Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 50 issue 3 (june 2016) : 387-391

Effect of supplementation of concentrate to sweet sorghum bagasse with leaf residue silage on nutrient utilization and nitrogen balance in native sheep

B. Vidya*, Y. Raman Reddy, D. Srinivasa Rao, V. Ravinder Reddy, N. Nalini Kumari, M. Blummel1
1<p>College of Veterinary Science, S. V. Veterinary University,&nbsp;Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, India</p>
Cite article:- Vidya* B., Reddy Raman Y., Rao Srinivasa D., Reddy Ravinder V., Kumari Nalini N., Blummel1 M. (2016). Effect of supplementation of concentrate to sweet sorghum bagasse with leaf residue silage on nutrient utilization and nitrogen balance in native sheep . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 50(3): 387-391. doi: 10.18805/ijar.8598.

The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of supplementation of concentrate at different levels to sweet sorghum bagasse leaf residue (SSBLR) silage on nutrient utilization in growing lambs in a metabolism trial conducted after 120days of feeding.  Sixteen growing Nellore ram lambs (18.3±0.8) were randomly allotted to 4 dietary groups (4 in each group)  and were inducted into metabolic cages five days prior to collection for acclimatization followed by a seven day collection period. The four dietary groups were SSBLR silage fed ad libitum and supplemented with concentrate mixture (CP 17% and ME 2.53 Mcal/kg DM) at 0.0 (R-I), 0.75 (R-II), 1.0 (R-III) and 1.25 (R-IV) per cent of their live Weight. Significantly (P<0.01) higher total DMI (g/kg w0.75) was noticed in concentrate supplemented groups. The organic matter, crude protein and nitrogen free extract digestibility was significantly (P<0.05) higher in lambs fed R-IV ration than those fed R-I ration. No significant difference in the digestibility of dry matter, ether extract and cell wall constituents was observed among the rations. The digestible crude protein (%) (P<0.01) and metabolizable energy (Mcal/kg) values increased (P>0.0) with increase in level of concentrate in the diet. Negative and lower (P<0.01) nitrogen balance (g/d) was noticed in R-I ration. The N balance linearly increased with increase in level of concentrate supplementation. The study indicated feeding of sole SSBLR silage couldn’t meet the nutrient requirements and Supplementation of concentrate mixture (0.75-1.25%) to SSBLR silage improved the nutrient  digestibility and nitrogen balance in growing lambs.

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