Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 49 issue 6 (december 2015) : 798-801

Evaluation of micromineral status and ovarian hormonal profile and their interrelation in normal cyclings and repeat breeding cows 

D.J. Kalita*, K.K. Barua1, R.N. Goswami, D. Saikia2, R. Dutta2
1<p>College of Veterinary Science, &nbsp; Assam Agricultural University,&nbsp;Khanapara, Guwahati-781 022, India.</p>

Blood samples from 12 normal cycling and 12 repeat breeding crossbred cows were collected aseptically on different phages of oestrous cycle to elucidate the possible relationship between the trace elements and hormone profile of ovary in normal cycling and repeat breeding cross bred cows. Different trace elements namely Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn were estimated using Atomic Absorption Spectrophometer (AAS) and serum oestradiol 17-b and progesterone were estimated using coat-A-count ® RIA kit.  Fe, Cu and Mn concentration was observed apparently high and Zn concentration was significantly (P<0.05) high in each phase of collection in normal cycling cows from repeat breeder except mid luteal phase. Oestradiol 17-b concentration was significantly (P<0.01) high in normal cycling cows in oestrous and early luteal phase, while no significant variation was observed for progesterone concentration between the same phase of the two groups. A positive significant (P<0.01) correlation was observed between Fe-Zn and Cu-Zn (P<0.05) and oestradiol 17-b (P<0.05) in normal cycling cows . In repeat breeding cows Fe and oestradiol 17-b and Mn and progresterone was positively significant (P<0.01).

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