Results of all obtained data are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. It was estimated that the sera Ca, T3 (p<0.01), P, albumin, globulin, T. protein, T4 and GSH levels (p<0.05) were statistically different before and after the treatment (Table 1). While the liver tissue MDA and GSH levels and Thyroid tissue MDA levels before and after treatment were statistically different (p<0.05), the difference between thyroid tissue GSH levels before and after treatment was found to be statistically insignificant (Table 2).
In our study, the concentration of Ca ion decreased in WMD lambs, but were increased after the injections of vitamin E + Se. This trend may be due to the intracellular accumulation of Ca and the formation of Zenker necrosis. Similarly, levels of P followed the same pattern, decreasing in lambs with WMD and then reaching normal levels after the treatment.
Conditions that damage tissue integrity such as various infectious diseases, liver disorders, acute inflammatory and proliferative events and trauma can cause changes in plasma protein levels. Changes in blood serum protein fractions of lambs with muscular dystrophy may be due to rapid breakdown of proteins depending on the degree of muscle disorders (
Çamaş et al., 1976).
Or et al., (2003), it was found that total protein and albumin levels increased in lambs with WMD. Our study, indicates a positive increase in almost all the parameters after the treatment.
GSH is an important antioxidant compound that protects cells from oxidative damage. The examination of blood GSH-Px activity is an effective marker for blood Se levels. It has been reported that there was a high correlation between serum Se level and blood GSH-Px activity and that GSH-Px in lambs with WMD showed significantly low activity with low serum Se levels
(Osame et al., 1990). In studies conducted by various researchers, it has been determined that there is a decrease in serum GSH enzyme activity in lambs with white muscle disease
(Bildik et al., 1996; Or et al., 2003). In addition, many studies have shown that glutathione concentrations in the liver and other organs decrease as a result of oxidative stress caused by increased oxygen demand
(Broderius et al., 1973; Rizzo et al., 1994; Nolan et al., 1995; Beytut et al., 2001; Beytut et al., 2002). In our study, tissue levels of GSH in the liver and thyroid were found to have decreased, but statistical significance was only found in the liver GSH content after treatment (p<0.05). This decline was due to the reduction of sulfhydryl and peroxyl groups and the increase in oxygen requirements.
MDA levels in hepatic and thyroid tissues were slightly increased in the diseased group, which returned to normal levels after the treatment with vitamin E + Se drugs. A combination of vitamins E + Se prevents the cell membranes from the lipid peroxidation. Increased amount of MDA is the result of insufficient vitamin E and Se in the body. The deficiency in antioxidant compounds causes WMD in sheep. Oxidative stress promotes the increase of MDA in different tissues in the body as well (
Deðer et al., 2008). In our study, MDA levels were also found to have increased in the lambs with WMD, which returned to normal levels after the administration of vitamin E + Se.
In the study investigating the effect of sodium selenite injection on selenium (Se), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), Malondialdehyde (MDA) and cortisol levels; it was determined that the GSH-Px level differed significantly between the groups, sodium selenite injection significantly increased the Se levels in the plasma of Aardi goats compared to the control group
(Elsheikh et al., 2014).
There is a relationship between Se absorption and the thyroid hormones. Sufficient absorption of alcohol increases the levels of T3 hormone. The development and growth of the body as a whole is also affected by this increase. Deficiency of Se -and/or the WMD itself- causes a decrease in the levels of T3 hormones
(Berry et al., 1991). In a study investigating the macroscopic and microscopic findings of a case of nutritional cardiomyopathy in a female young camel (
C. dromedarius), liver congestion and an enlarged thyroid gland were observed. In addition, papillary extensions in epithelium of thyroid follicles due to epithelial hyperplasia were observed
(Ozdemir et al., 2016).
In the study presented, WMD was found to have caused a decrease in the T3 level (p<0.01), but has increased the level of T4 (p<0.05) in the diseased lambs. After the vitamin E + Se serum treatment, T4 returned to normal levels. Type 1 deiodinase is a Se-containing enzyme. In the selenium deficiency, the iodinase activity gets inhibited. The circulating T4 levels increase and the concentration of T3 decreases. Serum Se deficiency also may cause iodine depletion
(Maia et al., 2011).