Comparative evaluation of extenders based on sperm attributes
Values for motility, viability, PMI, AI were significantly (p<0.05) high in TCFEYP-G compared to TCFEYP-DMF and TCFEYP-G+DMF at post thaw. However, HIMMP and MIMMP/MDA were non-significantly (P>0.05) high and low in TCFEYP-G compared to TCFEYP-DMF and TCFEYP- G + DMF at post thaw, respectively (Fig 1). There was a difference of 23.4%, 21.2%, 19.4%, 14.7%, 15.0%, 8.7%, 40.1 µM and 21.7%, 24.1%, 7.7%, 24.7%, 12.5%, 21.2%, 42.5 µM in motility, viability, PMI, AI, HIMMP, MIMMP and MDA concentration between TCFEYP-G x TCFEYP-DMF and TCFEYP-G x TCFEYP-G + DMF extenders, respectively. Higher motility, viability, PMI, AI, HIMMP and low MIIMP/Lipid per oxidation (MDA production) in TCFEYP-G extender indicated that glycerol gives more protection to the sperm against cryo-effect than DMF and combination of both. A study on canine semen indicated significant difference (P<0.05) between glycerol and DMF with regard to subjective progressive motility, objective progressive motility, velocity average pathway and amplitude of lateral head, which also confirmed the efficiency of glycerol
(Lopes et al., 2009) for cryopreservation of canine semen. Overall, sperm motility and membrane intactness/function were higher when glycerol was used as a cryoprotectant, as compared to DMF (P<0.05)
(Hernandez-Aviles et al., 2020).
Penetrating and non-penetrating Cryoprotectants (CPAs) reduce the physical and chemical stress exerted by the freezing process on spermatozoa. The most frequently used cryoprotectant for dog semen cryopreservation is glycerol which has a mixed intracellular and extracellular action. Glycerol reduces the salt concentration, thus lowering the freezing point of the solution and the risk of membrane perforation. It can interact by hydrogen bonding with water and can permeate across the plasma membrane of many different cell types at a relatively slow rate. Membrane permeability of DMF is higher in comparison to glycerol (molecular weight 92.05) due to its lower molecular weight (73.09) and viscosity. In general, permeability decreases as the molecular size of the substance increases. CPAs with low permeability can cause more osmotic stress than CPAs with high permeability. Although, glycerol has a high molecular weight compared to DMF, but there was low level of cryoinjury in TFCEYP-G compared to TFCEYP-DMF and combination of both extenders. It may be revealed from this study that there was no significant advantage using DMF to replace glycerol in cryopreservation of canine semen. Our observations are in agreement with that reported in canine
(Futino et al., 2008; Lopes et al., 2009; Hernandez-Aviles et al., 2020). However, it is suggested that 5% DMF in lactose extender could efficiently preserve post thaw quality of canine semen, with motile sperm values of 45.0%
(Oliveira et al., 2006). DMF at a concentration of 7% was added to the Tris base extender in the present study. In earlier studies, concentration of DMF and buffer were different
(Oliveira et al., 2006; Futino et al., 2008; Lopes et al., 2009). It may be assumed that when DMF is used to cryopreserve canine semen, the concentration
(Pena et al., 1998), method
(Silva et al., 2003) and temperature
(Silva et al., 2006) of its addition may affect the quality of frozen-thawed sperm.
Comparative evaluation of extenders based on lipid per oxidation, free radical scavenging and antioxidant enzyme activity
MDA concentration (µM/109 spermatozoa) was significantly (p<0.05) low in TCFEYP-G (47.7±1.3) compared to TCFEYP-DMF (96.6±17.5) and TCFEYP-G + TCFEYP-DMF (102.6±3.2) extenders (Fig 2). However, H2O2, scavenging capacity of spermatozoa, cryopreserved in TCFEYP-G (90.5±0.4%) was significantly (p<0.05) higher than in TCFEYP-DMF (70.9±6.0%) and TCFEYP-G + TCFEYP-DMF (81.3±1.7%) (Fig 2). However, there was no significant (p>0.05) difference in superoxide free radical scavenging activity and nitrite concentration of spermatozoa among the three extenders (Fig 3). Activity of GPX, SOD and Catalase was also significantly (p<0.05) higher in TCFEYP-G (0.34±0.06, 144.2±1.0, 471±5.5 IU/109 spermatozoa) compared to TCFEYP-DMF (0.27±0.08, 149±2.3, 451.3±3.2 IU/109 spermatozoa) and TCFEYP-G+DMF (0.07±0.02, 137.3±1.7, 384±4.5 IU/109 spermatozoa) (Fig 2,3). However, values were reverse for GRE activity (Fig 3).
Studies conducted in other animals, also have demonstrated a reduction in the sperm membrane intactness following semen cryopreservation using DMF as a cryoprotectant
(Bezerra et al., 2011 and
Forero-Gonzalez et al., 2012). It may be assumed from poor results yielded using DMF as a cryoprotectant that the sperm plasma membrane from those species has a similar composition to the canine sperm membranes and hypothesized that a common susceptibility to low-molecular weight cryoprotectants could exist in these species
(Hernandez-Aviles et al., 2020). The presence or absence of different transmembrane proteins with affinity for a specific cryoprotectant might account for the species-specific response to the effect of DMF or glycerol during freezing. Horse sperm cryopreserved in extender containing DMF and with better tolerance to DMF exhibits no difference in the relative expression of Aquaporin-7 (AQP-7). On the other hand, the use of this same extender was related to a differential expression of AQP-3 and AQP-11
(Bonilla-Correal et al., 2017).
In other species, where semen freezing relatively goes well with amide-containing extenders (boars and bulls), the differential expression of these water and glycerol transporting proteins has also been demonstrated
(Prieto-Martínez et al., 2017a; Prieto-Martínez et al., 2017b). It can be assumed from these observations that the transport of amides could be differentially affected depending on the type of cryoprotectant used in the extender, which in turn may be differentially related to the presence of aquaporins in canine semen. Lower osmotic coefficient of DMF may be another reason that allowed its faster passive diffusion through the plasma membrane, which reduced the amount of cryoprotectant available within the sperm before freezing
(Oldenhof et al., 2012).
Deterioration of PMI, AI and HIMMP in DMF containing extender compared to glycerol correspond to the motility and viability during the present study. It indicated that HOST and HMMP were the parameters which explained the variability in post-thaw motility observed after freezing
(Hernandez-Aviles et al., 2018). The HOST predicts the function of the sperm membrane by evaluating the capacity of the sperm cell to react to an osmotic challenge when is incubated in a low-osmolality solution
(Ramu and Jeyendran, 2013) and a higher mitochondrial membrane potential is associated with a more efficient energy production through the mitochondrial electron transport chain
(Amaral et al., 2013). Further deviant mitochondrial function is associated to oxidative stress and apoptosis
(Aitken et al., 2016). MDA production indicating oxidative stress was high, while H
2 scavenging activity and SOD, catalase, GPX enzyme activity of spermatozoa were low in DMF containing extender compared to glycerol. It may be predicted that sperm plasma membrane osmotic capacity is reduced when the plasma membrane intactness or the mitochondrial electron transport chain are compromised due to osmotic stress or oxidative stress
(Gonzalez-Fernandez et al., 2012 and
Ortega-Ferruso et al., 2017). This compromise was more in spermatozoa cryopreserved in DMF containing extender. Higher percentage of free radical scavenging activity and higher activity of SOD, GPX and catalase in semen, cryopreserved in TCFEYP-G revealed that balance of antioxidants and free radical formation was better maintained by glycerol than DMF or their combination. Therefore, higher percentage of motile, viable spermatozoa, higher intact plasma membrane, intact acrosome and high potential of mitochondrial membrane were a result of reduced oxidative stress in TCFEYP-G extender. Excessive production of free radical is responsible for alterations on semen quality, caused by decrease in sperm motility, as well as protein and DNA damage, resulting in cell apoptosis
(Lucio et al., 2016).
To our knowledge, this is the first study in which the effect of DMF on the membranes of dog spermatozoa is evaluated on a combination of sperm function test including oxidative stress, ROS and antioxidant enzymes.