Mean and standard error (SE) values of total serum protein (g/dl) in healthy control and calves affected with colibacillosis were 6.55±0.14 g/dl and 7.84±0.11 g/dl, respectively (Table 1). There was significant increase in the total serum protein in calves affected with colibacillosis. Mean±SE values of serum albumin (g/dl) and globulin (g/dl) in calves affected with colibacillosis (3.66±0.06 and 4.18±0.06) were also significantly higher in comparison with healthy calves (2.99±0.09 and 3.56±0.06), respectively.
Shekhar et al., (2017) and
Maharishi (2019) also reported similar findings in calves affected with diarrhoea. Hyperproteinaemia in the calves affected with colibacillosis in present study might be due to hypovolaemia, haemo-concentration and reduced glomerular filtration rate
(Walker et al., 1998). Significant increase in serum albumin concentration in the diarrhoeic calves was also reported by
Fernandes (2006) and
Kaur et al., (2006). The hyper albuminemia in affected calves observed in the present study might be due to definitive bio-response to abnormal loss of body fluids. Mean±SE values of A/G ratio in the present investigation in the healthy control and colibacillosis affected diarrhoeic calves were 0.84±0.02 and 0.88±0.01, respectively. There was significant increase in the A/G ratio in diarrhoeic calves. Our findings were in agreement with the reports of
Sharma (2013) and
Maharishi (2019) who also reported significant increase in the A/G ration in diarrhoeic calves. The Mean±SE values of serum glucose (mg/dl) in healthy control and calves affected with colibacillosis were 59.75±1.89 and 45.63±0.86, respectively. There was significant decrease in serum glucose values in calves affected with colibacillosis. The findings in present study were in accordance with earlier reports of
Sharma (2013),
Singh et al., (2014), Shekhar et al., (2017) and
Maharishi (2019) who also recorded significant hypoglycaemia in diarrhoeic calves. Hypoglycaemia in diarrhoeic calves might be due to inappetence/anorexia, decreased intestinal absorption of glucose and reduced rate of conversion of lactic acid to glucose
(Morris et al., 1985).
Values of blood urea nitrogen (mg/dl) and serum creatinine (mg/dl) in healthy control group of calves were 20.13±1.02 and 0.69±0.04, whereas, in calves affected with colibacillosis, they were 27.09±0.42 and 1.69±0.01, respectively. There was significant increase in the mean values of blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine in calves affected with colibacillosis as compared to healthy control group of calves. It is in agreement with the
Walker et al., (1998), Grove-White and White (1999) and
Singh et al., (2014) who also reported similar findings. Increase in blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine values as found in the present study might be due to inadequate renal perfusion in the calves affected with colibacillosis
(Constable et al., 2017). In the present study no significant alterations were observed in the values of ALP, ALT and AST which is in accordance with a similar earlier report of
Lewis et al., (1975) and indicated the absence of marked hepatic damage in the colibacillosis affected diarrhoeic calves.
The values of serum electrolyte parameters of healthy control and calves affected with colibacillosis are depicted in Table 2. The values of serum sodium (mmol/L) in healthy control and calves affected with colibacillosis were 131.88±0.76 and 126.71±0.30, respectively. There was a significant decrease in the serum sodium levels in the affected calves as compared to control group, and similar findings have been reported by
Sobiech et al., (2014), Singh et al., (2014), Bashir et al., (2015), Shekhar et al., (2017) and
Maharishi (2019). Hyponatraemia in animals affected with diarrhoea occurs as a result of excessive secretion of the sodium ions by intestinal villus cells which are lost through the intestinal tract
(Radostits et al., 2009).
The values of serum potassium (mmol/L) in calves affected with colibacillosis (5.56±0.05) were significantly increased as compared with healthy control calves (5.21±0.03). Our findings of hyperkalaemia in diarrhoeic calves were in agreement with earlier reports of
Kumar et al., (2010), Mir et al., (2010), Sharma (2013),
Singh et al., (2014), Bashir et al., (2015), Shekhar et al., (2017) and
Maharishi (2019) and this might be due to increased retention of K
+ ion by kidney, increased tubular reabsorption of K
+ ion in response to acidosis and due to cellular damage. In addition, movement of K
+ ion from intracellular to extracellular fluid might also plays as contributory factor for hyperkalaemia in the affected calves (
Tasker, 1991). The mean±SE values of serum chloride (mmol/L) in healthy control and calves affected with colibacillosis were 98.05±0.97 and 95.69±0.42, respectively. Findings of the present investigation revealed that there was significant decrease in the serum chloride concentration in calves affected with colibacillosis as compared to healthy control group of calves, which was also supported by the earlier findings of
Bellino et al., (2012), Sharma (2013),
Singh et al., (2014), Sobiech et al., (2014), Bednarsk and Kupczyñski, (2015) and
Maharishi (2019). In contrary to the findings of present investigation,
Mir et al., (2010), Bashir et al., (2015) and
Shekhar et al., (2017) observed hyperchloraemia in diarrhoeic calves. Increased loss of chloride ion in the intestinal tract during diarrhoea and failure of gastric H
+ and Cl
- ion to be reabsorbed by the villus of small intestine
(Radostits et al., 2009) might be the most probable reason of hypochloraemia found in the affected calves during present investigation.
The mean±SE values of serum bicarbonate (mEq/L) in healthy control and colibacillosis affected calves were 23.84±0.26 and 15.60±0.23, respectively. There was significant decrease in the serum bicarbonate concentration in calves affected with colibacillosis than the healthy control group of calves. Similarly, Kamal (2008) also found a decrease in serum bicarbonate values during a study in diarrhoeic cattle calves. Electrolyte imbalance marked by high H
+ ions concentration concurrent with NaHCO
3- deficit resulted in metabolic acidosis.
Mean±SE values of Immunoglobulin G (mg/ml) and Immunoglobulin M (mg/ml) in healthy control group of calves were 18.24±0.76 and 1.63±0.07, whereas; in calves affected with colibacillosis 14.68±0.31 and 0.70±0.02, respectively (Table 3). There was significant decrease in the serum IgG and IgM values in colibacillosis affected diarrhoeic calves.
Gay et al., (1965) reported association of colibacillosis with the deficiency of plasma immunoglobulins.
Thronton et al., (1972) and
Manoiu et al., (1972) observed low gamma-globulin in diarrhoeic and dehydrated calves. The risk of development of infectious diseases is greater in calves in which there has been failure of passive transfer of maternal immunoglobulins (
Gay, 1983).
Chand and Pandey (2010) reported that suckling method of colostrum feeding predisposes calves for development of diarrhoea due to lower level of IgG (14.61±2.62 mg/ml) in such calves. However,
Gutzwiller (2002) reported that serum IgG concentration was not correlated with diarrhoea.
Mean±SE values of total antioxidant status (mmol Trolox Equiv./L)
, total oxidant status (μmol H
2 Equiv./L) and oxidative stress index (OSI) (TOS/TAS) in healthy control group of calves were 0.59±0.03, 11.28±0.36 and 19.31±0.22, respectively, whereas, in calves affected with colibacillosis were 0.52±0.01, 14.08±0.35 and 27.02±0.52, respectively (Table 4). There was a significant increase in the total oxidant status andoxidative stress index in the calves affected with colibacillosis, however, there was significant decrease in total oxidant status. Our findings are in agreement with the study conducted by
Kabu et al., (2015). Similarly, many researchers also reported an increase in the values of TOS in many other diseases.
Altindag et al., (2007) reported the higher TOS in the patients with osteoarthritis compared to the control group.
Aslan et al., (2011) demonstrated that TOS levels were significantly higher in patients with ulcerative colitis while TAC was significantly lower. This rise of total oxidant status and decreased TAC appeared to be possibly associated with stress caused by the disease
(Kabu et al., 2015).