The location of the prolactin gene on chromosome number 23
(Barendse et al., 1997) of
Bos indicus (Gene ID 280901, AC_00176.1) comprises 5 exons split by introns
(Camper et al., 1984; Dybus et al., 2005) with a total length of 893 bp. The targeted region (exon 3) of the prolactin gene was amplified by standard protocol (Fig 1). After amplification, Restriction fragment length polymorphism was performed using theRsa1 restriction enzyme. Result exhibited three bands at different base pairs 156 bp, 84 bp and 72bp (Fig 2). Based on the band patterns, three genotypes
viz., AA (156 bp), GA (156 bp, 84 bp, 72 bp) and GG (8 4bp, 72 bp) were classified. Genotype GA having 156 bp, 84 bp and 72 bp fragments, genotype GG with 84 bp and 72 bp fragments whereas the genotype AA had 156 bp fragments. The gene and genotype frequencies were estimated by gene counting method. The frequencies of A and G alleles were 0.425 and 0.575 and their genotypic frequencies of AA, GG and GA were estimated as 0.30, 0.45 and 0.25, respectively. A similar study was proposed by
(Das et al., 2012) the frequencies of A and B alleles 0.388 and 0.611 in Deoni cows.
Means and standard errors of test day milk yield and milk composition traits
The mean test-day milk, fat and SNF (Solid Not Fat) yield along with standard errors were presented in Table 1. The mean test day milk yield was estimated at 7.23 ± 0.39 kg with a coefficient of variation (CV) 34.5 per cent. The mean test day fat yield was noticed 0.36 ± 0.02kg with CV 34.5 per cent. The mean test day SNF yield was estimated as 0.64 ± 0.03 kg.
Least squares means of test day milk yield and milk composition traits
Least squares mean (LSM) test day milk yield were estimated in between 5.74 ± 0.33 kg in test day 9 to 9.79 ± 0.50 kg in test day 5. The different test day milk yields of LSM have revealed in Table 4 (a) and 4 (b). LSM of test day fat yield was found to be in between 0.18 ± 0.031 kg in test day 10 to 0.45 ± 0.028 kg in test day 4. The different test day fat yields of LSM have been shown in Table 5 (a) and 5 (b). Least squares mean of SNF yield were found to be in between 0.27 ± 0.025 kg in test day10 to 0.56 ± 0.4 kg in test day 7. The different test day SNF yields of LSM have presented in Table 6 (a) and 6 (b).
Effect of season of calving and parity on test day milk yield and milk composition traits
In case of test day milk yield, Season of calving had a significant effect on test day 1 and test day 9 and also, observed age at first calving (AFC) was significantly affecting test day 4. Among all the test days, the maximum test day milk yield was noticed in test day 5 in winter season whereas the lowest milk yield was observed in test day 9 in winter season. In test day fat yield, the highest fat yield was found in test day 4 whereas the lowest test day fat yield was found in test day10 in summer season. In case of test day SNF yield, highest SNF yield was estimated in test day 5 in rainy season while the lowest SNF yield was revealed in test day 10 in winter season. Age at first calving was found significantly affecting sixth test day milk yield and was subsequently, adjusted.
Effect of SNP of prolactin gene on test day milk and milk composition traits
The effect of SNP of prolactin (exon3) on milk production and composition traits was evaluated by regression analysis for different test days and their role in the form of increase or decrease in these traits was represented in Table 2. It was established that SNP of the prolactin gene increased overall test day milk yield by 321.5 gm, test day fat yield by 13.9gm and test day SNF yield by 19.4gm, respectively.
The maximum effect of SNP was perceived in second test day milk yield (b= 1.1472) which stipulated an increase in milk yield by 1.1472 kg in test day 2 considering 13.8 percent of the average second test day milk yield. The minimum effect of SNP was detected in tenth test day milk yield (b= -0.7609) which indicated that the decrease in milk yield was about 0.7609 kg in test day 10. The maximum effect of SNP was estimated in tenth test day fat yield (b= 0.0630) which designated an increase of 63.0 gm in test day10 fat yield which was about 21.00 percent of the average tenth test day fat yield. The minimum effect of SNP was observed in sixth test day fat yield (b= -0.0403) which specifies that the decrease in fat yield was about 40.3 gm in test day 6. The highest effect of SNP was found in fourth test day SNF yield (b=0.0885) which indicated an increase of 88.5 gm in test day 4 which was about 11.0 per cent of the fourth test day SNF yield. The minimum effect of SNP was revealed in tenth test day SNF yield (b= -0.0148) which specifies that the decrease in SNF yield was about 14.8 gm in test day 10.
Correlation between test day milk and milk composition traits and average lactation milk yield
The correlation analysis was used to find the early test days for the selection of animals between test day traits and average lactation milk yield of pooled first and second lactations in Sahiwal cattle. Correlation between average test day milks yield and average lactation milk yield of pooled first and second lactations was found to be very high (0.6012) and the maximum correlation was estimated between test day 7 milk yield (r=0.8277) and average lactation milk yield. Correlation between average test day fat yield and average lactation milk yield of pooled first and second lactations was found to be very high (0.6263) and the maximum correlation was found between test day 6 fat yield (r= 0.8277) and combined first and second lactation milk yield. Correlation between average test day SNF yield and average lactation milk yield of first and second lactations was also revealed very high (r = 0.6746). The maximum correlation was established between T. Day 8 (r= 0.8442) and average lactation milk yield. It was observed that high correlations were obtained from T. Day 2 onwards between test day traits and lactation milk yield indicating that selection based on identified SNP in T. Day 2 increased test day milk yield, fat yield and SNF yield by 1.1472 kg, 29.6 gm and 45.4 gm, respectively.
The study identified the genetic marker of prolactin in relation to monthly test day production performance in pedigreed Sahiwal cattle. PCR-RFLP method was performed with
RsaI restriction endonuclease for the identification of genotypes. The frequency of G and A allele of prolactin was revealed as 0.575 and 0.425, whereas the frequencies of AA, GG and GA genotypes for prolactin gene were estimated as 0.30, 0.45 and 0.25, respectively. The SNP (G55A) contributed an increase in test day milk yield around 321.5g, test day fat yield was around 13.9 g and test day SNF yield was increased by 19.4 g. High correlations were obtained from T. Day 2 onwards between test day traits and lactation milk yield indicating that selection based on identified SNP in T. Day 2 increased test day milk yield, fat yield and SNF yield by 1.1472 kg, 29.6 gm and 45.4 gm, respectively.