Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 50 issue 3 (june 2016) : 434-437

Semen quality and fertility of Bama miniature pig (Sus scrofa domestica)

Shibin Zhang, Kuonan Guo, Deying Kong1, Yu Liu, Haitao Shang*, Hong Wei*
1<p>Department of Laboratory Animal Science, College of Basic Medical Science, Third Military Medical University, Shapingba, Chongqing 400038, China.</p>
Cite article:- Zhang Shibin, Guo Kuonan, Kong1 Deying, Liu Yu, Shang* Haitao, Wei* Hong (2015). Semen quality and fertility of Bama miniature pig (Sus scrofa domestica) . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 50(3): 434-437. doi: 10.18805/ijar.7494.

Semen quality and fertility of Bama miniature pig and the effect of season on these parameters were determined in this study. Results were as follows: the overall mean ejaculate volume, 55.71 ± 15.21 ml; sperm concentration, 0.66 ± 0.22 × 108/ml; sperm motility, 65.39% ± 16.45%; abnormal sperm percentage, 12.16% ± 7.70%; farrowing rate, 76.44%; litter size, 7.74 ± 2.46. It showed that the semen quality and fertility of Bama miniature pigs were lower than the normal level of the larger commercial and local breeds. In terms of the effect of season, we noted that the semen quality and fertility of Bama miniature pigs were not worst in summer. This may indicate that Bama miniature pig is a relative heat-tolerant breed in comparison to larger commercial and local breeds. These findings in this study could provide reference material for improve management and husbandry in practice and for using Bama miniature pigs as animal model especially in male fertility studies.

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