The formation of silver nanoparticles was primarily monitored by using the UV-Vis Spectrophotometer at a wavelength range of 300-800 nm. A single, strong and broad SPR peak in UV-visible spectrum of the green synthesized silver nanoparticles using the
Carica papaya extract was observed at 400 nm (Fig 1). The event clearly indicated that the reduction of the ions occurs extracellularly through reducing agents released into the solution by
C. papaya leaf extract. No colour change was observed in control treatment (without silver ions) when kept in the similar conditions. Megiel, (2017) reported surface plasmon resonance peak range of silver nanaoparticle within 410-460 nm region and
Elamawi et al., (2018) reported single strong peak at 383 nm wave length.
FTIR spectroscopy is used to the biomolecules involved in the synthesis of nanoparticles. The FTIR spectrum of the CPAgNP is shown in (Fig 2). The observed intense bands were compared with standard values to identify the functional groups and it is possible to quantify secondary structure in CPAgNPs.
Present study reported the broad spectrum ranges from band at 3465 cm
-1 to 415 cm
Li et al., (2007) also reported that the broad spectrum in FTIR demonstrates the existence of AgNP. FTIR spectrum revealed band set at 3465.80 cm
-1, 3136.95 cm
-1, 2917.61 cm
-1, 1625.08 cm
-1, 1511.51 cm
-1 and 1384.81 cm
-1. The FTIR spectrum explains the interaction of AgNPs with leaf biomolecules of
C. papaya. It showed the broad band at 3465.80 cm
-1 and 3136.95 cm
-1 are due to the stretching vibrations of -O-H group and -N-H.
Shanmugaiah et al., (2015) also reported that the absorbance peaks at 3432 cm
-1 can be assigned to N-H stretching vibration. Bands observed at 2917.61 cm
-1 and 2849.77 cm
-1 region arising from C-H stretching of aromatic compound. According to
Karthik et al., (2013) 2925 cm
-1 can be associated to C-H stretching vibration. Band observed at 1625.08 cm
-1 region arising from C=C stretching of aromatic compound. Our findings corroborated with the reports of Annamalai and Nallamuthu (2016) that the band at 1631 cm
-1 can be attributed to the C=C stretching vibration. The peak at 1384.81 cm
-1 corresponding to C-H vibration
(Deepa et al., 2013) and at 1033 cm
-1 can be allocated to C-O stretching vibration
(Rai et al., 2015).
Thus, the FTIR study reveals the multifunctionality of the aqueous extract of
C. papaya leaves where reduction and stabilization occur simultaneously results in the fabrication of silver nanaoparticles and may also lead to their possible stabilization and prevention of agglomeration.
Measurement of zeta (x) potential
Fig 3 presented the zeta potential distribution for the aqueous colloid nano silver solution, with a zeta potential -37±2.33 mV. The metallic nanoparticles having large positive and negative charge repels each other and the nanoparticles having lower zeta potential values agglomerate due to absence of repulsive force that prevents such aggregation
(Zhang et al., 2008). Present study recorded the average value towards the negative side which showed the efficiency of AECPL as capping materials in stabilizing the nanoparticles.
In terms of particle size, it was observed that the colloidal solution of silver nanoparticles contains particles of different sizes and shows a peak of mean particle size 130.2±36.46 nm.
Our finding were in agreement with
Ashour et al., (2015) who reported that the negative surface charge could be assigned to the adsorption of phytochemicals onto the surface of the NPs present in the aqueous plant extract. Our result shows larger size AgNP but this represented that zeta sizer gives the hydrodynamic size (the size of the nanoparticle plus the liquid layer around the particle).
Scanning electron microscopy imaging
Scanning electron microscopy revealed the average size of 12-83nm (Fig 4a and 4b). However, in a few images the particle sizes as big as 98 nm particles and as small as 5nm were observed (Fig 4a). This indicated that there might be aggregation of the smaller particles is to form comparatively bigger particles surrounded by smaller particles. The spot type pattern suggested the presence of single crystalline particles.
Wound healing measurements
Invasion of opportunistic microbeshampers the healing of diabetic wound, leading to chronic nonhealing wounds. Oxidative stress at the wound site inhibit the healing process; hence, an antimicrobial with antioxidant properties may prove to be beneficial. The STZ induced diabetic rat model has also been used to evaluate the wound healing potential of CPAgNPs and AECPL as compared to povidone iodine (10%). Fig 5 illustrates the percentage of wound contraction. Total phenolic content preset in
Carica papaya leaf extract is responsible for the antioxidant effect of CPAgNP (Fig 2). The quantitative analysis of wound healing involved measuring the initial wound size (0 day) along with healing towards wound closure (14
th day) as illustrated in (Fig 6, 7). The results show cased complete wound closure with CPAgNPs on 14
th day, thus confirming had significantly (P<0.001) faster healing effect as compared to other treatments and diabetic control group. The impaired healing in diabetic rats may be due to dysfunction of fibroblast, epidermal cells and high level of metalloproteases (Lodhi and Singhai, 2013).
Administration of CPAgNPs and AECPL in group III and IV respectively led to the stimulation of reepithelization at wound site. Group V rats received povidone iodine solution also has positive effect on wound healing. Wounds in all the treatment groups demonstrated epidermal reorganization with complete restoration of normal wound architecture. As per Dunnett’s test the per cent healing was significantly increased in group III, IV and V as compared to diabetic control group.
The results obtained showed efficient wound healing potential of silver nanoparticles as compared to pre-existing drug povidone-iodine,
i.e., the percentage reduction in wound area after therapy was 100% on day 14
th day in case of biosynthesized silver nanoparticle(CPAgNP) treated group, 92.39% reduction in AECPL treatment group, 95.89% reduction in case of povidone-iodine-treated animals, 80.67% reduction in case of diabetic control group (diabetic) and 87.67% reduction in healthy control group (non-diabetic).
Chauhan et al., (2018) also reported efficient wound healing (96.9%) potential of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles as compared to drug povidone-iodine (64.28%).
Compared with conventional topical agents povidone Iodine, CPAgNPs possess considerable antibacterial activity and repair tissues faster and more efficiently and can be recommended for treatment of acute and chronic wound in diabetic animals.
Biochemical parameters of wound healing
Biochemical analysis showed increased hydroxyproline content (132.5±4.60 μg/mg of protein), hexosamine (146.66 ±2.10 μg/mg of protein) and hexuronic acid (17.5±0.92 μg/mg of protein) in group III animals treated with CPAgNPs as compared to 85.00±3.16 μg/mg of protein, 120.00±2.58 μg/mg of protein and 7.5±1.02 μg/mg of protein respectively in diabetic control group (Fig 8). As per our record a significant increase (P<0.05) of hydroxyproline, hexosamine and hexuronic acid values were observed in all the treatment groups as compared to diabetic control group. Increased hydroxyproline is a reflection of increased cellular proliferation and there by increased collagen synthesis. Increased hexosamine and hexuronic acid content reflects the stabilization of collagen molecules by enhancing electrostatic and ionic interactions
(Nayak et al., 2009). Silver nanoparticle mediate secretion of extracellular matrix facilitating collagen production which corresponds to the re-epithelialization phase of wound healing (Tavakoli and Klar 2020). Collagen not only confers strength and integrity to the tissue matrix but also plays an important role in homeostasis and in epithelialization at the latter phase of healing
(Dwivedi et al., 2017). Group IV animals which received treatment of AECPL also showed significant increase of collagen synthesis and stabilization at the site of wound as compared to normal and diabetic control group animals. The enhanced synthesis of hydroxyproline and hexosamine and hexuronic acid in all the treated rats provide strength to repaired tissue and also healing pattern.