Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 52 issue 7 (july 2018) : 1010-1013

Effect of Artemisia Absinthium(Titween) on nutrient intake, digestibility, nutrient balance and blood biochemical of sheep

A.R. Bhat, A. Ishfaq, A.M. Ganai, Y.A. Beigh, G.G. Sheikh, Danish Masood
1Division of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir,  Shuhama-190 006, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Cite article:- Bhat A.R., Ishfaq A., Ganai A.M., Beigh Y.A., Sheikh G.G., Masood Danish (2017). Effect of Artemisia Absinthium(Titween) on nutrient intake, digestibility, nutrient balance and blood biochemical of sheep. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 52(7): 1010-1013. doi: 10.18805/ijar.B-3321.
The study was carried to evaluate the effects of feeding phytogenic feed additive, Artemisia absinthiumon nutrient intake, nutrient digestibility, utilization and performance of sheep. Ten male adult Bakerwal sheep were randomly divided into control group (T0) and treatment group (T1). The complete ration for T1 was fortified with herb Artemisia absinthium@ 4%. Significant (P<0.05) differences were observed in DM intake, OM intake, average daily gainand digestibility coefficients of DM, OM, CP and EE. However, non-significant (P<0.05) differences were recorded in digestibility coefficients of NFE, NDF, ADF and HC. Significant increase in % DCP and % TDN were recorded in T1 group as compared to T0 group. Nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus balance were comparable between two groups and were positive in both groups.  Among haemato-biochemical parameters blood glucose, Hb, PCV and total serum proteins, differed non-significantly (P£0.05) between the groups, both before and after experimental feeding, except the BUN which was found significantly (P£0.05) higher in herb supplemented group.
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