Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 51 issue 1 (february 2017) : 105-110

Formulation of kinnow mandarin (Citrus Nobilis Lour x Citrus Deliciosa Tenora) waste and paddy straw based complete feed blocks and its utilization by goats

Sonu Chaudhary, Ankur Rastogi*, R.K. Sharma, Pratiksha Raghuwanshi1, Nazam Khan2
1<p>Division of Animal Nutrition, FVSc &amp; AH, SKUAST-J, R S Pura, Jammu-181 102, J&amp;K, India</p>
Cite article:- Chaudhary Sonu, Rastogi* Ankur, Sharma R.K., Raghuwanshi1 Pratiksha, Khan2 Nazam (2015). Formulation of kinnow mandarin (Citrus Nobilis Lour x Citrus Deliciosa Tenora) waste and paddy straw based complete feed blocks and its utilization by goats . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 51(1): 105-110. doi: 10.18805/ijar.5669.

Study was conducted to formulate the paddy straw based complete feed blocks containing kinnow-mandarin waste (KMW) in a manual densification machine and to evaluate its effect on the nutrient intake and digestibility of goats. Block was formulated utilizing paddy straw, KMW, wheat flour, molasses, wheat bran, urea, mineral mixture, common salt and water. Bulk density of prepared blocks was 0.21 g/cm3 whereas durability was 17.36%. An in vivo feeding trial was conducted for 30 days duration along with a digestibility trial during last week of feeding trial. Twelve local adult male goats were randomly allotted as per randomized block design to two equal groups designated Control and Treatment. All the animals were kept on complete feed feeding regimen with either conventional concentrate mixture with paddy straw in 40:60 proportion or KMW-Paddy straw based feed block on ad libitum basis. Feed intake and nutrient digestibility was similar (P>0.05) in experimental animals, irrespective of the dietary treatment. The cost of feed for treatment group was about 12 per cent lower over the cost of conventional complete feed. It may be concluded that KMW may be utilized as a part of paddy straw based complete feed without affecting nutrient intake and digestibility. However, the binding and durability of blocks achieved in the present study was not satisfactory and this formulation therefore is not recommended to be densified in a manual block making machine.

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