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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 54 issue 8 (august 2020) : 929-935

Body Condition Scoring in Dairy Cows - A Conceptual and Systematic Review

Abhishek Paul, Santu Mondal, Suresh Kumar, Tripti Kumari
1Division of Livestock Production Management, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132 001, Haryana, India.
Cite article:- Paul Abhishek, Mondal Santu, Kumar Suresh, Kumari Tripti (2020). Body Condition Scoring in Dairy Cows - A Conceptual and Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 54(8): 929-935. doi: 10.18805/ijar.B-3859.
As herd sizes have increased in the last decades due to commercialization of dairy sector, computer monitoring solutions, which provide fast and accurate evaluation of body condition score, gain more and more importance. The main reasons that discourage the use of traditional BCS estimation techniques are the lack of computerized reports, its subjectivity in the judgment, observational variations and time consuming on farm training of technicians. Moreover, measurement on a cow must be collected every 30 days interval throughout the lactation period to have valuable information for use in selection indices. However, an automated BCS largely diminishes the need for labor, time and training, be less stressful for the animals, increase accuracy and could provide large volumes of data for use in genetic evaluation. The sonography is also good technique to detect depletion of body fat reserve by measuring back fat thickness (BFT) in conjunction with BCS in dairy cattle. In India, BCS monitoring technique is not well adopted due to lack of farm mechanization, awareness and an extra labor charges, can create a burden on farm finances.
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