Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 54 issue 3 (march 2020) : 331-334

In vitro fermentation studies of ruminant diets replacing soybean meal with different levels of solvent extracted raw Karanj (Pongamia glabra) cake

V.K. Paswan1,*, Narayan Dutta1, A.K. Pattanaik1, K. Sharma1, P.K. Gupta1
1Centre of Advanced Faculty Training in Animal Nutrition, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243 122, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Cite article:- Paswan V.K., Dutta Narayan, Pattanaik A.K., Sharma K., Gupta P.K. (2019). In vitro fermentation studies of ruminant diets replacing soybean meal with different levels of solvent extracted raw Karanj (Pongamia glabra) cake . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 54(3): 331-334. doi: 10.18805/ijar.B-3779.
Although, Karanj (Pongamia glabra) cake is an important proteinaceous feed resource for livestock but the presence of toxic principles such as karanjin, pongamol and trypsin inhibitors in raw solvent extracted karanj cake restricts its comprehensive use as safe animal feed resources. In the present investigation solvent extracted raw karanj cake was subjected to in vitro studies by incorporation in the concentrate mixture at four graded levels replacing soy bean meal on protein equivalent basis (25, 50, 75 and 100%) in order to understand the rumen fermentation pattern. The inclusion of graded levels of solvent extracted raw karanj cake in the concentrate mixture replacing protein in SBM even at 100% resulted no significant difference in rumen in vitro fermentation pattern in terms of substrate degradation and gas volume produced in 24 h, truly degradable organic matter in rumen (TDOMR; mg/ 200mg), TDOMR%, microbial biomass production (MBP; mg/200mg), efficiency of microbial biomass production (MBP/100mg TDOMR) and partitioning factor (PF).
Karanj cake is an important potential proteinaceous feeding resource for livestock. Protein content of the expeller and solvent extracted karanj cakes varies from 22.0 to 34.0% in (Soren and Sastry, 2009; Vinay and Sindhu Kanya, 2008). Due to its high protein content, karanj cake has been attempted to be used in the feeding of livestock with limited success as it contains toxic principles such as karanjin (a furanoflavonoid), pongamol (furanodiketone), trypsin inhibitors, tannins and phytates. It is well known that feeding of unconventional feed may adversely affect the rumen fermentation pattern. Information pertaining to rumen fermentation pattern after inclusion of solvent extracted raw karanj cake in the livestock feed is scarce. Measurement of in vitro rumen fermentation has been widely used to assess the nutritional quality of feeds, due to its high correlation with in vivo digestibility (Getachew et al., 2004). Therefore, in the present study, solvent extracted raw karanj cake (rSKC) was subjected to in vitro studies by incorporation in the concentrate mixture at four graded levels replacing soy bean meal on protein equivalent basis in order to understand the rumen fermentation pattern.
Solvent extracted raw karanj cake (rSKC), concentrate mixture and substrate for in vitro study
Solvent extracted raw karanj cake (rSKC) was supplied by Ayurvet Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. Different levels of rSKC was incorporated replacing 0 (rSKC-0, control), 25.0 (rSKC-25), 50.0 (rSKC-50), 75.0 (rSKC-75) and 100 (rSKC-100) percent CP moiety of soybean meal in the concentrate mixture (22% CP) as protein source. The ingredient composition of the concentrate mixtures containing different levels of rSKC is presented in Table 1. The concentrate mixture and finely grounded wheat straw (1: 1 on weight basis) were used as substrate for evaluation by in vitro gas production technique (Menke et al., 1979; Menke and Steingass 1988).

Table 1: Ingredient composition of solvent extracted raw Karanj cake (rSKC) incorporated concentrate mixtures for in vitro studies.

Chemical analysis of solvent extracted raw karanj cake (rSKC)
Solvent extracted raw karanj cake (rSKC) was analyzed for proximate principles AOAC (2005) to determine DM by the oven drying method, organic matter (OM) and total ash by muffle furnace incineration, crude protein (CP) by Kjeldahl method and ether extract (EE) by Soxhlet apparatus. Crude fibre (CF) was analysed by refluxing the feed sample with weak acid and alkali. NFE was obtained by calculation and added with CF to arrive at total carbohydrates. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) were determined by the methods of Van Soest et al., (1991).
Toxic principles of solvent extracted raw karanj cake (rSKC)
For karanjin and pongamol estimation, methanol extracts of rSKC was prepared and concentrated under vacuum using rota-vac (Heidolph Instruments, Schwalbach, Germany). Estimation of karanjin from rSKC was carried out by the method described by Ravikanth et al., (2009) using High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HP-TLC; CAMAG, Switzerland). Similarly, pongamol was also estimated using HP-TLC (CAMAG, Switzerland) with hexane: ethyl acetate (85:15) solvent system using D2 lamp scannerand detector at 320 nm absorbance (Kumar et al., 2011). Trypsin inhibitor activity in KC was estimated spectro photometrically as per Roy and Rao (1971) using casein as a substrate for assaying the activity of the trypsin enzyme.
Donor animals for rumen liquor
Two fistulated adult bulls (B.Wt 400 kg approx), aged about 3 years were used for collection of rumen liquor for in vitro studies. The animals were fed wheat straw ad libitum and concentrate mixture (Maize, 25; Soybean meal, 35; Wheat bran, 38; Mineral mixture, 1.0 and Salt 1.0 percent) in the morning (09.30 h) to meet their nutrient requirement for maintenance (Kearl, 1982). Clean drinking water was provided free choice to all the animals. The animals were housed in well-ventilated shed with provision of individual feeding.            
Weighing of substrates and greasing of syringes
The finely ground feed samples (1.0 mm screen sieve) were weighed on a weighing boat with removable stem without leaving sample sticking on its side. The samples in the required proportion (Conc. mixture and wheat straw, 50:50) as per treatment were introduced at the bottom of syringes. After weighing, the piston was greased with paraffin soft white LR (S.D. Fine-Chem. Ltd.; M.P. 39-56°C) and pushed into the barrel of the syringe.
Preparation of buffer media
All the solutions were prepared as per Menke and Steingass (1988). The solutions were poured into a Woulff flask, mixed with a magnetic stirrer and warmed to 39°C in a PVC water bath with digital thermostat (Julabo Labortechnik GmBH Seelbach, Germany) in the specified order. Carbon dioxide gas was passed through the submerged tube in the Woulff flask continuously during buffer media preparation. On the day of incubation, the mixture of rumen liquor and particulate matter (approximately 60:40) was collected from the fistulated donor animal (before feeding) into pre-warmed CO2 filled thermos flask and carried to the laboratory. The rumen fluid was bubbled with CO2 gas for few minutes and then mixed in a laboratory blender at medium speed to remove microbes attached to particulate matter. Rumen liquor was then strained through a double layer of muslin cloth. Strained liquor was added to the buffer media when the media became colorless. All handling of rumen liquor was done under continuous flushing with CO2.
Estimation of total gas production
The buffered rumen fluid (30ml) was dispensed to each syringe by an automatic dispenser (OPTIFIX, Walter Graf and Co., Wertheim). After recording initial volume (± 0.5 ml), the syringes were placed in the incubator maintained at 39°C. The syringes were shaken by hand intermittently. If the gas volume exceeded 80 ml mark, gas was released and the incubation was continued. All incubations were run in triplicate and four syringes with buffered rumen fluid were incubated as blanks. At the end of incubation (24 h) the amount of gas produced was recorded by noting displacement of the piston of syringe and the contents of the syringes were analyzed further.
Determination of substrate degradation and microbial bio-mass production
The contents of the syringes were transferred to 500 ml spout-less beakers by repeated washings with neutral detergent solution without sodium sulphate (Van Soest and Robertson, 1985). The contents were then refluxed for 1 h and the residue was recovered in pre-weighed filter crucibles. After drying the crucibles (with residue) to constant weight, ashing was done at 450°C for 30 minutes. Truly degradable organic matter in rumen (TDOMR) and microbial biomass production (MBP) were calculated as follows:
TDOMR = Feed (OM) incubated - residue (OM)
MBP = TDOMR - (2.2 x net gas volume)
EMP = {TDOMR - (2.2 x net gas volume)} x 100/TDOMR
PF = TDOMR/net gas volume
Statistical analysis
The experimental data generated were analyzed by using one way ANOVA (Snedecor and Cochran, 1989) and post hoc tests through statistical package SPSS 19.0. Treatment means were ranked using Duncan’s multiple range test and expressed with standard error of mean (SEM). Significance of treatments with respect to different characters was declared at P≤0.05 unless otherwise stated.
Chemical composition and toxins in solvent extracted
The chemical composition of solvent extracted raw karanj cake is presented in Table 2. The dry matter, organic matter, total ash, crude protein and ether extract (% DM) in rSKC was estimated to be 93.86, 95.36, 4.75, 35.40 and 2.04, respectively; however, the level of crude fibre, NFE, total CHO, NDF and ADF (% DM) were 4.34, 53.47, 57.81, 14.16 and 12.5, respectively. In the present study, the chemical composition of rSKC was in agreement with the earlier workers (Ravi et al., 2000; Prabhu, 2002; Panda, 2004; Soren, 2006). Toxic principles, viz., karanjin (% dry matter), pongamol (% dry matter) and trypsin inhibitor activity (TIU/mgprotein) contents in the rSKC were estimated to be 0.51, 0.095 and 30.06 (Table 2).

Table 2: Chemical composition and toxic principles of solvent extracted raw Karanj cake (rSKC).

Total gas production, substrate degradation and microbial bio-mass production
Total gas production, substrate degradation and efficiency of microbial biomass production are presented in Table 3. The supplementation of rSKC at different graded levels did not exert any adverse (P<0.05) effect on substrate degradation in terms of gas volume produced in 24 h (ml/200mg), truly degradable organic matter in rumen (TDOMR; mg/ 200mg) and TDOMR% as compared to SBM control. Microbial biomass production (MBP; mg/200mg), which is a combined function of gas production and organic matter digested (Thirumalesh and Krishnamoorthy, 2013), remained comparable with graded level of rSKC substrates even replacing protein in SBM by 100% in rSKC-100. Similarly, the efficiency of microbial biomass production (MBP/100mg TDOMR) and partitioning factor (PF) which indicates the extent of degraded matter which is being incorporated into microbial mass also remained comparable among rSKC groups (rSKC-25, rSKC-50, rSKC-75 and rSKC-100 and SBM control (rSKC-0) indicating the level of rumen degradable and undegradable protein level in rSKC within the normal level for supporting rumen microbial fermentation pattern (Sloan et al., 1988; Ma et al., 2014). The present results are in conformity with the findings of Soren (2006) who observed comparable DM degradability of concentrate mixtures either with raw or processed solvent extracted karanj cake (SKC). Contrary to present findings, Patil et al., (2015) reported that supplementation of raw Jatropha meal beyond 20% level showed significant (P<0.05) reduction in gas volume at 24 h (ml/200mg), truly degradable organic matter inrumen (TDOMR, mg/200mg), TDOMR %, microbial biomass production (MBP, mg/200mg),partitioning factor (mg TDOMR/ml gas) and efficiency of microbial biomass production (MBP/100mg TDOMR) and partitioning factor(PF). They attributed this to the presence of various toxic principles like phorbol esters, lectins (curcin), phytates, saponins and trypsin inhibitors in raw Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) meal which either directly affect the microbial fermentation or interfered in the normal fermentation pattern. However, in the present study the comparable substrate degradation and microbial biomass production with graded level of rSKC and SBM control may be attributed to lower toxic potency of karanjin and pongamol as compared to highly potent phorbol esters toxins of Jatropha meal and partly also due to lower incubation period (24 hours) of the glass syringes, which was not sufficient to cause the toxic effects on the rumen microbes in the buffered rumen fluid by the toxic principles of rSKC.
The inclusion of graded levels of solvent extracted raw karanj cake in the concentrate mixture replacing protein in SBM even at 100% resulted no significant difference in rumen in vitro fermentation pattern in terms of substrate degradation and gas volume produced in 24 h, truly degradable organic matter in rumen, TDOMR%, microbial biomass production, efficiency of microbial biomass production and partitioning factor.
Authors acknowledge the financial assistance as a research project grant provided by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. First author also acknowledges the financial assistance of CSIR-JRF grants from Council of Scient.

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