Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 50 issue 1 (february 2016) : 41-47

Voluntary intake and palatability indices of pedi goats fed different levels of Acacia karroo leaf meal by cafeteria method

David Brown*, Jones W. Ng’ambi, David Norris
1<p>Department of Animal Production, School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Limpopo, P/Bag X1106, Sovenga-0727, South Africa.</p>
Cite article:- Brown* David, Ng&rsquo;ambi W. Jones, Norris David (2015). Voluntary intake and palatability indices of pedi goats fed different levels of Acacia karroo leaf meal by cafeteria method . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 50(1): 41-47. doi: 10.18805/ijar.5542.

A study was conducted to determine preference intake and relative palatability indices of tanniniferous Acacia karroo fed to 5 growing male Pedi goats with an average body weight of 19.81 ± 1.83kg. Five feeding troughs were provided to each goat and each animal was exposed to all the experimental diets. A cafeteria feeding approach was used, thus, permitting goats free access to the diet of their choice. Acacia karroo (K) was offered in a mixture with Setaria verticillata (S) hay at five different levels: Diet 1: S80K20, Diet 2: S75K25, Diet 3: S70K30, Diet 4: S60K40 and Diet 5: S50K50. The daily relative palatability indexes (RPI) obtained for each diet were subjected to analysis of variance with feeds as treatments and individual animals as replicates in a completely randomized design. Significant differences (P Diet 4> Diet 3> Diet 2> Diet 1. Diet 5 appeared to be the most preferred by goats with an RPI of 96.91%. Palatability indices were positively and significantly (Pand tannin contents. Results of this study indicated that tannin-rich Acacia karroo leaves when fed in a mixed diet could influence preference and intake by Pedi goats. Palatability studies could be used in designing supplemental feeding programs for ruminant livestock in the tropics.

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