The data considered for the study comprised of 4,209 monthly test day milk yield records and 408 peak yield records on 408 Murrah buffaloes, sired by 62 bulls. The data were recorded from history-cum-pedigree sheets and daily milk yield registers of Murrah buffalo (1993 to 2017) maintained at ICAR- National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India. The records with lactation length less than 100 days, FL305DMY less than 900 kg, culled in the middle of lactation, still-birth, abortion, or any other pathological causes were considered as abnormal and therefore, such records were excluded from the study. A total of 11 monthly test day milk yield records were taken at an interval of 30 days. 6
th (TD-1), 35
th (TD-2), 65
th (TD-3), 95
th (TD-4), 125
th (TD-5), 155
th (TD-6), 185
th (TD-7), 215
th (TD-8), 245
th (TD-9), 275
th (TD-10) and 305
th (TD-11) days were considered for monthly test day milk records. Peak yield (PY) and first lactation 305 days or less milk yield (FL305DMY) were also recorded for each animal. The data was normalized by excluding outliers beyond three standard deviations on both the tail ends of normal distribution. For genetic parameters estimation, the records on the daughters of sires with a minimum of three progenies per sire were utilized for analysis. The non-genetic factors considered for the study were season and period of calving and age groups at first calving. Each year was divided into four seasons,
viz. Winter (December - March); Summer (April - June); Rainy (July - September) and Autumn (October - November) based on the geo-climatic conditions used to prevail in the region. Period (1993 - 2017) was classified into eight groups, each of 3 consecutive years (except the last group which comprised of 4 years). Data was also classified into eight groups based on age at first calving utilizing
Sturges’s (1926) formula.
where, N = No. of observations
Statistical analysis
Mixed model analysis of data was carried out by least-squares maximum likelihood method (
Harvey, 1990) to adjust the non-genetic factors on monthly test day milk yields, peak yield and FL305DMY records of Murrah buffaloes. The period, season and age at first calving (fixed effect) and sire (random effect) were considered as the non-genetic factors influencing the lactation traits.
The following model was used for 305 days milk yield:
ijklm = μ + S
i + P
j + A
k + B
l + e
where, Y
ijklm, FL305DMY of the m
th individual of l
th sire in k
th age group of j
th period and i
th season; μ, population mean; Si, fixed effect of i
th season (i=1 to 4); P
j, fixed effect of j
th period (j=1 to 8); A
k, fixed effect of k
th age group (k=1 to 8); B
l, random effect of l
th sire; e
ijklm, random error~NID (0,σ
2e). For significant effects, the differences between pairs of levels of effects were tested by Duncan’s multiple range test as modified by
Kramer (1957).
Estimation of heritability
Paternal half-sib correlation method (
Becker, 1975) was used to estimate the heritability of different yields and their genetic correlations. The sires with three or more number of progenies were considered for the estimation of heritability. The data adjusted for significant effects of non-genetic factors was used for the estimation of heritability. The standard error of heritability was estimated as per the procedure given by
Swiger et al., (1964).
Genetic and phenotypic correlations
The genetic and phenotypic correlations among different monthly test day milk yields, peak yield and FL305DMY were calculated from the analysis of variance and covariance among sire groups (
Becker, 1975). The standard error of gentic and phenotypic correlations was computed according to
Panse and Sukhatme (1967). The statistical significance of correlations was tested by ‘t’ test (
Snedecor and Cochran, 1967).