To assess the genetic variability within the two buffalo breeds i.e.Murrah and Surti were conducted using 10 microsatellite markers and they were successfully amplified, produced clear banding pattern. Genetic variations that can be effectively measured within and between populations by using various statistical parameters
viz. Allele frequency, Observed and effective number of alleles, Observed and expected heterozygosity, F-statistics, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and Polymorphic information content. Total 162 alleles were found across all 10 microsatellite loci and allele frequency of selected markers is shown in a Table 1 and 2.
The most polymorphic marker in Murrah buffalo were CSSM033, CSSM019 and CSRM060 with a total of ten alleles individually beside that in Surti buffalo highly polymorphism were found in CSSM047 with total of twelve alleles and least polymorphic loci in Murrah buffalo was ETH003 with five alleles and in Surti buffalo, CSSM022 and ETH003 with six alleles individually. The overall allele diversity, considered to be a reasonable indicator of genetic variation with in the population. The range of alleles comparable to earlier reported buffalo breeds
(Navani et al., 2002; Pundir et al., 2000;
Arora et al., 2004; Barker et al., 1997; Sukla et al., 2006; Aminafshar et al., 2008).
The value of the effective number of allele (Ne) ranged from 2.711 (CSSM043) to 6.00 (CSRM060) with mean value of 4.409 in Murrahbuffalo (Table 3) besides in Surtibuffaloranged from 3.261 (CSSM019) to 7.143 (CSSM043) with mean value of 4.99 (Table 4). The effective number of allele (Ne) at each locus were less than the observed number of allele and comparable to earlier reported buffalo breeds. Allelic diversity in terms of numbers of alleles across all the loci along with the effective number of alleles is greater in comparison to earlier reported studies in buffalo breeds
viz. 5.24 in Nagpuri buffalo
(Kataria et al., 2009), 5.03 in Riverine buffalo
(Zhang et al., 2008), 4.14 in Guilan buffalo
(Aminafshar et al., 2008), 5.86 in Pandharpuri buffalo
(Vijh et al., 2008), 2.0 in Murrah buffalo
(Sukla et al., 2006) and 6.63 in Surti buffalo
(Kumar et al., 2006).
All the loci were highly polymorphic in studied population. Polymorphic Information Content value in Murrah ranged from 0.461 (ILSTS005) to 0.815 (CSRM060) with mean value of 0.67 while in Surti buffalo ranged from 0.552 (ETH003) to 0.831 (CSRM060) with a mean value of 0.70 (Table 3 and 4). The overall mean PIC value were comparable with the Martinez
et al.(2006) in Murrah buffalo and the mean PIC value of present study was higher than the reports in South Kanara buffaloes
(Kathiravan et al., 2009); Murrah
(Bhuyan et al., 2010) and in Banni buffaloes
(Mishra et al., 2009c). All loci had high PIC value, indicating utility of these markers for Population assignment
(MacHugh et al., 1997) as well as genome mapping
(Kayang et al., 2002).
All the markers considered for this study are highly informative to characterize Murrah and Surti buffalo population and showed potential to detect genetic diversity in population. The Heterozygosity estimates genetic variability within a population in a considerable manner. Observed and expected heterozygosity at individual loci are present in Table 3. The expected gene Heterozygosity (Hexp) ranged between 0.631 (CSSM043) to 0.833 (CSRM060) in Murrahbuffalo with an overall mean value of 0.761 besides in Surtibuffaloranged between 0.693 (CSSM019) to 0.860 (CSSM043) with an overall mean of 0.783. The overall observed Heterozygosity (Ho) across 10 loci ranged between 0.333 (CSSM022) to 0.867 (CSSM047) in Murrahbuffalowith an overall mean of 0.643 and between 0.033 (ETH003) to 0.900 (CSSM033) in Surti buffalo with an overall mean of 0.590. The mean observed heterozygosity detects in the present study in comparison to previous studied Indian buffalo breeds 0.624 in Bhadawari
(Tantia et al., 2006), 0.45 in Nagpuri buffalo
(Kataria et al., 2009), 0.631 in Murrah
(Joshi et al., 2012), 0.684 in Brazilian Murrah
(Marrero et al., 2015), 0.423 in Pandharpuri
(Mishra et al., 2008) and 0.69 in Murrah
(Kumar et al., 2006). In contrast to our expectation low heterozygosity and variability were observed, which might be due to fact that the sample were collected fromspecificarea and farms, even though samples selected were from unrelated individuals but still chances of closed related animals can’t be ignored and the presence of more homozygosity in the individual samples could be the reason for low heterozygosity.
However, despite their good results, productivity still appears to be low. In present scenario there is an urgent requirement to increase productivity through better selection of genetically distant animals for mating. The production potential of low producing non-descript buffaloes can be increased rapidly by mating with superior sires breeds like murrah and shruti. Thus, it is required to increase the variability on the existing breeds and breeding policy resulting in developing future strategies for buffalo development.
The present study revealed that expected heterozygosity (Hexp) was higher than observed heterozygosity (Ho) hence, showing departure from Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) and possibility of inbreeding. This was also reflected in positive Fis value (0.147±0.072) in Murrah which ranged from -0.268 to 0.536 and in Surti(0.241±0.119) which ranged from -0.286 to 0.955. The mean Fis value is almost in similar range with earlier reported study of buffalo breeds
(Triwitakorn et al., 2006; Arora et al., 2003; Mishra et al., 2009c).