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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 55 issue 12 (december 2021) : 1446-1453

Macroscopic, Histomorphological and Histochemical Studies on the Kidneys of Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris)

Gajendra Singh1,*, Balwant Meshram1, Hemant Joshi1
1Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Navania, Vallabhnagar, Udaipur-313 601, Rajasthan, India.
Cite article:- Singh Gajendra, Meshram Balwant, Joshi Hemant (2021). Macroscopic, Histomorphological and Histochemical Studies on the Kidneys of Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 55(12): 1446-1453. doi: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4196.
Background: Kidneys, the paired organ which essentially plays for excreting nitrogenous wastes, excessive water, inorganic salts and toxic substances produced during the process of body metabolism. Maintenance of osmotic regulation and homeostatic fluid balance of the body has also be performed by kidneys. Each of the kidneys filtrate carried to cloaca by respective ureter from where the urine leaves the body. The present macroscopic, histomorphological and histochemical studies undertaken on the Kidneys of Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) is nothing but the attempt to widen our thrust area for that bird which is nonexistent as on documentation.

Methods: The present studies were carried upon 12 pairs of in-vitro kidney samples in Guinea fowl. Gross morphology and morphometrical observations were carried on fresh specimens. Histological studies were carried on fixed samples those were processed for dehydration, clearing, embedding into paraffin and sections of 5-6 μ thickness were obtained. Different staining procedure as to Haematoxylin and Eosin, Silver orcein, Aniline blue and Weigert’s staining methods were employed for different histological components. The histochemical and histoenzymic studies were also accomplished with Periodic acid Schiff‘s (PAS), Alcian blue methods (pH-2.5) and Gomori’s cobalt method for Alkaline phosphatase and Acid phosphatase. The Succinic dehydrogenase enzyme was also estimated on cryostat sections.

Result: The observations on kidneys of Guinea fowl were accomplished after macroscopic, histomorphological and histochemical means. This reddish-brown colored paired organ of kidneys was retroperitoneally placed in synsacral fossa and had incomplete division of three parts. The wrapping material of capsule was the dense connective tissue. The outer cortex and inner medulla had different parts of nephrons. Two types of nephrons viz. mammalian type (with Henle loop) and reptilian type (without Henle loop) were observed. Collagen, elastic and reticular fibers were there in different components of the kidney. Histochemically it has determined the secretion of neutral as well as acidic mucopolysaccharide substances. PAS activity was observed at mesangial cells and basement membrane of DCT. The Alkaline phosphatase showed the positive activity in capsule, brush border of proximal and distal convoluted tubules. The Acid phosphatases were showing intense activity in parietal and visceral layer of renal corpuscles, lumen and basement membrane of PCT. The intense activity of Succinic dehydrogenase showed at PCT, DCT, collecting tubule whereas renal corpuscles showed feeble activity.
Kidneys are the essential role playing organ in excreting nitrogenous wastes, excessive water, inorganic salts and toxic substances produced during the process of metabolism of the body. This paired organ is involved into osmotic regulation and thereby maintaining the homeostatic fluid balance of the body. Each of the kidneys filtrate carried to cloaca by respective ureter from where the urine leaves the body (Dhyaa et al., 2014 and Kumar et al., 2014). Guinea fowl possess two reddish-brown kidneys at either side of the vertebral column as left and right. Kidneys are situated retroperitoneally in the depression of synsacrum and iliac fossa. Depending upon the incomplete division by ventral oblique groove, the kidney is divided into three portions as to cranial, middle and caudal. Its dorsal surface shows close connectivity with synsacrum and iliac fossa thereby the imprint of lumbosacral mass is visible (Singh et al., 2020). Histologically the kidney shows a thin outer capsule, a large part of the cortex and the smaller medulla. Nephron, which is identified as the functional unit of kidney is encountered in two types viz. reptilian i.e. loopless nephron and mammalian nephron i.e. looped nephron (Morild et al., 1985a and Cassoti and Braun 2000). Numerous reptilian type nephrons are located at the cortex but some of the mammalian type nephrons are juxtamedullary. Numerous reptilian nephron are mostly scattered towards the cortical periphery, peculiarly the loop of Henle records its absence there (Cassoti et al., 1998). The present paper is the purposeful attempt to have scientific evidential document on osmoregulation maintaining organs in Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris).
The present investigation on gross, histological and histochemical features of the kidney of Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) was carried on 12 pairs of Guinea fowl kidney samples.  Gross morphology of different parts of the kidney was carried on fresh specimens. The gross morphometrical measurement viz. length, width and volume were recorded. Histological studies were carried on fixed samples of kidneys. 10% Neutral buffered formalin and chilled pure acetone were used as the fixatives in wake of the different staining procedures. The fixed tissues were routinely processed for dehydration, clearing, embedding into paraffin and sections were obtained at 5-6 μ thickness. General histological structures were studied after Haematoxylin and Eosin stain. Silver orcein and Aniline blue staining methods were used for detecting elastic, reticular and collagen fibers and Weigert’s staining method was employed to perceive the elastic and collagen fibers. The histochemical and histoenzymic studies were accomplished on paraffin sections with Periodic acid Schiff‘s (PAS) and Alcian blue methods (pH-2.5) for mucopolysaccharides. Gomori’s cobalt method for Alkaline phosphatase and Acid phosphatase was also performed (Singh and Sulochana, 1996). The activity of Succinic dehydrogenase enzyme was estimated on cryostat sections as per Davenport, 1960.
The Guinea fowl birds were possessed left and right reddish-brown coloured kidneys. Both the kidneys were placed retroperitoneally symmetrical on either side of the vertebral column in the depression of synsacrum and iliac fossa (Fig 1). The similar findings were reported by Braun and Dantzler (1972) in desert quail, Khadim and Dauod (2014) in barn owl and Michalek et al., (2016) in breeding Emu. Each kidney had dorsal and ventral surfaces. The oblique groove was observed on the ventral aspect of each kidney which divided the kidneys into three divisions viz. cranial, middle and caudal. The smallest cranial component of both kidneys was extended with the caudal segment of the lungs, however its caudal surface was largest. The present result was in accordance with close consent of Mohammed et al., (2009) in steppe buzzard and Batah (2012) in Coot bird. The impressions on the dorsal surface of the kidneys were identified as lumbosacral mass. These findings were not different with the mentioning of Mohammed et al., (2009) in Seteppe buzzard and Dhyaa et al., (2014) in harrier, mallard and chicken.

Fig 1: Showing the different structural components of Guinea fowl kidney.

In male and female, the ventral surface of the cranial part was communicating with testis and ovary respectively and the middle and caudal component of both kidneys was related with gizzard, intestine, ureter, vas deferens and oviduct (Fig 1). The present findings were somewhat similar with the findings of Batah (2012) in Coot bird and Al-Agele (2012) in Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). The maximum length and width of the right and left kidney was measured with Vernier caliper which was on the tune of 54.23±1.206 mm and 53.21±1.226 mm and 12.73±0.514 mm and 13.39±0.37 mm respectively. Volume and weight of the right and left kidney was also measured and observed as 4.78±0.119 ml and 4.75±0.169 ml and 4.34±0.12 gm and 4.14±0.156 gm respectively (Table 1). However nobody has reported the micrometrical observations of kidneys in Guinea fowl. Batah (2012) have reported this type of findings with different numerical in coot bird.

Table 1: Different micrometrical observations with respect to the samples of kidneys.

Kidneys of the Guinea fowl were observed histologically with different structures from outside to inside viz. capsule, cortex and medulla. Their microscopical findings have been observed as under.
The very thin wrapper and protective cover of kidneys had a firm contact with parenchyma. It was composed after elastic, collagen and reticular fibers. These observations were corroborating with the observations revealed by Mobini and Abdollahi (2016) in Japanese quail, Gahaffor and Mohammed (2012) in racing pigeon, Sreeranjini et al., (2010) in Japanese quail.
Cortex and medulla
It was discovered as the parenchyma of kidneys which was composed of pear-shaped lobules with larger the cortex and smaller the medulla. It was calculated in the proportion of 71% and 29% respectively. The cortex had a major segment of nephron without the loop of Henle. The central vein, numerous blood capillaries and infiltrated lymphocytes were seen in the region of cortex (Fig 2 and 3) which inclined towards its physiological conscientiousness to have the defense mechanism of the organ. These observations were not different from the findings of King and McLelland (1975).

Fig 2: Photomicrograph Showing the histological details.


Fig 3: Photomicrograph showing the histological details.

Numerous nephrons were seen in the cortical region but reptilian types of nephrons were predominantly located there. The mammalian type nephrons were observed at juxtamedullary. The medulla had shown medullary collecting duct, the thin as well as thick segment of the loop of Henle and blood capillaries-vasa recta. The medullary lobules were observed enclosing by a thin layer of collagen fibers as the connective tissue (Fig 2 and 3), such in-length observations were reported by Schmidt-Nielsen (1979) in vertebrates and Nicholson (1982) in starlings.
It was observed with Renal corpuscles comprising Bowman capsule and tuft of glomerular capillaries, Proximal and Distal convoluted tubules, Loop of Henle, Collecting tubules, blood vessels etc. The Guinea fowl kidney was observed with two types of nephron viz. Reptilian type i.e. without loop of Henle and mammalian type i.e. with loop of Henle.
Numerous reptilian nephrons (R.N.) were at the cortical and mostly scattered towards the periphery. The small Bowman’s capsule, little of the tuft of glomerulus and also the short urinary space was observed in reptilian nephron. The macula densa in these nephrons was present at the vascular pole and tubules were started from the urinary pole of the glomerulus (Fig 2 and 4).

Fig 4: Photomicrograph Showing the histological details.

The Mammalian nephron (M.N.) was identified with the loop of Henle as the relatively larger than reptilian type of nephrons. These were situated close to the medullary lobules and characterized by large glomerulus surrounded by the visceral layer of cells. Distal convoluted tubules were also present on the vascular pole of the glomerulus. A large amount of urinary space was present in Bowman’s capsule (Fig 4). These findings were in accordance with the observation of Sivakumar et al., (2012) in Guinea fowl and Dhyaa et al., (2014) in mallard species. However, the intermediate type of nephrons were also reported by Nicholsen (1982), Wideman and Nissley (1992), Islam et al., (2004) and Mobini and Abdollahi (2016) in various species of birds, which were not observed in the present studies.
Renal corpuscles
These were seen as an initial part of the nephron. It consisted of a Bowman capsule and tuft of a glomerular capillaries. The Bowman capsule was made up of a parietal layer with simple squamous epithelium while its visceral layer was the cuboidal epithelium. The space between parietal and visceral layers viz. urinary space was narrow towards the vascular pole and extensive towards the urinary pole. Some different types of cells with a large irregular nucleus were also seen in the center of the tuft which was recognized as the mesangial cell (Fig 4 and 5). Similar types of findings were noted by Braun and Dantzler (1972) in desert quail, Hodges (1974) in fowl and Sreeranjini et al., (2010) in Japanese quail.

Fig 5: Photomicrograph showing the histological details of mammalian renal corpuscle of Guinea fowl kidney.

The parietal layer of renal corpuscles was composed of all three types of connective tissue fibers viz. collagen, elastic and reticular fibers but in the visceral layer of it more elastic fibers and few reticular fibers were encountered (Fig 6). Partly collaborative observations were reported by Islam et al., (2004) in Rhode Island Red and White leghorn and Sreeranjini et al., (2010) in Japanese quail with the findings of collagen and reticular fibers in renal corpuscle.

Fig 6: Photomicrograph showing.

Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
In the cortical region the PCT with other elements of the nephron were located.  The wall of PCT had brush bordered high columnar cell which were along with the indistinct cell boundaries and centrally placed large nucleus. Their basement membrane showed collagen, elastic and reticular fibers (Fig 6). The PCTs were emerged from the urinary pole of Bowman’s capsule. The lumen was not visible or sometimes less visible due to which the PCT was observed in spherical shape. Comparable findings were brought on record by Islam et al., (2004) in Rhode Island Red and White leghorn and Sreeranjini et al., (2010) in Japanese quail and Patil and Janbandhu (2012) in Indian false vampire bat exceptionally the cuboidal type of cells were reported by Batah (2012).
Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
It was observed within the cortex and as a continuation of the ascending limb of Henle. However, most DCTs were found near the collecting tubule and PCTs. These tubules were easily distinguished from the proximal tubules due to a wide lumen, darkly stained cytoplasm and centrally placed euchromatic nucleus. These tubules were lined by the simple cuboidal epithelium which was devoid of brush border unlikely to the proximal convoluted tubule (Fig 4). The lumen of the DCT was shown wider than that of PCT which was composed of all three types of fibers viz. collagen, elastic and reticular fibers which were similar with the current investigations. This outcome of the present examination was in accordance to close consent of Batah (2012) in coot bird, Patil and Janbandhu (2012) in Indian false vampire bat and Abdulla et al., (2014) in house sparrow.
Loop of henle
The mammalian type nephron possesses the loop of Henle in the medullary cone wherein numerous thick and thin limbs of the loop of Henle were combined with medullary collecting duct. The present study revealed the numerous thick limb of the loop of Henle at periphery of medullary cone but the thin limb were located in the center of the medullary cone. The thick and thin limb of loop of Henle has shown simple cuboidal epithelium with wider lumen and simple squamous epithelium with narrow lumen respectively (Fig 7). Similar findings were reported by Wideman et al., (1981), Casotti and Richardson (1993), Nabipour et al., (2009) and Baragoth (2015) in different avian species. Loop of the Henle were composed of all three types of fibers viz. collagen, elastic and reticular (Fig 8) fibers whereas Islam et al., (2004) and Sreeranjini et al., (2010) were reported the collagen and reticular fibers only.

Fig 7: Photomicrograph showing the histological detail of medulla of Guinea fowl kidney.


Fig 8: Photomicrograph showing the histological details of elastic, collagen and reticular fibers of Guinea fowl kidney.

Macula densa and Juxtaglomerular apparatus
The Guinea fowl kidney has shown Mammalian and Reptilian types of the nephron which were consisting of the macula densa and juxtaglomerular apparatus. The convoluted part of DCT came in contact with the vascular pole of renal corpuscles. The cells of Macula densa towards the vascular pole of renal corpuscles became taller and narrower with the closely packed nucleus. The lumen was also visible (Fig 4). The present investigations illustrated dark stained tall cells in both mammalian and reptilian types of nephrons. The same dark-stained macula densa tall cells were observed only in mammalian types of nephrons. These findings were very much similar to those reports given by Dantzler and Braun (1980), Morild et al., (1985b), Casotti and Richardson (1993), Sreeranjini (2010) and Islam et al., (2004).
Collecting tubule (CT)
The last part of nephron was observed in the cortex and medullary regions. The cortical collecting ducts open into the medulla as the medullary collecting duct. The lining epithelium of the collecting tubules was cuboidal in cortical region (Fig 4) and columnar epithelium in the medullary region. The lumen was substantially more visible than PCT and DCT. No villi were seen on the apical part of cells. All three types of fibers viz. collagen, elastic and reticular (Fig 8) which were in agreement with similar findings of Sreeranjini (2010) in quail, Casotti and Richardson (1993) in Honeyeater birds and Archana et al., (2017) in Emu and Duck. However, Mobini and Abdollahi (2016) have reported their studies of the renal collecting ducts in Japanese quail wherein they revealed distinctive brush border of interdigitations microvilli which were projected into the terminal web at luminal surfaces of the epithelial cells. The mentioned findings of them were not seen in presently undertaken studies.
Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) for glycogen was employed toward determining the secretion of neutral Mucopolysaccharides substances as per Kiernan (2015). It has demonstrated a positive activity at mesangial cells of renal corpuscle and basement membrane of distal convoluted tubule (Fig 9). The findings which were encountered in present studies were corroborative with the findings of Rovasio et al., (1974) who were reported the positive activity of PAS in the basement membrane of proximal convoluted tubule, intense positive reaction in distal convoluted tubule and the weak activity in collecting tubule.

Fig 9: Photomicrograph showing mucopolysaccharides of Guinea fowl kidney.

The Alcian blue (AB) (pH 2.5) was used to find its determination on secretion of acidic mucopolysaccharide substances (Kiernan, 2015). It has observed the positive reaction in capsule of kidney, parietal and visceral layer of renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule, lumen of distal convoluted tubule, thin and thick loop of Henle, whereas the cortical collecting tubule, medullary collecting tubule were showed intensive activity (Fig 9 and 10).  The findings were in agreement with the findings of Casotti (2001) who has mentioned the presence of mucosubstances in renal tubules helps in the elimination of uric acid which were supporting the functioning of these kidney components. 

Fig 10: Photomicrograph showing mucopolysaccharides of medulla of Guinea fowl kidney.

The alkaline phosphatase activity in present investigations has shown moderate activity in capsule, parietal and visceral layer of the renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, cortical collecting tubule, medullary collecting tubule and loop of Henle (Fig 11). The capsule, brush border of proximal convoluted tubule and distal convoluted tubule has shown the positive activity of alkaline phosphatase. These findings were similar reporting made by Sivakumar et al., (2012) in Guinea fowl. Lesser the alkaline phosphatase activity has indicated higher the active vigor of structural components. However, in the present investigation, the components were moderately active.

Fig 11: Photomicrograph showing histoenzymatic details of Guinea fowl Kidney.

The present investigation on acid phosphatase activity has shown moderately in capsule, distal convoluted tubule, collecting tubule and loop of Henle whereas the parietal and visceral layer of renal corpuscle and lumen and basement membrane of proximal convoluted tubule were showing intense activity (Fig 12). Pertaining to the observations mentioned by Sivakumar et al., (2012) in Guinea fowl that they reported intense activity of acid phosphatase in Capsule and brush border of proximal convoluted tubule and distal convoluted tubule.  However, in the present investigation, the capsule, distal convoluted tubule, collecting tubule and loop of Henle were moderately activity components, while the visceral layer of renal corpuscle and lumen and basement membrane of proximal convoluted tubule were showing less activity. Lesser the acid phosphatase activity indicating higher vigor of activeness of structural components what we observed in present findings.

Fig 12: Photomicrograph showing Histoenzymatic details of Guinea fowl kidney.

The present studies have shown intense bluish to the purple colour activity of Succinic dehydrogenase at proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule and collecting tubule and renal corpuscle showed feeble activity (Fig 13). The comparable findings were reported by Sivakumar et al., (2012) in Guinea fowl wherein proximal convoluted tubule and distal convoluted tubule had shown positive reaction. The higher succinic dehydrogenase activity in tissue demonstrated higher mitochondrial content and thereby the higher oxidative potential which agrees with the activity of enzyme of succinic dehydrogenase at the level of microscopical kidneys.

Fig 13: Photomicrograph showing histoenzymatic details of Guinea fowl kidney.

The Guinea fowl bird possesses two reddish-brown colored kidneys which were located retroperitoneal on either side of vertebral column in the depression of synsacrum and iliac fossa. The maximum length and width of the right and left kidney was measured as 54.23±1.206 mm and 53.21±1.226 mm and 12.73±0.514 mm and 13.39±0.37 mm respectively. Weight and volume of the right and left kidney was measured 4.78±0.119 gm and 4.75±0.169 gm and 4.34±0.12 ml and 4.14±0.156 ml respectively. The kidneys were surrounded by a thin capsule with firm contact with parenchyma. It was made-up of dense connective tissue after reticular, elastic and collagen fibers. The cortex and medulla of kidneys were distributed at 71% and 29% respectively. The pear shaped lobules were there as the structural units. Cortex was accommodated all the parts of nephron but devoid of loop of Henle. The kidney has shown two types of nephron viz. Reptilian/loopless nephron and mammalian/looped nephron. The numerous reptilian nephrons were mostly scattered towards the periphery of the cortex. The mammalian nephron was relatively larger than reptilian type nephron and mostly found near the medullary area with specifically the loop of Henle. Renal corpuscles were the initial part of nephron. It was comprised of bowman capsule and tuft of glomerular capillaries. The bowman capsule was made up of Parietal layer, which was composed of simple squamous epithelium and the visceral layer was the cuboidal epithelium. In the center of the tuft there were some different types of cells with large irregular nucleus known as the mesangial cell. The proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) were seen in the cortical part of kidney along with other elements of the nephron. PCTs were emerged out from the urinary pole of Bowman capsule. Distal convoluted tubules (DCT) were continued into cortex from ascending limb of Henle. It was mostly observed near the collecting tubule and PCT. The DCTs were composed of all three types of fibers viz. collagen, elastic and reticular fibers. The loop of Henle was the only part of mammalian type nephron, which was found in the medullary region of the bird kidney. The loop of Henle had also collagen, elastic and reticular fibers. Collecting tubule was the last part of the nephron. It was present in both the cortex and medullary regions. The medullary Collecting tubules were seemed to be larger than cortical collecting tubule. All three types of fibers like collagen, elastic and reticular fibers were noticed in collecting tubule. Different types of histochemical release were studied after Acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, alcian blue for acidic mucopolysaccharide substances, succinic dehydrogenase and PAS for glycogen while knowing the intensity of reaction at microscopical level.

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