Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 55 issue 8 (august 2021) : 889-893

Electrolyte and Electrocardiogram Changes in Dehydrated Male Bovine Calves

Yousuf Jamil Beg1, Jafrin Ara Ahmed1,*, Nawab Nashiruddullah1, Dibyendu Chakraborty1
1Division of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Jammu, RS Pura-181 102, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Cite article:- Beg Jamil Yousuf, Ahmed Ara Jafrin, Nashiruddullah Nawab, Chakraborty Dibyendu (2021). Electrolyte and Electrocardiogram Changes in Dehydrated Male Bovine Calves . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 55(8): 889-893. doi: 10.18805/ijar.B-4145.
Background: Since many electrolytes are invariably lost in the diarrheal fluid, their serum alterations would have a profound bearing on the ECG. 

Methods: The study was conducted on twelve diarrhoeic and dehydrated male bovine calves of 2-5 months of age. Electrocardiogram and some haemato-biochemical parameters were compared between dehydrated and hydrated animals after supportive treatment. 

Result: Heart rate was found to be increased from 90.33 ± 9.71 bpm to 104.33 ± 9.03 bpm with considerable cardiac arrhythmias in dehydrated animals. Significantly (P<0.05) decreased QRS amplitudes and ST intervals were seen in dehydrated animals, whereas QRS durations were significantly increased. P waves were sometimes flattened or not visible, while T waves often were tall and peaked in diarrhoeic calves. No other significant changes in ECG parameters including cardiac axis were noticed. Non-significant increase in erythrocyte count and haematocrit associated with haemoconcentration was found. There was however a significant increase in lymphocyte and eosinophil count, together with increase in osmotic fragility in dehydrated animals. Electrolytes sodium and magnesium decreased significantly, while potassium increased amongst dehydrated calves. Based on observable ECG changes, alterations were indifferent from those of hyperkalemia, hyponatremia and hypomagnesemia. It is hoped that the present communication would be a helpful guide for the clinical veterinarian or those electrocardiographically monitoring supportive therapy of dehydrated animals.
Many indices have been investigated to establish dehydration status of animal. Amongst them, body mass changes, blood/ urine indices and electrolyte parameters are the most widely used (Shirreffs, 2003). Nonetheless, not all indices are adequate, accurate or practical and some are costly and require technical expertise (Armstrong et al., 1998). It has been found that dehydration can elevate QRS voltage (Saltykova, 2007) in electrocardiogram. Many others (Madiaas and Guglin, 2007; Drighil et al., 2008) reported that there is a statistically significant correlation between weight loss and net fluid removed along with percentage change in the sums of P wave and QRS complex of all 12 ECG leads during haemodialysis. Moreover, some researchers have reported a significant correlation between volumes of fluid removed via diuresis and amplitude and duration of ECG curve (Madiaas, 2006). Depending on the particular type of electrolyte disorder, El-Sherif and Turitto (2011) opined that alterations of the cardiac electrical kinetics may promote pro-arrhythmic or anti-arrhythmic effects- the same fundamental electrophysiological principles and expressions that underlie the normal electrical behavior of heart. Likewise, it can be hypothesized that dehydration leads to electrolyte imbalance and the same is likely to reflect in the electrocardiogram. In view of the above, a study was undertaken to see the electrocardiographic changes during dehydration vis-à-vis other comparative indices being recorded simultaneously in calves.
Experimental animal
Study was conducted with twelve male bovine calves suffering from acute dehydration due to prolonged diarrhoea at an organized Military Farm in Satwari, Jammu in 2018. The ages of calves were between 2-5 months. Dehydration in the animals was assessed by clinical examination of the animal with sunken eyes, dry mouth and nose, weight loss, fast or very slow pulse, cold ears and legs. The experiment was approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee. All animals were immediately treated after the observations and the hydration status restored. Analysis of data was carried out in the Division of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry, SKUAST-Jammu, RS Pura.
Procedure of recording ECG
Electrocardiographic recording of the calves were taken, by single channel electrocardiograph as described by Schultz and Pretorius (1973). Care was taken to keep the animal as still as possible with manual restraint for least electrical interference. The single channel electrocardiograph was used for tracing the ECG. The site for attachment of electrodes was trimmed and cardia gel (lubricating gel) was applied to increase conductivity. Electrodes were attached with small crocodile clips with flattened teeth as previously described by Ahmed (2002). Three bipolar standard leads (Lead I, II and III) were taken with crocodile clips in suitable position on the antero-lateral aspect just below the elbow and stifle joint. Positioning was consistent to avoid QRS axis change. Animals were allowed to acclimatize for 10 to 15 minutes before each recording. ECG machine was calibrated to give 10 mm deflection per mV of input and recordings were traced with a paper speed of 25 mm/second. The machine was charged thoroughly each day before recording.
After recording of ECG heart rate, amplitude of waves (P, QRS and T waves), duration of waves (P, P-R, QRS, Q-T, S-T and T) and cardiac axis were evaluated.
Haematology and serum biochemical parameters
PCV (Packed Cell Volume), TEC (Total Erythrocytic Count), DLC (Differential Leucocytic Count) and osmotic fragility were calculated. Serum calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium were also evaluated by standard commercially available kits.
Rehydration therapy
After recording of ECG and collection of blood for haemato-biochemical studies, the following rehydration therapy was immediately given- calves with rapidly progressing dehydration and consistent profuse watery diarrhoea were treated intravenously with Normal saline (NaCl) @ 90 mMol/L, Lactated Ringer´s (RL) solution @ 80 mMol/L or dextrose solutions @ 7 L/day and maintaining fluid @ 80-100 ml/kg to maintain their hydration status. Different parameters were again recorded one month after treatment.
Statistical analysis
Data obtained in the present experiment were analyzed statistically by standard procedure of Snedecor and Cochran (1994).
Electrocardiographic parameters
The amplitude and duration of the various waveforms, and cardiac axis recorded in dehydrated and normal animals are depicted in Table 1.

Table 1: Amplitude, duration of ECG waves and cardiac axis (Mean± S.E.) in hydrated and dehydrated calves.

Heart rate
During dehydration, the heart rate was elevated (104.33 ± 9.03 bpm) when compared to normal recordings (90.33 ± 9.71 bpm) and cardiac arrhythmia was commonly observed (Fig 1A).

Fig 1: Electrocardiographs of different waveform abnormalities associated with dehydrated calve

Amplitude of waves
In the dehydrated animals, a flat P wave was very commonly observed (Fig 1B-i). In certain cases the P wave could not be discerned on the electrocardiograph. QRS amplitudes were significantly (P<0.05) decreased in dehydrated calves. T waves were non-significantly decreased in dehydrated animals. In some cases tall and peaked T waves were noticed (Fig 1B-ii).
Duration of waves
The QRS duration significantly (P<0.05) increased (Fig 1C) in dehydrated calves, while the ST segment was significantly decreased and elevated (Fig 1D). No significant changes were recorded in the duration of P wave, T wave, PR, QT interval and cardiac axis.
Haematological parameters
The haematological parameters recorded for dehydrated and rehydrated calves are represented in Table 2.

Table 2: Haematology and osmotic fragility (Mean ± S.E) in hydrated and dehydrated calves.

Non-significant increase in TEC and PCV was seen in dehydrated calves. Significant (P<0.05) decrease in lymphocytes and eosinophil count were observed in dehydrated calves. A significant (P<0.05) increase in osmotic fragility was also observed in dehydrated calves.
Serum biochemical parameters
The serum biochemical parameters recorded for dehydrated and rehydrated calves are represented in Table 3.

Table 3: Serum biochemical values (Mean ± S.E) in hydrated and dehydrated calves.

A significant decrease (P<0.05) of sodium and magnesium serum levels was seen in dehydrated calves; whereas a significant increase (P<0.05) of potassium levels was seen.
During dehydration excessive loss of body water and electrolyte imbalance alters cardiac current kinetics, promoting proarrhythmic or antiarrhythmic effects (El-Sherif and Turitto, 2011).

Most reflections in the amplitude changes can be attributed to hyperkalemia. Elevated potassium levels mediate via specific voltage-gated potassium channels that causes increased membrane repolarization of the cardiac action potential, resulting in peaked T waves (Kour et al., 2016). As hyperkalemia worsens, no more synchronous repolarization across the ventricular wall occurs. Classical tall, peaked T waves were also reported by Slovis and Jenkins (2002) under similar conditions. Subsequently, the P wave broadens and decrease in amplitude or eventually disappear. Flat ‘P’ waves or their absence could be due to lack of coordinated atrial activity. In the electrocardiograph, even if the P waves are formed or present, they remain very less obvious (Nelson and Waggner, 1964). The QRS complex also widens due to cardio-vascular slowing. Dehydration leads to hypovolemia and ultimately decreased QRS voltage. This has also been corroborated by Saltykova (2007) and Ozkan et al., (2011).
In electrolyte disorders associated with hyperkalemic, potassium accelerates the repolarisation and shortens the duration of the P-R interval (El-Sherif and Turitto, 2011). This has also been observed in dehydrated animals when compared to treated healthy animals (Ozkan et al., 2011). Increase in QRS duration may be due to both hyperkalemia and hypomagnesemia. Hyperkalemia may inactivate many sodium channels and ultimately, a sluggish conduction of the electrical wave around the heart results in widening of QRS complex (Saltykova, 2007). This has also been observed by Ozkan et al., (2011) in diarrhoeic and hyperkalemic calves and Kour et al., (2016) in Lead II recordings of dehydrated rabbits. Marked widening of QRS complex was recorded in one of five hypokaelemic human patients with serum potassium level usually above 5.56 to 6.5 mMol/Litre, including increase in the duration of all the waves (Slovis and Jenkins 2002). The cardiac axis remains unchanged as suggested by various earlier observations (Ozkan et al., 2011; Kour et al., 2016). 

Increased PCV is due to decrease in the amount of water in the vascular compartment relative to the number of circulating red cells (relative polycythaemia). The changes in the differential leucocyte count are speculative. There have been many reports of decreased count of leucocytes without any clinical corroboration. Decreasing lymphocytes were recorded in albino rats (Owoyele et al., 2011); goats during transportation (Kannan et al., 2007) and in Yankasa sheep (Igbokwe and Ajuzieogu, 1997) with progressive water deprivation. A significant decrease in lymphocytes in local Iraqi calves infected with bovine viral diarrhoea was recorded (Hassan et al., (2013). In the latter case, a decrease in lymphocyte count is justified due to the immunosuppressive nature of similar pathogens.
Dehydration also imbalances salt and water content leading to extracellular and intracellular osmotic disturbances and ultimately perturbed volume homeostasis that jeopardize the erythrocyte leading to its fragile disposition and premature destruction (Gallagher, 2017).
Sodium ions may be lost at the expense of the extracellular fluid in calves with diarrhoea. Resulting hyponatremia only aggravates the existing dehydration status, with increase in the renal water excretion to maintain the normal osmotic pressure. This could result in a decrease in the extracellular fluid space leading to further dehydration. Increased renal excretion of sodium and chloride may also inhibit aldosterone activity, resulting in decreased plasma volume in calves with dehydration (Skrzypczak et al., 1993). On the other hand, increase in serum potassium level may be due to metabolic acidosis. During severe diarrhoea there may be loss of much sodium bicarbonate from the body. The redistribution of potassium from the intracellular space to the extracellular space is buffered intracellularly, because of large proportion of the excess hydrogen ions. Potassium also has a significant correlation with Mg levels (coefficient of 0.466). It is recommended that serum magnesium level be measured in all cases of acute diarrhoea with moderate to severe dehydration (Niharpatel et al., 2017). Hypomagnesaemia often could cause sinus tachycardia as well as cardiac arrhythmias, including other ECG abnormalities like prolonged PR or QT interval, T wave flattening or inversion and ST straightening (Niharpatel et al., 2017).
All electrolytes are invariably lost in the diarrheal fluid, mainly Na+, K+, Cl-, HCO-3 and their serum alterations have a profound bearing on the ECG. The systemic effects are likely to increase with progressive and continued losses of the important electrolytes, unless they are adequately and immediately compensated. It would be interesting to observe continued electrical conductive disturbances with constant monitoring (halter ECG monitors) under very controlled conditions. However, subtle changes associated with mild alterations may not be readily discernible in the electrocardiograph and for the most part may remain undiagnosed. Besides, the changes that are visible on the ECG need a trained understanding for its correct interpretations. It is assumed that the present communication would be a helpful guide for the clinical veterinarian or those monitoring supportive therapy to dehydrated animals.

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