The study was conducted in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex, Veterinary College, Hassan during the year 2018-2020. Animals from Hassan region and its surrounding areas were selected for the study. A total of thirty eight cattle brought to Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex (TVCC), Hassan with the history of anorexia, brisket /jowl /ventral edema and pyrexia, jugular pulsation and cording were included in the study (Fig 1). Six cases of fibrinous pericarditis were selected and treated by 5
th rib resection followed by pericardiotomyand outcome of the study was described.
Haematology and biochemistry
Five milliliters of venous blood was collected in vacutainer tubes containing ethylene diamine tetra acetate (EDTA K3) as anticoagulant for haematological investigation and clot activator biochemical investigation. The parameters including packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb), red blood cell (RBC), white blood cell (WBC) and differential counts (DC) were analyzed as per the manufacturer’s instructions using Automated hematology analyser, ERMA Inc. Pvt. Ltd.
(Jain, 1986). The biochemical parameters includes ALT (IU/dL), AST (IU/dL), Glucose (mg/dL), Plasma fibrinogen (g/dl), Total protein (g/dl), Albumin (g/dl), Globulin (g/dl), Sodium (mEq/mL), Potassium (mEq/mL) and Chloride (mEq/mL) were analyzed as per the manufacturer’s instructions using semi automated biochemical analyser, SWEMED Inc, Pvt. Ltd.
(Jain, 1986). Reference normal values were obtained from
Radostits et al., (2007).
Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, clinical signs, ECG, radiography and ultrasonography six animals of fibrinous pericarditis were selected for the study. Among six animals, five animals were female and one male belonging to different breeds like Amritmahal (01), HF cross breed (03) and Jersey cross breed (02) cattle’s (Table 1). These animals had the history of fever, decreased milk yield, dullness, exercise intolerance, coughing, anorexia, recurrent bloat, submandibular and brisket edema.
All thecases suspected to havepericarditis were subjected for basic electrocardiographic examination to assess the status of cardiac function employing base- apex lead system. Using ECG machine (BPL medical Cardiart 3 channel ECG machine). The right arm lead was placed on the neck, the left arm lead on the chest wall just above the sternum and the neutral lead on the withers. The changes were only recorded when the heart rate was in the resting range and when the cows were standing on a rubber mat with paper speed of 25 mm per sec and amplitude of one cm equal to one mV, was recorded as per the procedure described by
Tharwat (2011).
Left latero lateral radiography of the caudoventral thorax and reticulum in standing position was performed in all the cattle as described by
Braun (2009) using Allengers X-ray machine. The radiographic exposure factors of 90-100 kVp, 40-60 mAs and source image distance of 90 cm were employed. Computerized radiographic processes were made by using AGFA computerized radiographic unit. The radiographs were described based on presence or absence of radiopaque foreign body.
All the animals were restrained in standing position in a crate and thoracoabdominal region was shaved, washed, cleaned and transmission gel was applied liberally for optimal transmission of sound waves. Heartwas examined by scanning both sides of the costal part between four and fifth intercostals space by 3-5 MHz curvilinear ultrasonic transducer as per
Braun et al., (2001). Ultrasound guided pericardiocentesis was performed and pericardial fluid was subjected for culturing and antibiotic sensitivity testing. Based on clinical, electrocardiographic, radiological and ultrasonographic study confirmed cases of fibrinous pericarditis were subjected for 5th rib resection followed by pericardiotomy. The skin incision wasmade from the costochondral junction to a point 25 cm dorsally on a line over the 5th rib (Fig 2), the latissimusdorsi and serratus venteralis muscle were incised to expose the rib. Then the periosteum over the rib was incised and it was elevated with curved periosteal elevator to expose the rib. The rib was transacted by using Gigli wire saw at the proximal aspect of the incision (Fig 3) and disarticulated at the costochondral junction (Fig 4) and the portion of the rib was discarded
(Anteneh and Ramswamy, 2015). The incision was then continued through the exposed periosteum and parietal pleura and after isolation of pericardium. The pericardium was incised and pericardial fluid was drained out using suction apparatus (Fig 5), then pericardial incision was extended to pass the hand into the pericardium to search foreign bodies and to break of adhesions between pericardium and epicardium. The pericardial sac was flushed with two litreswarm normal saline and metronidazole solutions. The Foleys catheter no 18G was placed into pericardial space. The pericardial incision was closed with simple continuous suture using No. 2 polyglactin 910 (VicrylR Johnson and Johnson Intl). Parietal pleura, periosteum and intercostal muscles were re-apposed employing ford interlocking suture using No. 2 chromic catgut (TRUGUTR manufactured by Suture India Pvt. Ltd). Skin incision was closed with cross mattress suture using monofilament polyamide size 1 (TRULONR Suture India Pvt. Ltd) and foleys catheter was fixed to skin (Fig 6)
(Dehghani and Molaei, 1999, Gavali et al. (2003). Postoperativelypericardial cavity was flushed with 2 litres of warm normal saline followed by 200 ml of metronidazoleonce daily for five days through foleys catheter. The bovines which had radiographic foreign body in the reticulum, rumenotomy was performed under left paravertebral nerve block
Tranquilli et al., (2007) and foreign bodies were retrieved (Fig 7) employing standard surgical procedure.
Post operatively parenteral antibiotics were selected based on ABST (Antibiotic sensitivity testing) report, supportive therapy like B-complex 10 ml intra muscularly, diuretics like frusemide 2mg/kg body weight intra muscularly and fluid therapy is infused at the rate of 20 ml per kg body weight per day was given for three days (Fig 8).