant at p<05. There was no significant difference between the mean of well differentiated cases and moderately differentiated cases. But there was significant difference between well differentiated cases and poorly differentiated cases. This finding concurred with previous observation that CD105 expression decreases as it moves away from invasive front of the tumour, as it aids invasion into the dermis
Kyzas et al., (2006). No significant association of MVD was found with age, sex, size and location. This finding concurred with the report of
Margaritescu et al., (2008). Two cases showed higher ITMVD and PTMVD among the well differentiated SCC cases were 28.2±1.30, 32.8±2.59 and 16.4±4.98, 16.8±4.09, respectively. In these cases, metastasis occurred after six months. The case with the highest MVD (PTMVD 30.0±1.58 and ITMVD 13.6±2.40) in the moderately differentiated group died within three months of post survival analysis. This result concurred withthe previous investigations
Miyahara et al., (2007). The poorly differentiated tumour cases of the present study showed higher MVD when compared to other histological grades. Among poorly differentiated, two cases showed highest mean (PTMVD 32.8±1.64, 33.2±1.92 and ITMVD 16.4±1.14, 17.0±1.58) values. These cases died with in the three month and other three cases showed a mean PTMVD and ITMVD of 32.4±2.07, 31.6±2.60, 31.6±1.67 and 14.0±3.16, 14.6±1.14, 15.2±1.92, respectively. These cases live after six months of surgery and but metastasis occured. Thus, it is found that higher MVD cases died earlier or encountered metastasis shortly when compared to lesser MVD cases. These findings concurred with previous reports of invasive and intratumoural front regions that mentioned an increase in the level of CD 105 with the disease’s clinical progress
(Martone et al., 2005 and
Chien et al., 2006). The MVD values were different from other authors due to the sample size, difference in the methods of assessing MVD and differences in the selection of hotspots. However, therapeutic significance of or against CD 105 is still unknown and more research on MVD is needed.