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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 54 issue 4 (april 2020) : 482-487

Efficient pollinators of threatened taxa, Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) under North Indian conditions

Vadde Anoosha1, Sumit Saini1,*, H.D. Kaushik2
1Monitoring of Pesticide Residues at National Level, LBS Building Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa-110 012, New Delhi, India.
2Department of Entomology,CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 044, Haryana, India.
Cite article:- Anoosha Vadde, Saini Sumit, Kaushik H.D. (2019). Efficient pollinators of threatened taxa, Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) under North Indian conditions . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 54(4): 482-487. doi: 10.18805/ijar.B-3772.
An experiment was carried out to investigate the diversity, abundance and pollination efficiency of different insect visitors/pollinators of Rauvolfia serpentina (Sarpagandha) during 2014 and 2015. This experiment was conducted at Medicinal Section, Department of G &PB, CCSHAU, Hisar. Sarpagandha flowers attracted wide varieties of insects belonging to 4 orders, 10 families, 16 genera and 17 species. Among them nine belongs to order Lepidoptera, one Coleoptera, two Diptera, and two Hymenoptera. Lepidopterans came out to be the most abundant pollinators of this crop. Peak abundance of major insect pollinators was recorded at 1000h-1200h while minimum abundance was recorded at 0600h -0800h. Amegilla zonata had the highest number of loose pollen grains, 23.50 (‘000), sticking to its body followed by Papilio demoleus and Pieris sp. Papilio demoleus was reported as most efficient pollinator followed by Amegilla zonata and Pieris sp. based on the pollination index. Long proboscis of lepidopterans i.e., Papilio demoleus and small sized hymenopterans i.e., Amegilla zonata plays key role in pollination of Sarpagandha. Conservation of these pollinators in natural ecosystem is must for pollination of these threatened taxa.
Pollination is one of the principal mechanisms in the maintenance and conservation of biodiversity in general life of earth. Pollinators provide an ecosystem service that enables plants to produce fruits and seeds. Over 80 per cent of total pollination activities are performed by insects and bees (Klein et al., 2007). Around 30 percent of human food is derived from bee pollinated crops (O’ Toole, 1993). Pollinating insects are widely found in insect orders Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera (Singh and Garg, 2003). The structure of the flowers, their degree of self-fertility and their arrangement on the plant determines the extent to which a plant is dependent on insects for pollen transfer (Free, 1993; Williams, 1994; Richards, 2001, Devi S et al., 2015).
Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina (Linn.) Benth., ex Kurz.) is an evergreen shrub that belongs to the family Apocynaceae (Endress and Bruyns, 2000). Sarpagandha is a threatened species found in the sub-tropical regions. It grows wild in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. Within India, it is grown in almost all parts up to an altitude of about 1000 m above sea level. Five species of sarpagandha (viz., R. hookeri, R. micrantha, R. serpentina, R. tetraphylla and R. Verticillata) have been recorded in India, of which R. Serpentina has attained a great importance as medicinal plant (Pullaiah, 2006). Roots and leaves of this plant contain several alkaloids (Verma et al., 2010) out of those resperine is pharma- cologically most important (Blackwell, 1990). It has lanceolate shaped pale green leaves in whorls of 3 to 5 leaves. It also has white and pink coloured flowers, having filiform style and stigma is bifid having bilocular ovary with two ovules in each locule. The flowers of Sarpagandha have narrow and long tubular corolla. Such flowers make them a perfect representative of psychophilous pollination syndrome negating all other syndromes (Wadhwa and Sihag, 2012). Protogynous conditions of sarpagandha flowers need insect pollinators for cross-pollination. Fruit is drupe, ovoid and purplish black in color when it reaches maturity. Lot of research work done on commercial crops as bee forage but scanty information is available on underutilized medicinal plants. These plants also have important as medicinal crop and knowledge of their mode of pollination and pollinators is the need of the hour. They also serve as minor bee forage in the areas of scarcity. Keeping this idea in view, the present study was undertaken to determine the efficient pollinators of sarpagandha.
Pollination studies in sarpagandha were carried out at Research Farm, Department of Genetics and Plant breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India during 2014 and 2015. 
Diversity of insect pollinators
Hand net with 30 cm ring diameter was used to collect insects visiting the flowers throughout blooming period (Anoosha et al., 2016, 2018a, 2018b). Captured insects were preserved as dry specimens and were got identified from Division of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi and a record of the flower visitors was prepared.
Abundance of insect pollinator
Abundance of most frequent insect visitors (number of visitors/m2 branch of a tree/5minutes) was recorded from five randomly selected branches with the help of stop watch. The abundance was recorded at two hourly intervals, starting from commencement to the cessation of insect activity and repeated at weekly intervals on the experimental plant (Anoosha et al., 2016, 2018a, 2018b).
Foraging rate
Foraging rate of major pollinators was recorded in terms of number of flowers visited/minute. Ten observations were taken for each pollinator species. For this, observations were recorded at 2 hours interval from 0600 h to 1800 h on a day and were repeated weekly interval during blooming period.
Loose pollen grains sticking on insect visitors
Insects were collected gently by forceps from the flowers to avoid shaking of body, and the hind legs of those pollinators which collected the pollen were amputated. Insects were captured at the time of their peak activity and were kept in 70% alcohol in vials. They were shaken vigorously to wash out pollen grains from its body. Ten samples were taken for each pollinator species. The numbers of pollen grains were counted with the help of a haemocytometer under the microscope (15 x 10 magnifications). The identity of sarpagandha pollen was confirmed by using standard pollen slides (Anoosha et al., 2017).
Number of pollen grains = pollen grain count × dilution/number of squares(1mm2) counted
Pollination efficiency of major insect pollinators
Comparative pollination efficiency of different insect pollinators was calculated on the basis of their relative abundance and foraging behaviour parameters such as abundance, foraging rate and the number of loose pollen grains sticking to their bodies by using the following formula:
Pollination efficiency =Abundance × foraging Rate × number of loose pollen grains sticking on the body of the bee

Abundance and Foraging Rate were analysed in randomized block design and the results were compared. Loose pollen grains present on each species were calculated and compared using Completely Randomized Design (Snedecor and Cochran, 1989). Three factorial statistical analyses was done using OPSTAT software (Sheoran et al., 1998).  
Diversity of insect visitors/ pollinators
Sarpagandha flowers (Fig 1) attracted 17 species of insects. Out of these, Lepidopterans were the major floral visitors comprising from three families viz., Papilionidae (Papilio demoleus and Papilio polytes), (Fig 2) Pieridae (Eurema hecabe, Pieris sp., Anaphaeis sp., Pieris canidia, Belenois aurota, Pieris brassicae and Colotis etrida and Hesperiidae (Pelopidas sp.). They were followed in order of diversity by Dipterans from two families viz., Sarcophagidae (Sarcophaga sp.) and Syrphidae (Eristalinus obscuritarsis) and two species from two families of Hymenoptera viz., Vespidae (Polistes olivaceus) and Apidae (Amegilla zonata) (Fig 3) and Coleopteran from family Coccinellidae (Coccinella septempunctata). Out of 17 insects all were top foragers except A. zontata which was side forager (Table 1). These findings are in agreement with those of Wadhwa and Sihag (2012) who recorded 19 insect species visiting the blossoms of sarpagandha.

Fig 1: Flowers of Sarpagandha


Fig 2: Papilio demoleus.


Fig 3: Amegilla zonata.


Table 1: Diversity of insect visitors/pollinators of R. serpentina (Sarpagandha).

Abundance of insect visitors/pollinators
Three insect species are major visitors of sarpangandha bloom. They were belonging to Lepidoptera (2), and Hymenoptera (1). Among Lepidopterans, maximum mean population was of P. demoleus (3.70 insects/m2 branch/5min) followed by that of Pieris sp. (1.23 insects/m2 branch/5min (Table 2). In Hymenoptera, mean population of A. zonata was (1.83 bees/m2 branch/5 min).

Table 2: Abundance of insect visitors/pollinators on Sarpagandha flowers during 2014.

Time and week wise, the highest population of P. demoleus (6.40 insects/m2 branch/5min) was recorded at 1000h -1200h during 2nd week of flowering which was significantly different with 1st week  (4.60 insects/m2 branch/5min) and 3rd week (5.00 insects/m2 branch/5min). In case of Pieris sp. maximum population (2.60 insects/m2 branch/5min) was recorded at 1000h -12000h during both 2nd and 3rd week which was significantly different with 1st week (1.80 insects/m2 branch/5min) (Table 2). In case of Hymenoptera, highest population of A. zonata (4.40 bees/m2 branch/5min) was recorded at 1000h-1200h during 2nd week of flowering which was significantly different with 1st week  (3.60 bees/m2 branch/5min) and 3rd week (3.80 bees/m2 branch/5min).
Highest pooled mean abundance (3.70 insects/m2 branch/5min) was recorded in p. demoleus followed by A. zonata (1.83 bees/m2 branch/5min). Lowest pooled mean abundance was recorded in Pieris sp. (1.23 insects/m2 branch/5min).
During 2015, similar trend followed as of previous year. Minimum activity of both lepidopterans (P. demoleus and Pieris sp.) was recorded between 0600h - 0800h and peak activity was recorded at 1000h – 1200h irrespective of weeks (Table 3). Highest pooled mean abundance (3.47 insects/m2 branch/5min) was recorded in P. demoleus followed by A. zonata (1.85 bees/m2 branch/5min). Lowest pooled mean abundance was recorded in Pieris sp. (1.53 insects/m2branch/5min).

Table 3: Abundance of insect visitors/pollinators on Sarpagandha flowers during 2015.

From the present pollination study, it is evident that highest pooled mean abundance of P. demoleus, Pieris sp. and A. zonata were reported during 2nd week of flowering on Sarpagandha flowers. Irrespective of different day hours, significantly maximum number of P demoleus was recorded from sarpagandha flowers followed by A. zonata and Pieris sp. Peak abundance of P. demoleus, A.zonata and Pieris sp. was recorded at 1000h-1200h irrespective of weeks. Minimum abundance was recorded at 0600h -0800h (Table 2 and 3).
Similarly, Wadhwa and Sihag (2012) observed that P. demoleus was most abundant pollinator and also found abundance of insect visitors of sarpagandha were low at the time of commencement and cessation of the flowering and  high during peak flowering period. These reports were in line with present findings as highest population of all major insect pollinators were recorded during 2nd week of flowering which was significantly different with 1st week and 3rd week. Charnov, (1976) and Pyke et al., (1977) stated that during peak flowering more pollen and nectar were available which simultaneously attract more pollinators similar findings were recorded in the present study.
P. demoleus was reported as most abundant pollinator followed by A. zonata and Pieris sp. these findings got support from Wadhwa and Sihag (2012) where lepidopterous insect, P. demoleus was most abundant followed by P. brassicae. Similar findings were also reported by Patil et al., (2008) in pollination studies of brinjal. 
Loose pollen grains on the body of insect visitors/ pollinators during 2014 and 2015
Significant differences were found among the number of loose pollen grains (‘000) sticking to the body of different foragers of three insect species during 2014 (Table 4). A. zonata (21.50) had the highest loose pollen grains on their body followed by P. demoleus and Pieris sp. (12.50). In the year 2015, significantly the highest mean number of loose pollen grains (‘000) carried by A. zonata (23.50) followed by P. demoleus (15.50) and Pieris sp. (10.50) (Table 4).

Table 4: Loose pollen grains (‘000) sticking on insect visitors/pollinators during 2014 and 2015.

The pooled mean over two years revealed that significantly highest number of loose pollen grains (‘000) entrapped by the A. zonata (22.50) followed by P. demoleus (14.00) and Pieris sp. (11.50). Present findings are in agreement with Wadhwa and Sihag (2012) who reported that pollen grains carried by the body of P. demoleus were maximum followed by P. brassicae in sarpagandha.
Pollination efficiency of major insect visitors/ pollinators
Pollination efficiency of major visitors/pollinators foraging on Sarpagandha flowers revealed that A. zonata (22.50) entrapped the maximum number of pollen grains (‘000) followed by P. demoleus (14.00) and Pieris sp. (11.50) (Table 5). Abundance of P. demoleus (3.58) was highest followed by A. zonata (1.84), while the abundance of Pieris sp. was least (1.38) and the foraging rate of P. demoleus (23.24) was highest followed by A. zonata (8.05), while foraging rate of Pieris sp. was least (6.34).

Table 5: Pollination efficiency of major insect pollinators.

Pollination index of P. demoleus (1164.78) was highest followed by A. zonata (333.27) and Pieris sp. (100.61). Hence, it was observed that P. demoleus came out to be most efficient pollinator of Sarpagandha. Other pollinators with relatively lower ranking in pollination efficiency were A. zonata and Pieris sp. in descending order. These findings are in agreement with those of Wadhwa and Sihag (2012) who reported that P. demoleus was the most efficient pollinator based on the pollination index. 
It is concluded that Psychophilous mode of pollination is prevalent due to the tubular flower structure of Sarpagandha. Tubular flowers easily located by lepidopteran pollinators of having long proboscis to draw the nectar from flowers. Small body sized hymenopterans have advantage over large ones due to the tubular structure. In this present study it was reported that long proboscis lepidopterans i.e., P. demoleus and small sized hymenopterans i.e., A. zonata plays key role in pollination of sarpagandha. Conservation of these pollinators in natural ecosystem is must for pollination of these threatened taxa.

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