Allelic and genotypic frequencies were estimated using Popgene 32 (version1.32), microsoft Windows-based freeware for population genetic analysis and the population was tested for genetic equilibrium at this locus. The tested populations of Malvi (50), Nimari (50) are monomorphic, whereas Sahiwal (50) and H.F. cross bred (50) cattle at the β -casein gene (CSN2) locus were found to be polymorphic. Only A2A2 genotypes was found in all animals of Malvi and Nimari but Sahiwal and HF crossbred showed both A2A2 and A1A2 genotype. No A1A1 genotype was recorded in any of the four cattle breeds. Chi-square values between observed and expected genotypic frequencies at this locus were found to be non-significant in Malvi, Nimari and Sahiwal breeds of cattle, indicating that the populations of these animals under study were in HWE at β-Casein (CSN2)/
DdeI gene locus, while Chi-square value was found to be significant (P<0.01) for H.F. cross bred cattle revealed that Hardy Weinberg disequilibrium at the locus for this population under study.
Association studied of different genotypes with the following milk productive traits
Lactose (%) of different variants at β-Casein (CSN2)/ DdeI gene locus in four breeds of cattle
The results of analysis of variance have been presented in Table 5. The effect of genotypes was found significant (P<0.01) for lactose.
The mean lactose (%) in Malvi, Nimari, Sahiwal and HF crossbred cattle has been presented in Table 1. The mean milk lactose per cent for A2A2 genotype was ranged from 4.89±0.07 (Malvi) to 5.56±0.07 (Nimari) and for A1A2 genotype it was ranged from 5.19±0.13 (Sahiwal) to 5.33±0.09 (H.F. cross bred) among all the four breeds of cattle. Among A2A2 genotyped animals, the lactose per cent was significantly higher in Nimari (5.56±0.07) as compared to Malvi and Sahiwal; while this mean difference was found non-significant with A2A2 genotyped H.F. cross bred cattle (Table 6).
SNF (%) of different variants at β-Casein (CSN2)/ DdeI gene locus in four breeds of cattle
The results of analysis of variance have been presented in Table 7. The effect of genotypes was found significant (P<0.01) for SNF per cent trait. The mean SNF (%) in Malvi, Nimari, Sahiwal and HF crossbred cattle has been presented in Table 8.
As shown in Table 3, the mean SNF (%) in A2A2 genotype of Malvi and Nimari was 8.03±0.11 and 8.84±0.13, respectively. The corresponding mean SNF(%) for A1A2 and A2A2 genotypes was 8.69±0.23 and 8.76±0.14 in Sahiwal and 8.55±0.11 and 8.51±0.14 in H.F. crossbred cattle. The mean SNF(%) between A1A2 and A2A2 genotype of Sahiwal and H.F. cross bred cattle did not differ significantly. Among all the four breeds of cattle, significantly lower SNF (%) was noticed in Malvi breed of cattle for A2A2 genotype (Table 8).
Density (kg/L) of different variants at β-Casein (CSN2)/ DdeI gene locus in four breeds of cattle
The results of analysis of variance have been presented in Table 9. The effect of genotypes was found significant (P<0.01) for density (kg/L) trait. The mean density (kg/L) in Malvi, Nimari, Sahiwal and H.F. cross bred cattle has been presented in Table 10.
The mean milk density (kg/L) for A1A2 genotype was ranged from 1.03±0.08 (Sahiwal) to 1.04±0.05 (H.F. cross bred) and for A2A2 genotype it was ranged from 1.03±0.07 (Malvi) to 1.05±0.06 (Nimari) among all the four breeds of cattle. Among all the genotypes, the higher milk density (kg/L) was noticed in A2A2 genotype of Nimari (1.05±0.06) cattle; whereas, it was significantly lower in A2A2 genotype of Malvi (1.03±0.07) breed of cattle (Table 10).
Photograph of RFLP of following 04 breeds
As per the Hardy- Weinberg law the result of RFLP revealed that the gene and genotypic frequencies of β-casein (CSN2) gene for A2A2 was 1.00 for both Malvi and Nimari breed of cattle but 0.00, 0.30 and 0.70 in Sahiwal and 0.00, 0.64 and 0.36 in HF crossbred cattle, respectively.
The mean lactose per cent was significantly higher in Nimari (5.56±0.07) as compared to Malvi (5.89±0.06) and Sahiwal (5.25±0.07). However, the mean lactose per cent in milk of Sahiwal and H.F. cross bred cattle showed non-significant difference (Table 2). Available literature did not reveal any traceable information on association of polymorphic variants with lactose per cent in dairy cattle.
The mean SNF per cent in Malvi, Nimari, Sahiwal and H.F. cross bred cattle were found to be 8.03±0.11, 8.84±0.13, 8.74±0.12 and 8.54±0.08 per cent, respectively. The mean SNF per cent of Malvi was significantly lower than Nimari, Sahiwal and H.F. cross bred cattle. The maximum SNF per cent was noticed in Nimari breed of cattle (Table 4). Our findings agree with the results of
Szymanowska et al., (2004) who reported higher lactose (%) and SNF (%) for AA genotyped Polish Black and White cattle.
The mean density (Kg/L) was significantly higher in Nimari (1.04±0.09) as compared to Sahiwal and Malvi, while it was non-significantly higher than H.F. cross bred cattle (Table 6). Available literature did not reveal any traceable information on association of polymorphic variants with milk density (Kg/L) in dairy cattle.