Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 49 issue 1 (february 2015) : 95-102

Seasonal distribution of parasites in freshwater exotic carps of West Bengal, India

Gadadhar Dash*, Debolina Majumder, Raghu Ramudu K.
1Department of Aquatic Animal Health, Faculty of Fishery Sciences, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, 5, Budherhat Road, Chakgaria, Kolkata- 700 094, India.
Cite article:- Dash* Gadadhar, Majumder Debolina, K. Ramudu Raghu (2025). Seasonal distribution of parasites in freshwater exotic carps of West Bengal, India. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 49(1): 95-102. doi: 10.5958/0976-0555.2015.00020.5 .
The study has been carried to find out the distribution of different parasites in Exotic carps with respect to different months and seasons. These were isolated and identified from the fishes sampled randomly from five fish markets, which were representing South 24 parganas district, West Bengal.  During the study period ten different types of parasites were observed such as Trichodina sp, Chilodonella sp, Trichinella sp., Acanthocephala sp, Nematodes, Epistylis sp, Zoothamnium sp, Vorticella sp, developmental stages of eggs or parasites and some parasites (unidentified) among which most of the parasites were protozoan. Among all the parasites the most dominant were Trichodina sp, Chilodonella sp and Nematodes. Winter was the most vulnerable period to get parasitic infestation. During this period the water quality get deteriorated and the fishes were in stressed condition which favours the parasites to infest. Some parasites were found more during summer which favours their reproduction due to the availability of their intermediate host. In monsoon the temperature fluctuates which also favours growth of some parasites. During the study period Trichinella sp were found solely in Cyprinus carpio exclusively in winter.The protozoan parasites were most available during winter and these were the dominant parasites in exotic carps. These parasites were found mostly on gills and skin of the fishes where as nematodes were found in the intestine and body cavity of the fishes.
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