Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 53 issue 9 (september 2019) : 1135-1139

Genetic variants in male specific region (MSY) of ZNF280BY gene and their association with semen quality traits in Murrah buffalo bulls

D. Revanasiddu, K.P. Ramesha, R. Jagish Kour, A. Maneesh Kumar, P. Divya, M.A. Kataktalware, M. Basavaraju, D.N. Das, N. Anand kumar, N. Sapna
1<div style="text-align: justify;">Genetics Laboratory, Dairy Production Section, ICAR - National Dairy Research Institute,&nbsp; Southern Regional Station, Adugodi, Bengaluru-560 030, Karnataka, India.</div>
Cite article:- Revanasiddu D., Ramesha K.P., Kour Jagish R., Kumar Maneesh A., Divya P., Kataktalware M.A., Basavaraju M., Das D.N., kumar Anand N., Sapna N. (2019). Genetic variants in male specific region (MSY) of ZNF280BY gene and their association with semen quality traits in Murrah buffalo bulls. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 53(9): 1135-1139. doi: 10.18805/ijar.B-3511.
Bull fertility is an important factor for genetic improvement; therefore prediction of fertility an early age of the bulls by using genetic markers is a goal for livestock breeding. Zinc finger protein280BY linked gene is predominantly expressed in testis and has a major role in spermatogenesis. An investigation was carried out to detect the genetic variants in the male specific region (MSY) of ZNF280BY gene and their association with semen quality traits in Murrah buffaloes. Polymerase Chain Reaction-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism technique (PCR-SSCP) and DNA sequencing methods revealed three different SSCP band patterns (AA, BB, CC); one transition (C10375T)  and an indel (insertion of T at 10460-10461). The associations of the genetic variants with semen volume, sperm concentration, Hypo Osmotic Swelling Test (HOST) in fresh and frozen semen were observed. AA and CC genotype bulls had high volume (P£0.05) of semen per ejaculation than BB genotype bulls. BB genotype bulls had high sperm concentration (106/mL) per ejaculate in comparison to AA and CC genotype bulls (P£0.05). AA and BB genotype bulls had a higher per cent of HOST (P£0.05) reacted sperms of fresh semen and per cent acrosomal integrity of frozen semen in comparison to CC genotype bulls. The observed association between SSCP variants in MSY region of ZNF280BY gene with semen quality parameters indicated the possibilities of using ZNF280BY as a candidate gene for identification of markers for semen quality traits in Murrah buffaloes.
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