Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 55 issue 7 (july 2021) : 810-817

Effect of Graded Protein Levels on the Growth, Survival and Body Composition of Juvenile Osteobrama belangeri using Semi Purified Diet

Nahakpam Surjobala1, Sagar C. Mandal1,*, Arun B. Patel1, Janmejay Parhi1, Pramod K. Pandey1
1College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural University (I), Lembucherra-799 210, Tripura (W), India.
Cite article:- Surjobala Nahakpam, Mandal C. Sagar, Patel B. Arun, Parhi Janmejay, Pandey K. Pramod (2020). Effect of Graded Protein Levels on the Growth, Survival and Body Composition of Juvenile Osteobrama belangeri using Semi Purified Diet . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 55(7): 810-817. doi: 10.18805/ijar.B-4123.
Background: Osteobrama belangeri is popularly known as pengba and was widely distributed in lakes and rivers. Protein is the most important nutrient for better growth of fish and other metabolic activities as well as covering higher cost than other nutrients. Limited information is available on the nutritional requirement of O. belangeri. The present study was conducted for determining growth, survival and body composition of O. belangeri using diets of graded protein level.

Methods: The present experiment was conducted during 2016 for 40 days using 18 numbers of circular fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) tanks in six treatments in triplicate. The experiment was carried out in the wet laboratory of College of Fisheries, CAU (I), Lembucherra, Tripura. Growth performance, survival, feed utilization performance and fish carcass composition were analyzed after completion of the experiment.

Result: The investigation suggests that the optimum dietary protein level of 25% gives the best performance in terms of growth, survival, feed utilization and whole-body carcass composition of O. belangeri. From the broken-line analysis on specific growth rate and mean weight gain, the best dietary protein level for O. belangeri is 24.39 to 24.88%. The present work will be useful for formulation of a cost effective diet for pengba for aquaculture. 
The production from aquaculture has been decreasing because of insufficient supply of feed and high cost of fish feed production. In aquaculture, feed and nutrition is the important aspect as feed requires more than 60 percent of the production cost (Li and Wang 2004). In commercial feed production, protein is the costly nutrients. Fishes also require food with adequate nutrition for their better survival and higher growth. But, many a time, the natural food in aquaculture system gets reduced or limited. So, there is need of artificial feed to increase the aquaculture production. In intensive aquaculture system, artificial feed is a must needed component to produce a bulk crop of tabled sized fish. To provide an appropriate nutrient to the cultured species, accurate information is required on the nutritional requirement of the targeted fish species to get optimum growth as well as to reduce the cost of feed supplied into the system.
Osteobrama belangeri is popularly known as pengba and was widely distributed in lakes and rivers. But at present, the species is not often found in the wild in Manipur state of India (Behera et al., 2015) because of the construction of a barrage. Even though, it has got culture potential, no systematic work has been done for its culture and propagation of the species in India. This medium carp has got very high commercial value and has been considered as a suitable candidate species for aquaculture due to its better tastiness and high consumer preference.
To start culture O. belangeri, there is a need for availability of nutritionally balanced diet for the species. So, the knowledge of the nutritional requirements of fish is of greatest importance for the formulation of high quality diets that support optimum growth rates and feed efficiencies while minimizing feed wastes (Oliva-Teles, 2000). Protein is the most important nutrient for better growth of fish and other metabolic activities as well as covering higher cost than other nutrients (Deng et al., 2011). Limited information is available on the nutritional requirement of O. belangeri and the only preliminary and basic information published on the protein requirement of O. belangeri, by Basudha and Vishwanath (2001), which was carried out in small aquarium tanks. Few other studies with respect to nutrient requirement conducted on O. belangeri were on different weaning strategies by feeding with diets including zooplankton, groundnut oil cake, rice bran, soya milk and egg custard (Kumar et al., 2017), optimization of protein requirement study of fingerling (Surjobala et al., 2019), protein requirement study of fry (Ramesh et al., 2017). But, protein requirement of juvenile O. belangeri were never estimated. The present study was conducted for determining growth, survival and body composition of O. belangeri using diets of graded protein level from 200 g/kg to 450 g/kg protein.
Design of experiment and fish source
Present experiment was conducted for 40 days using 18 numbers of circular fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) tanks of 1000 l capacity of each tank, in six treatments in triplicate. The experiment was carried out during September to November, 2016 in the wet Laboratory of College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural University (I), Lembucherra, Tripura, India. Tanks were provided with sponge filter to provide aeration as well as to filter the tank water. Approximately, 350 numbers of O. belangeri fish were collected from the college pond and kept in two FRP tanks for acclimatization for a period of 3 days. For experimental purpose, all 18 tanks were arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD).
Preparation of experimental diets
Experimental diets consist of six graded levels of protein such as 20% (T1), 25% (T2), 30% (T3), 35% (T4), 40% (T5) and 45% (T6). The dry ingredients were grinded, sieved, weighed and mixed in container and then water was added at a level of 300 to 400 ml/kg diet. Feed formulation of ingredients and its proximate composition has been given in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Pre dissolved gelatin was added and again mixed it properly, vegetable oil and carboxy-methyl-cellulose (CMC) were added and vitamin-mineral premix was added at the end. Using a mini-pelletizer, 2 mm pellet size moist feed were made and then feeds were spread uniformly in trays and dried in oven for two days at 50-55oC. After drying, experimental diets were added to a grinder and ground so as to get small particle size and stored in air-tight plastic containers after labeling for further use. The proximate composition of the feed (Table 3) and whole body composition of the experimental fish (Table 7) were evaluated according to the standard procedure of AOAC (2005).

Table 1: Composition of different diets (% dry matter basis).


Table 2: Proximate composition of feed ingredients (%).


Table 3: Proximate composition experimental diets (%).

Feeding and sampling of fish and water quality analysis
Experimental feed were given twice a day @ 2-3% of total biomass of fish, once in the morning (10:00 h) and another in the afternoon (16:00 h). During stocking, the initial weight of the fish was recorded. Fortnightly, sampling of fish and water quality parameter including dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, pH, hardness, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite and phosphate was done. Growth and mortality of the fish, if any, were recorded during sampling. Water sample was taken from every tank while sampling and water quality parameters were analyzed according to APHA (2005) and titrimetric method.
Water quality parameters like DO, temperature, pH, alkalinity, ammonia, phosphate and nitrite were estimated fortnightly. Dissolved oxygen and temperature were measured with the help of Optical DO Probe (ProODOTM, YSI Environmental). Digital pH meter (HI 991001, HANNA) was used to measure pH. Total ammonia (NH3-N), nitrate (NO3-N), nitrite (NO2-N) and orthophosphate (PO4-P) in water were measured by Continuous Flow Analyzer SA3000/5000, SKALAR auto sampler (SA 1100, SKALAR). Alkalinity, total hardness and free carbon dioxide were analyzed by titremetric methods (APHA, 2005).
Growth performance
Sampling of fish was carried out fortnightly and adjusted feed quantity according to the total biomass of fish at sampling time. Following parameters were measured to evaluate the growth performance of fish.
Specific growth rate (SGR) (% day-1) = [(In BWf - In BWi)/ day on trial] ×100

BWi and BWf were initial and final body weights of the fish, respectively.
Body weight gain (%) = [(wt - w0)/w0] × 100

w0 and wt are live weight of fish at the starting and end of the experiment for the duration of days for the size used.
Survival (%) = [Total number of fish harvested/ Total number of fish stock] ×100
Daily weight gain (g day-1) = [Total final weight - Total initial weight]/ culture period (days)
Feed utilization performance
To evaluate the feed utilization performance, following parameters were used for the experimental fish.
Apparent feed conversion ratio (FCR) = Amount of dry feed intake (g) / fresh weight gain in fish (g)
Apparent feed conversion efficiency (FCE %) = 1 / FCR*100
Apparent protein efficiency ratio (PER) = Fresh weight gain in fish (g)/ Amount of protein fed (g)
Apparent protein conversion efficiency (PCE %) = Protein gained (g)/ Protein consumed *100
Statistical analysis
The data obtained were analyzed statistically and interpreted by using suitable statistical method with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 16.0 for windows) and ANOVA. Analysis of variance (one way - ANOVA) was performed to determine the differences between the mean values of different treatments. Differences in means were compared by Duncan’s New Multiple Range test (multiple range test) at P<0.05 level. Broken-line model was used to estimate the optimum dietary protein level in O. belangeri.
Water quality parameter
The water quality parameters in experimental tanks during the culture period were recorded fortnightly. The range values of different parameters of the water including water temperature (23.6-29.9°C), dissolved oxygen (5.02-10.13 mg/l), pH (5.5-7.68), alkalinity (40-122 mg/l), hardness (34-94 mg/l), total ammonia (0.14-0.46 mg/l), phosphate (0.01-0.1 mg/l) and nitrite (0.005-0.26 mg/l) were in acceptable range without indicating any remarkable pattern during the whole duration of the experiment.
Growth performance
The initial mean weight of O. belangeri for different treatments was ranging between 12.43 to 13.36 g, which grown to 19.81 to 23.55 g in the final mean weight. The highest mean weight was found in T2 group (23.55±0.08 g) fed 25% protein diet which was significantly (P<0.05) different from other treatments and the least value (19.81±0.32 g) was found in 45% protein diet (T6). The specific growth rate (%/day) was found highest in T2 (1.47±0.04) group. The highest body weight gain (BWG) was also found in T2 (80.84±3.44 g) group (Table 4).

Table 4: Growth performance of the experimental fish.

Fig 1: The broken-line curve for specific growth rate (optimum value) at 24.88.

Fig 2: The broken-line curve for mean weight gain (g) (Optimum value) at 24.39.

The dietary protein is considered as vital in the nutrition and feeding of fish and thereby adequate supply of dietary protein is essential for better growth and survival (Shang et al., 2018; Ramesh et al., 2017; Lovell, 1989). Many workers have studied the dietary protein requirement of different aquaculture fish species (Surjobala et al., 2019; Ramesh et al., 2017; Paul and Giri, 2015; Siddiqui and Khan, 2009; Santiago and Reyes 1991) and they have found that the dietary protein requirement for fishes differs from species to species. This is mainly because of their feeding habit, size of fish and water temperature of the particular environment. Arnason et al., (2010) and NRC (2011) reported that with the increase in size and age of fish, the protein requirements of fish decreases. Most important aspects in fish farming are feed and nutrition because feed itself represent more than 60 per cent of the production cost (Han et al., 2018; Li and Wang, 2004). So, it is well known that protein is the most important and expensive item of the fish feed that should be given in adequate amounts to support good growth with minimal cost (Han et al., 2018; Zehra and Khan, 2011).
In the tropical region, fish require temperature of 25-32°C for the best growth and all other metabolic activities (Solomon and Ezigbo, 2010) of fish. The difference in temperature affects the feeding intensity of fish and thereby growth rate of fish, which has been reported from the study undertaken in aquarium system (Zenebe et al., 2003). The present outcome is in agreement with the findings of Bahnasawy et al., (2009), who reported that the weight gain of fish increased significantly with increasing dietary protein level from 17% to 30% in comparison to non-significant increase with the diet of 35% crude protein in Nile tilapia. Optimum protein requirement was found to be 30% for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) (Santiago and Reyes 1991), 25% for O. belangeri fingerling (Surjobala et al., 2019), 45.1% for fry of O. belangeri (Ramesh et al., 2017), 41.4% for pre-adult gilbel carp (2017). Martinez-Palacios et al., (2007) and Lee and Kim (2009) explained that specific growth rate is an excellent indicator of protein quality and decreases as fish increase in size. Li et al., (2000) observed a significant growth response in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) when the experiment was conducted using different protein rich artificial diet and is in agreement with the present findings. Ramaswamy et al., (2013), Ye et al., (2017), Surjobala et al., (2019) reported that the decrease in growth rate of fish when the protein levels reach the optimum requirement, which might be because of the fact that the fish body cannot utilize the dietary protein after reaching the optimum protein level as required by the fish.
Studies conducted on stunted fingerlings of Chirrhinus mrigala by Swamy (2004) and in another study conducted on stunted fingerlings of L. rohita by Kumar et al., (2011) and both the studies reported highest specific growth at about 25% protein diets, which is similar to the findings of the present experiment. The decrease in growth rate of juvenile of O. belangeri with increasing level of protein above the satisfactory level in the present study is similar to those reported for Catla catla (Ramaswamy et al., 2013; Dars et al., 2010). The growth rate of the fish significantly decreases beyond the requirement level of protein for fish, indicating that 25% protein diet satisfied the protein requirement of the fish and is considered optimum for attained maximum growth and efficient protein conversion efficiency. Each fish has a certain protein limit after which excess protein level could not be utilized efficiently after achieving a certain size and age. Decreasing the dietary protein requirements with increasing fish size and age were also reported by Arnason et al., (2010), NRC (2011).
Yield parameters
Between different treatments, significant differences (P<0.05) were recorded for the final biomass and net gain biomass. The final biomass recorded was highest for T2 (356±1.52 g) and the least value was found in T6 (284±0.98 g) group. Similarly, T2 recorded significantly highest net gain biomass (160.5±5.68 g), compared to other treatment groups (Table 5).

Table 5: Yield parameters of the experimental fish.

Dauda et al., (2019) reported that the excess protein levels in the feed increased the amino acid catabolism in fish body and caused higher ammonia excretion and accumulation of nitrogen waste in to the culture system. It is also evident that insufficient protein in the diet leads to poor growth in many fishes (Ahmed and Maqbool, 2017; Kim and Lee 2005) because of insufficient amino acids supply to maintain the body composition (Halver and Hardy, 2002). Similarly, the present experimental outcome is in an agreement with the above said statement in O. belangeri.
Feed utilization parameters
No significant (P>0.05) differences for feed utilization parameters were recorded among different treatment groups. However, the lowest FCR value (2.18±0.01) was measured in T2 group. The highest value of FCE (45.83±1.16%) was observed in T2 group, but without any significant variations among treatments. The apparent PER value was highest in T2 (0.18±0.01) group fed 25% protein diet. Similarly, the highest PCE (28.24±2.01%) was also recorded for T2 group (Table 6).

Table 6: Feed utilization parameters of the experimental fish.

Osteobrama belangeri is an omnivorous fish prefers to consume macrophytes and inclusion of high protein in diet might have problem in feed utilization and leading to poor growth. The highest specific growth rate was found in T2 group (1.47±0.04) and lowest in T6 (0.98±0.06). The feed utilization parameters showed no significant (P>0.05) difference among treatments. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was found decreased with increasing maximum satisfactory dietary protein level and similar trend was observed by Ramesh et al., 2017; Ahmed and Maqbool, 2017).  So, comparatively lowest FCR was recorded in T2 (2.18±0.01) group fed with 25% protein diet. Also, relatively higher apparent protein efficiency ratio (PER) was observed in T2 (0.18±0.01). Li et al., (2006) reported that 24% and 36% protein diet provided the same growth and feed conversion efficiency and recommended that 28% protein containing diet would be optimum for the growth of fingerlings of Ictalurus punctatus. Our findings with respect to growth, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio is also in agreement with the outcome of Ahmed and Maqbool (2017) and Aminikhoei et al., (2015), who have worked on Cyprinus carpio Var. Specularis and Juvenile Israeli carp C. carpio, respectively.
Proximate composition of the experimental fish
The proximate composition of O. belangeri did not show significant variations (P>0.05) among treatments but highest crude protein value was found in T2 (56.84±0.47) group. The highest ash (%) content was recorded in T6 (90.1±0.13). The highest lipid level (%) was found in T2 (34.38±0.31) group. The highest fiber content was found in T5 (0.39±0.03%) and lowest was in T1 (0.27 ± 0.04%) group. The highest nitrogen free extract was recorded in T5 (6.11 ± 0.18%) and lowest in T2 (26.1±0.35%) group (Table 7).

Table 7: Proximate composition of the experimental fish (%).

No significant differences (P>0.05) in the proximate compositions of the fishes were found among the different treatments. But, minor numerical variations were observed in mean values of moisture, ash, crude protein, crude lipids, crude fiber and NFE. Lipid level of O. belangeri fish in all the treatments found to be markedly higher as compared to other carp fish. The lipid level range (3.28-3.44%) and thus present result indicated that O. belangeri is a fatty fish. The carcass protein and lipid contents were found to increase with increasing level of optimum protein and lipid incorporation in the diet. Our results on proximate composition of juvenile O. belangeri are also in conformity and show similar trend with the findings of Ramesh et al., (2017), who conducted their study on fry of O. belangeri. The protein level of 25% in the diet gives the optimum overall performance which includes growth, feed utilization and carcass composition using semi purified diet in laboratory condition.
The outcome of the present study suggests that the optimum dietary protein level of 25% gives the best performance in terms of growth, survival, feed utilization and whole-body carcass composition of O. belangeri. From the broken-line analysis on specific growth rate and mean weight gain, the best dietary protein level for O. belangeri is 24.39 to 24.88%. Diets with increasing protein levels from 30 to 45% result in reduction in fish growth rate.
All authors are thankful to the Vice Chancellor, Central Agricultural University, Imphal, India for giving permission and providing facilities to carry out the research work. The financial and instrumentation support received from Centre of Excellence on Fisheries and Aquaculture Biotechnology (CoE-FAB) project funded by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, GOI, New Delhi, India is duly acknowledged.
All authors declare no conflict of interest.

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