X- and Y-bearing sperm proportions in the sexing and nonsexing frozen semen samples
Percoll gradient density centrifugation performs semen sexing according to the differences between X- sperm and Y-bearing sperm heads. According to
Hafez and Hafez (2008) and
Manzoor et al., (2017), X-bearing sperm presents larger heads. Using this information,
Susilawati (2014) previously performed X- and Y-bearing sperm identification based on the size of the head and the length of the head sperm. Table 1 presents the proportions of X- and Y-bearing sperm in the non-sexed and sexed semen in the present study.
Table 1 shows that, in the non-sexed semen sample, X-bearing sperm composed 47.23% and Y-sperm composed 52.77% of all sperm. The results of chi-squared testing indicated that these percentages were not significantly different from one another (p>0.05). Meanwhile, for the sexed semen, the proportion of X-bearing sperm was 19.21% and that of Y-bearing sperm was 80.79%. Here, the results of chi-squared testing showed that there was a significant difference (p<0.05). Based on these percentages, it can be confirmed that this method was appropriate. After the sexing process using Percoll gradient density centrifugation, the percentage of Y-bearing sperm increased.
Pindaru et al., (2016) highlighted Percoll gradient density centrifugation as a suitable method for semen sexing. Meanwhile, according to
Susilawati et al., (2014), the proportion of Y-bearing sperm in semen sexed using Percoll gradient density centrifugation was 81.3% in the upper layer and centrifugation with a speed of 2,250 rpm for five minutes yields a better outcome as compared with centrifugation for seven minutes.
Conception rate following AI using sexed and non-sexed semen
In this research, 64 cows inseminated with non-sexed semen, with a pregnancy success at first AI of 28 cows [conception rate (CR) = 40.62%], while 65 cows inseminated with single-dose sexed semen AI with a pregnancy success at first AI of 35 cows (CR = 61.54%) and 21 cows inseminated with double-dose sexed semen AI with a pregnancy success at first AI of 18 cows (CR = 56.25%). The results of this research indicate that our AI success rate with sexed semen was better than rates reported in previous research. According to
Cooke et al., (2014), the success of pregnancy decreases when using sexed semen, while the research by
Susilawati et al., (2015) reported a rate of about 44% success when performing AI with double-dose sexed semen obtained via the Percoll gradient density centrifugation method.
Campanille et al., (2011) research also revealed that deposition of sexed semen into Mediteranian Italian buffalo heifers increased pregnancy rates when compared to those of non-sexed semen (38.8%, 37.7%, respectively). The low CR in cows inseminated by using non-sexed semen might be because there was injection of BIO ATP® neither additional high-protein feed given after AI. The provision of BIO ATP® and additional feed with a high protein content can prevent the early death of embryos, as most pregnancy failures are caused by such.
Demiral et al. (2007) reported as well that insufficient progesterone hormone levels are another cause of pregnancy failure. Low CR can also be caused by low semen quality, which may result from Percoll gradient density centrifugation and freezing, causing sperm membrane damage.
The percentages of calf sex (male or female) born following AI can be seen in Table 2. Table 2 shows that AI with non-sexed semen led to just over half of the non-sexed semen calves being male (54.17%), while AI using single-dose sexed semen yielded a male calf of 42.11%, for a non-significant difference (p>0.05). However, according to Table 1, AI involving double-dose semen sexing led to a male calf of 78.95%. which has given the proportion of Y-bearing sperm found in the semen sample. Thus, the percentage of male calves born after a double dose of sexed semen led to a significant of more male calves.
The differences in male calf birth rates were caused by some factors, including the variable percentages of Y-bearing sperm in the semen samples. According to
Xu et al., (2000), differences in male calf birth rates are influenced by the Y-bearing sperm proportion, including during freezing, fertilization and while in the straw. Based on
Hafez and Hafez (2008), Y-bearing sperm boast faster motility than X-bearing sperm, while X-bearing sperm is slower but more likely to survive. Therefore, a larger number of Y-bearing sperm promotes an increased opportunity for male calves.
Demiral et al., (2007) suggested that a difference between the estrous and AI time of more than six hours can lead to a higher pregnancy success rate, but does not influence the sex of the calf.
In this research, AI using double-dose sexed semen resulted in male calf about 78.95% of the time. This result was better than that achieved by
Susilawati (2014), who reported a male calf percentage of about 75%, representing an outcome that was lower than the Y-bearing sperm proportion of about 87% in the initial semen sample. This discrepancy occurs because the number of doses used in AI can affect the number of Y-bearing sperm available while trying to fertilize the ovum. Although sexing was completed by increasing the percentage of Y-bearing sperm, the quality of the semen was decreased due to the sexing treatment carried out. According to
Hayakawa et al., (2012), semen sexing performed using the flow cytometry method can result in physical/physiological damage to the sperm that has an impact on fertility.
The evaluation of the quality of sperm before AI showed that the percentages of sperm in the non-sexed and sexed semen were 36% and 31.4%, with concentrations of 31.67 and 16.12 million sperm per straw. According to
Mohanty et al., (2018), the most important semen quality parameter is progressive concentration and motility (moving forward), because only progressive spermatozoa are capable of fertilizing an egg. The National Standardization Agency added that the quality of semen is very important for the success of AI. Suitable frozen semen for insemination must have a concentration of 25 million sperm/straw, with a spermatozoa motility rate of 40%. This is not consistent with the results of post thawing motility that we observed for the non-sexed and sexed frozen semen.
Low sperm motility and concentration in the straw causes the sperm to not be able to fertilize the egg. As X-bearing sperm may survive, they may thus have a greater ability to perform fertilization. According to
Rahman and Pang (2020), Y-bearing sperms live faster presumably due to increasing expression of certain proteins causing apoptotic sperm that leading to Y-to-X ratio shift under stressful condition. By increasing the number of doses or adding to the volume and concentration of Y-bearing sperm in AI, the opportunity for Y-bearing sperm to inseminate the ovum would be bigger. Thus, using a double dose of sexed semen would be more likely to produce a male calf, as was seen in this study. In addition, adding doses to AI will also increase the CR and pregnancy rate.